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Should We As Good Nerd Citizens Help Support the Community that Supports Us?

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Personally I get a lot from participating in this community. I also don't know a lot about how internet communities like this make money. Frankly I don't care to know that much about it. From what I've seen though, there are no ads sold to support this site, and what revenue this site generates appears to come from hawking some clothing and fitness guides. I usually buy my stuff when it's discounted or free on the interwebs so in this respect I've contributed zilch. There are probably expenses in keeping this going though, and I get annoyed when the site goes down, but can't get too annoyed when I haven't really contributed to the site's upkeep.

Granted, a large part of what makes this site valuable is the content that we all contribute, but I think Steve and Staci who make this all possible probably deserve some tangible return for all the effort they put into this, providing a platform for us to level up and thrive in.

Since I don't know much about how this type of business works, I was wondering whether we could throw out some suggestions as to how we can contribute toward making this a better place for all of us.

I could start...

1. A voluntary contribution link option that takes paypal/credit card payments.- I always like this when I visit museums and such. I think that this place should not be a paid membership site because if you are a student, in between jobs, or otherwise unable to kick in, including just because you don't feel like it, you shouldn't have to place additional strain on your finances in order to participate in the community. I like the idea of kicking in a little to support things that I believe in when I can.

2. Having ads embedded in the site.- Ads annoy me, but I still use myfitnesspal in spite of the ads because I get something useful out of it. I think that in order to keep the membership happy, the owners of this site have made a decision to keep ads out of the site. We could discuss among ourselves, and if most people wouldn't mind having ads at the margin, we could, as a group ask Steve and Staci to sell ads to enhance their revenues. That in turn could mean more resources for them to make this site better in whichever way they deem appropriate. I know I don't like to work for nothing but satisfaction, and if people grow tired of this, it is no one else but us that suffers as a result.

That's all I've got so far, and if any of you electronic marketing guru's can think of other, better ways to support the site, it would be great to hear those ideas.

If anyone thinks that this discussion is inappropriate, please voice your thoughts.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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I plan on supporting by getting an NF performance shirt when they come out. Steve has also mentioned a "Level Up Club" which I think would be a monthly subscription.

It's a cool thought that you're looking to get Steve more money, but it seems like he has it covered. You could always buy me stuff from the NF store!

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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1. A voluntary contribution link option that takes paypal/credit card payments.- I always like this when I visit museums and such. I think that this place should not be a paid membership site because if you are a student, in between jobs, or otherwise unable to kick in, including just because you don't feel like it, you shouldn't have to place additional strain on your finances in order to participate in the community. I like the idea of kicking in a little to support things that I believe in when I can.

Would love this.

2. Having ads embedded in the site.- Ads annoy me, but I still use myfitnesspal in spite of the ads because I get something useful out of it. I think that in order to keep the membership happy, the owners of this site have made a decision to keep ads out of the site. We could discuss among ourselves, and if most people wouldn't mind having ads at the margin, we could, as a group ask Steve and Staci to sell ads to enhance their revenues. That in turn could mean more resources for them to make this site better in whichever way they deem appropriate. I know I don't like to work for nothing but satisfaction, and if people grow tired of this, it is no one else but us that suffers as a result.

Not so much this.

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Guest Snake McClain

i bought the RSG and a Shirt. I still don't feel like it's enough. If i had a way to donate $ at random intervals I would. However I also think if they were hurting for money they would be doing something about it. Keep in mind Steve is no fool. The man is getting paid and if the rumor I heard is true...he get's paid damn well. But again getting paid "damn well" is a subjective term but from the number that was told to me...again if it is true...no one could have a hard time living off of. However still I would support as needed. I would hope for no ads. or if there are ads keep them very limited because i hate that stuff. it makes it look cluttered and cheap.

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I'll probably purchase the luscious lady's guide to lifting (or whatever they're going to call it) and possibly a shirt. And I want a hoodie... but it's warm now so I don't need a hoodie.. but you can still buy me one of each, ETF :)

I would also support a link.

I hate ads.

OT ad note: livestrong posted an add for foot fungus medicine or something on my "plate" page. Talk about unappetizing. I've never had any issues in that dept so I don't know where that came from. ew.

Okay.. yeah.. so.. anyway

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
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I'd be all about some sort of premium membership that had a monthly or annual charge. While I don't know about ads I wouldn't be opposed to having other like-minded sites as sponsors (or something like The Primer Dispatch which NF has a feed on).

I'm sure Steve's income from the site is fine....I think he used to allude to it on his Epic Quest page, but I don't see it there now. Either way, I'm sure that a good portion of any other proceeds would go to bettering the site, which is a great thing!


Starting Primal and free weights


Starting LeanGains. Still lifting all the things.


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A site I belonged to for years had a "community chest" paypal account, where any of us could donate at whim. It was used for a server upgrade initially, and was dipped into for that type of thing off and on, but also was used for the community-- when one of our kids was diagnosed with cancer, for example, or when one family had to suddenly relocate due to tragedy. It was the first site that made me aware of how real internet friendships are; some of those people have been more solid in my life than people I see every day.

Anyway, not saying that's what we need here, but your query reminded me of that little corner of the webiverse :)

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I think a little donation box is a good idea. I would give a couple dollars here and there and hey, might as well help a guy out and help him become all he can be! Since he's sucha guru I'm sure he'll figure out something great to do with all the income he'd get thru a donation box.

Anything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)
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ETF we might actually be long lost twins. (That's scary just to type it!) But literally the night before you posted this I was wondering "How does that site make enough money with no ads etc. I know most forums make money that way. Is Steve really selling THAT many t-shirts and fitness guides?"

And then you post this. Hmmm?

Guess it's time to buy a cool NF tank top or t-shirt.

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Well, looks like I'm just a Human

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ETF we might actually be long lost twins. (That's scary just to type it!) But literally the night before you posted this I was wondering "How does that site make enough money with no ads etc. I know most forums make money that way. Is Steve really selling THAT many t-shirts and fitness guides?"

And then you post this. Hmmm?

Guess it's time to buy a cool NF tank top or t-shirt.

He does speaking engagements as well. He spoke for Google not long ago.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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ETF we might actually be long lost twins. (That's scary just to type it!) But literally the night before you posted this I was wondering "How does that site make enough money with no ads etc. I know most forums make money that way. Is Steve really selling THAT many t-shirts and fitness guides?"

And then you post this. Hmmm?

Guess it's time to buy a cool NF tank top or t-shirt.

He does speaking engagements as well. He spoke for Google not long ago.

He had a talk at Facebook, too. And remember he makes enough money to hire someone full-time. It's great to see the concern for Steve and, by extension, Staci. Remember Bee, you can buy me as much NF paraphernalia as you want to support him.

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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I'd be up for a donation button. Ads are annoying but I take them as a necessary evil on other sites I use (like MFP and Mark's Daily Apple). If Steve and Staci can generate enough revenue to keep the site ad-free, that would be my preference.

As for buying the NF products, the Rebel Running Guide is first up on my list (just need to purchase from home since it's an e-book). I would love to buy a T-shirt, but I don't fit in the normal girl sizes, so I usually have to buy a men's large to fit me. If Steve and Staci would consider printing their logos on some of the "classic cut" blanks (like Thinkgeek uses for some of their shirts, e.g. the "Huge Tracts of Land" and "Self-Rescuing Princess" shirts), that would be great for us ladies who are trying to get fit but want to look feminine too.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

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