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What's Your Motivation? ('cause I've lost mine)

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For all of 2010 I was on fire. I really ran for the first time. I did bought my first Vibrams, ran 5k and 10k races, hiked 100k nonstop, lost 10kg.

In 2011 I nailed 5k, 10k, 14k and even a half-marathon. I ran my first completely barefoot 10k race. I completed a mud run.

2012 is here and I'm struggling. I hurt my back at the end of December and it's been a long, slow climb back up to good health. Compunding this has been a decimated sleep schedule (thanks kids) and an international move. It's approaching April and I feel like I can count the number of runs I've done this year on my fingers.

So here I am, back in decent health, finally sleeping, and getting things back on track. I'm looking around for health goal to aim for, but I can't seem to come up with anything!

To make it easier to find something to reach for, I thought I might put it out to you all...what's your motivation? What gets you out of bed? And have you got any ideas what a barefoot running Aussie in Canada should do this year?



Scout Commander (ret.)

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I find I need to switch it up every two years or so. For any hobby, interest, or whatever, I last about two years and then I'm ready to move on. It sounds like you've done a lot of running; maybe it's time to try something different?

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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i'm older and 10 years from now i won't be able to do what i am able to do now... i'm exploring and expanding my limits...

if not now, when...?

i'm trying to live a life with no regrets... what that is for you... i have no idea...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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Guest Tigger

I'm having the same issue of finding motivation, but mine is school-based. Don't know if I want to double major like I always wanted, major and minor, or just do one major and graduate early, etc...

What gets me out of bed every morning changes everyday, sometime multiple times a day. I give myself little rewards to work towards each morning when I wake up. I know I'll get things done because the rewards I give myself are things that I really want. Today, my goal was to stay off the internet during class, and as a reward I got to sleep for 30min when I got back to my dorm (it's an 8am class and I'm not a morning person).

Sometimes I think it helps to set tiny--not even small, but tiny--goals for myself, just to get me through the day with my sanity. After I few days of this, I automatically start planning bigger goals for myself with bigger rewards. This may not work for you and your running, but it doesn't hurt to try :)

I'm sure you get back to being an epic beast one way or another!

You're a Rebel after all :D

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A year ago I pulled my hip flexor pretty badly, and I spent several months walking (painfully), but not able to run. Now that I'm healthy and actually capable of running, I don't want to anymore.

I've chosen heavy lifting and boxing training instead: jump rope, heavy bag and speed bag work, and I'm loving it! Maybe it's time for a new passion.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I never met any of my grand parents because 3 had health issues and one was killed by a drunk driver. My dad has had some health scares in the last few years. I decided that I don't want my health to be a concern for my (hypothetical) kids or grand kids. I know that once my wife and I do have kids, I'm not going to have the free time to work out like I do now, so I'm getting it done now.

Also, I really want to be able to play sports without being winded after 2 minutes.

Marsupial Assassin - LVL 3

STR 10 || DEX 3 || STA 5 || CON 8 || WIS 11 || CHA 7

Fitocracy || MyFitnessPal



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Snowboarding, mountain climbing, snow shoes (talk about a workout) hiking, any kind of activity that sounds interesting. Geocaching is always fun too :D

Go Big or Go Home! Sent from my Atrix using Tapatalk.

This is what I'm thinking. Got a mountain near by? Like a big mofo? I know Whistler's not far, but their could be a better, less crowded option. Aim to hike that beast when it's covered in snow! The snow should all be coming off now, which is great because you can do staged increments in the dry, so come November/December you'll be good to go!

Also, seriously, ski or snowboard :D

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Wow that was a quick response :) thanks all for sharing.

There are a couple local mountains around with good boarding still. Bit tricky with the young kids atm though.

I'm thinking I'd like to enter a race or something, though I've got one in April that I've barely trained for oh and the rebel running fest of course :)

I had hoped to conquer the Marathon this year but I just can't get myself excited enough about it for the sacrifices that it will entail.

God I'm starting to sound like Marvin the robot. Life...don't talk to me about life...lol


Scout Commander (ret.)

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What's my motivation? I'm in a circus showcase next month and I'm spending a good deal of that act lifting a friend who's about the same size I am. Somehow, it's super motivating to think "I can't drop her, I can't drop her, I can't drop her!" So... ummm... plan to run a 10K with one of your kids on your back? Maybe the one that's doing the worst job of keeping you up all night? ;-)

No really, in all honesty, coming back from an injury or illness sucks. It just gets you down, especially if you got weaker during the layoff. The best thing to do is force yourself to get out there and train until you start to get the wind back in your sails. You will love it again, you just need to be patient with your own psyche and persistent in hitting the road.


NF: Treedwelling assasin. Druidish leanings. Gnome.  

IRL: Amateur circus geek.  Mad cook. Mom. Mad Max junkie. 

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I had back surgery in my very early 30's to remove part of a disc that was impinging on my sciatic nerve. I feel ya about getting back in the swing after an injury. Not only is it hard just doing the activity, but you've found other ways to fill the time you used to spend working out, and those habits are hard to break, too.

What gets me motivated now, ten years later? Going to the dojo and knowing that I'm always learning something new. Tonight it was silat-style leg takedowns. Thursday night it might be kempo forms. Saturday might be escrima. It's never boring.

If you don't want to run, find a new passion. I don't know how old your kids are, but there are activities that you might be able to share with them. A former coworker has already started his kids kayaking, or you could swim, and I know that there are ski classes for kids as young as four. Heck, many dojos start kids at 4, as well.

Good luck!

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My motivation is wanting to be a strong, fit superheroine who can take on anything and win. I occasionally remind myself of this by watching movies with superheroes. Or with strong, smart female main characters. Mulan is good. Run Lola Run is also awesome. have I mentioned I can't wait for Brave to come out?...

I've also started putting inspiring pictures up on this pinterest board. It's definitely been helping.

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

Blog | Pinterest | Fitocracy

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My motivation is that I can't afford to buy all new clothes. I have to fit into the shorts I wore a couple of years ago and I want to be able to shop at the thrift shop and sale racks where the sizes are usually too small for me. I want to swim this summer without feeling awkward.

My bike always gets me going. I just love to wander and my bicycle lets me go farther than my legs so I end up with a great workout because of my curiosity. However, other workouts I have to rotate or I get bored.

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What motivates me is knowing that when I am working out there isn't anything anyone can say to me to take that feeling that I am actually doing something away from me. Also people who try to make excuses for why they can't work out or eat right.

Well I guess it's only life, it's only natural We all spend a little while going down the rabbit hole

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Canada in general, and I think Vancouver in particular has a really good Master's track and cross-country community. In an environment like that, there are lots of people to compare against, and goals to set (possibly even records to break).

The next Master's world championships are in Brazil next year. I'm thinking of going myself.

Maybe it would be fun to train for shorter distances for a while. Half-mile, mile... steeplechase????

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Thanks again everyone :) I woke up this morning feeling a lot more positive. I'm beginning to think it's the weather that's doing it to me. Coming from a place that's sunny nearly every day to one that's rainy nearly every day is a bit of an adjustment (not to metion the 20-30 degree drop in temperature!).

I think I'm just going to have to put on my big girl pants and get out there :D

Still need to come up with a decent goal though...I'm thinking maybe the Grouse Grind


Scout Commander (ret.)

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I have tons of motivation this year: two kids I want to keep up with, a high school reunion, being single for the first time in a decade, etc. But I get stuck sometimes, too.

Best advice I've ever received: "Even if you think you have nothing to look forward to or prepare for, prepare yourself anyway. That way, when the next big opportunity comes along, whatever it might be, you'll be ready for it!"

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]Level 3: Outcast, Tweets, Pinterest, "Nerd? We prefer the term Intellectual Badass"

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Did you move to London? I went there about 10 years ago. The first day was a bit chilly, but the rest of the time it was 70 and sunny. They had a message playing over the speakers in the Underground saying something about heat exhaustion and if you feel like you are going to pass out, get someone's attention and sit down.

Marsupial Assassin - LVL 3

STR 10 || DEX 3 || STA 5 || CON 8 || WIS 11 || CHA 7

Fitocracy || MyFitnessPal



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Thanks again everyone :) I woke up this morning feeling a lot more positive. I'm beginning to think it's the weather that's doing it to me. Coming from a place that's sunny nearly every day to one that's rainy nearly every day is a bit of an adjustment (not to metion the 20-30 degree drop in temperature!).

You're not really trying to get sympathy for living in Vancouver, are you? The place that's universally recognized as one of the most (if not *the* most) beautiful, most diverse and best places to live on the planet???

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Guest Snake McClain

i don't know how your back is feeling but right now my motivation would just be to heal up and strengthen my back. I don't know the particulars of your injury but i've had two. one major one that had me bed ridden for months (about 6 years ago) and another that just hurt for a few weeks. so...man i'd focus on that. let your health and mobility be your motivation. however if you're feeling solid. I can't speak for you. But my motivation...

I've never been good at much. So my motivation is seeing people (of course i'm talkinga bout wrestling, writing, being a good man) who are better than me and i think how can i get that?! i want THAT! And my motivation is to be so good at that thing that others are inspired and want to improve themselves. Not to be looked up to but to be confident in myself and to be an example so others will want to improve and be confident in themselves. This was probably a crap answer but it's all I've got. I'm tired of being weak and pathetic so i'm working at not being that. The success is my motivation I guess.

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Did you move to London? I went there about 10 years ago. The first day was a bit chilly, but the rest of the time it was 70 and sunny. They had a message playing over the speakers in the Underground saying something about heat exhaustion and if you feel like you are going to pass out, get someone's attention and sit down.

Wow! Here we don't worry about heat exhaustion unless it's at least 95!

However, we are wimps about snow/ice and will close schools for 1/2".

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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