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Bodyrock + boobs

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Okay, so I know this is none of my business....but I follow the bodyrock site because I basically have a huge girl crush on Zuzka. Some of you may know that she's off doing her own thing now, but someone else took her place hosting the workouts, which is cool. Lisa-Marie is totally fit and awesome and kicks my ass in the workouts.


She recently got a boob job. A boob job that IMO was completely unnecessary. And for a site that supposedly helps women (and men) get fit and feel confident in their bodies, this is so...contradictory. It really bothers me. I mean I know it's her body and all, and she is free to do what she wants with it, but instead of kind of quietly getting it done, she posted pics after the surgery and etc etc etc...I don't know. It just bothers me. The whole boob culture bothers me. It bothers me so much that I'm considering not following them anymore. (Not that I have been doing the workouts lately, but I've really enjoyed the kick-ass mentality.) And I know some people will say, what's the big deal, if it bothers you then just don't follow them anymore...but...I don't know.

Does anyone else have thoughts about this? I know Zuz had a boob job also but my impression was that she got it during her, um, previous career.


Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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Well... if it's a site for helping people feel confident in their bodies, did you ever think that the lady with the boob-job wasn't feeling so good about hers in her super-fit and smaller boob state? I don't follow it at all and don't know what she was like before, so I don't know if that's near the mark at all. Also, boobs are pretty noticeable, so if she was going to get a boob-job anyways, would you rather full disclosure or her pretending like nothing happened like she's embarrassed to admit she got work done? At least she's owning it? I'm just trying to see the other side of it... I don't really see why people need to get augmentation either.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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That pic I posted was here before. It's not like she had bee stings....

You do have a point for sure. I don't know, I guess, I've never had a problem with mine? So obviously that means that no one else should be insecure about their boobs either :P

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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I have a close friend who got hers done because she had one that was smaller than the other, in a noticeable way, especially to her. Most people couldn't tell because bras and clothes can hide a lot of that, but it made her very self-conscious, even with her SO. Her augmentation/evening out gave her a great deal of self confidence, and I'm happy that she's happy with her body.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I have a close friend who got hers done because she had one that was smaller than the other, in a noticeable way, especially to her. Most people couldn't tell because bras and clothes can hide a lot of that, but it made her very self-conscious, even with her SO. Her augmentation/evening out gave her a great deal of self confidence, and I'm happy that she's happy with her body.

I've heard about that and would argue that some situations are "different" - it may just be splitting hairs here because it all comes down to having confidence and looking "normal" I guess, but I would just tend to understand someone in her situation better than someone else that just decided she was too small.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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I'm not sure what to think about this. I'm not 100% against boob jobs, but it does make it hard for me to take someone seriously who gets one. Certainly, if the public face of a fitness site is someone that had a boob job, then I'm not likely to put much stock in the information they're putting out, since I'm going to think that it's coming from a poor place.

My counter argument is: to each their own. There's a large portion of the population, maybe even the majority that sees someone like her as the ideal. Definitely not me, but who am I to tell them they shouldn't think that way?

Mom is right, though. There are perfectly valid reasons to get many kinds of plastic surgery done, and I have no problem with those.

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I've always been happy to be on the small side myself...I have way to many friends and family member that complain about their neck/shoulders/back to ever want big boobs.

Plus my hubby is a leg & butt man...so that makes my life easier, and encourages deadlifts and squats. Oh, yeah!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I'm not sure what to think about this. I'm not 100% against boob jobs, but it does make it hard for me to take someone seriously who gets one. Certainly, if the public face of a fitness site is someone that had a boob job, then I'm not likely to put much stock in the information they're putting out, since I'm going to think that it's coming from a poor place.

My counter argument is: to each their own. There's a large portion of the population, maybe even the majority that sees someone like her as the ideal. Definitely not me, but who am I to tell them they shouldn't think that way?

Mom is right, though. There are perfectly valid reasons to get many kinds of plastic surgery done, and I have no problem with those.

And that is basically the exact internal debate that I'm having :P

I don't know why it matters so much/bothers me, since I'm not like some kind of crazy fangirl or anything, but it just struck me as...well...bothersome.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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And that is basically the exact internal debate that I'm having :P

I don't know why it matters so much/bothers me, since I'm not like some kind of crazy fangirl or anything, but it just struck me as...well...bothersome.

It's the principle of the thing that bothers you, I get that. But these people are humans too. They have flaws, insecurities, some of them are vain (not saying that's the case, just saying there are vain people out there), some have issues about looking like their own version of "ideal", whatever that may be.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I've always been happy to be on the small side myself...I have way to many friends and family member that complain about their neck/shoulders/back to ever want big boobs.

I have big boobs, but don't have problems with my neck/shoulders/back. I've actually surprised people in the past that I manage to have such good posture with my big breasts. Posture is key, tell them to straighten up!

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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I have big boobs, but don't have problems with my neck/shoulders/back. I've actually surprised people in the past that I manage to have such good posture with my big breasts. Posture is key, tell them to straighten up!

I'll be sure and do that....from a safe distance so they can't smack me upside the head for correcting their posture, lol! :smug:

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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The whole concept of 'the ideal' is also a big problem here... as though there's only one acceptable way for a person, male or female, to look. Boobs jobs, like any other cosmetic surgery, are just more paths for more women (and men) to avail themselves of, to achieve more ways to look.

The principal at my kids' school (I always mess up where to put that apostrophe) is also a personal trainer and fitness specialist at the local gym, and has very noticeable implants, along with artificial tanning and hair extensions. No doubt that I was a little o.O when I met her, but she has proven herself to be extremely competent at everything she does, so what does it matter how she looks? She is never anything other than professional and businesslike with school functions and events, and in her spare time she goes to the bar with her boyfriend and, from what I hear, is not shy about the way she dances. Good for her! If I'm approaching 40 and have a seventy-hour-a-week job, I want to be able to look like how I want to look and act how I want to act when I have my own time.

I do think there's a lot of problems with pressure, girls being pressured by terrible movies and crappy magazines and downright idiotic pop stars, to look and dress and act a certain way, and guys being pressured to only PURSUE the girls who look and dress and act like that, and idealize and idolize those impossible few that 99.9% of the women simply will never be able to imitate, but that's more of an issue of lack of education, lack of support and lack of common sense.


That said, I'm a guy, so feel free to ignore my opinions on this matter.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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MirGSS, I think I agree with you. It's not really the augmentation that bothers me as much as the fact that it seems to show a shift in values. Zuzka's pep talks and recipes and coffee talks helped me a lot because they indicated that health was more than just exercising, and it is a struggle even for someone at Zuzana's level of fitness.

Lisa-Marie's actions in this case make me feel like it's more about looks than living fully and working hard. It feels bad.

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Ok this week I must be wearing my devil's advocate hat because I seem to be posting a lot on these types of subjects.

But can I ask how differently you see it when someone that isn't satisfied with their boob size gets augmentatioin compared to someone that isn't happy with the color or type of hair that nature gave them. Brunettes go blonde, blondes go to strawberry, people add every color of the rainbow and then perm it, straighten it, and do all kinds of things that say "what I was naturally wasn't what I wanted." Me personally, if getting really healthy and fit meant that I became very flat chested (not that I'm big by any means now) I probably wouldn't ever consider a boob job because I've seen them go terribly wrong for no apparent reason. But I won't hide the fact that when I was uneducated about fitness and was in very vain social circles a few years ago I had acheived the best shape I'd ever been in and still had what I considered to be saddle bags and had lipo done on my outer thighs. Recovery sucked and the results aren't what I had expected and in hindsight I would never ever do it again. Especially now that I know so much more about what I can acheive with fitness and diet.

This all being said, I don't follow the sight mentioned and I am only going with the subject of the thread not this particular persons decision to get her boob job. Ok I'm gonna shut up now. :hopelessness:

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

MyFitnessPal Diary

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I have big boobs, but don't have problems with my neck/shoulders/back. I've actually surprised people in the past that I manage to have such good posture with my big breasts. Posture is key, tell them to straighten up!

Uh... no?

Posture is essential, yes. But decent bras make all the difference. Even if your posture is good in the beginning, the lack of a decent bra will change that over time. I live in a country where all bras are B cups and that's it. If you don't fit, your problem. My mother has always had good posture, but after three kids, her breasts increased considerably and her good posture went bye-bye. When she puts on a better bra, there is a visible difference on her posture. Same with me.

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Uh... no?

Posture is essential, yes. But decent bras make all the difference. Even if your posture is good in the beginning, the lack of a decent bra will change that over time. I live in a country where all bras are B cups and that's it. If you don't fit, your problem. My mother has always had good posture, but after three kids, her breasts increased considerably and her good posture went bye-bye. When she puts on a better bra, there is a visible difference on her posture. Same with me.

Well I'm sure as I get older it'll get worse for me too... I know plenty of people my age with large breasts and access to good bras around here that have horrid posture and back problems. I also didn't have a bra that fit me properly until I was 20+ years of age... my mom refused to believe I could be bigger than a C when she measured me... turns out I was a DD... weird. I'm sure bras are important for having good posture, but I think it helps if you have good posture to begin with, bra or not.

Lulu : one that is remarkable or wonderful (it's in the dictionary, it must be true)

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But can I ask how differently you see it when someone that isn't satisfied with their boob size gets augmentation compared to someone that isn't happy with the color or type of hair that nature gave them. Brunettes go blonde, blondes go to strawberry, people add every color of the rainbow and then perm it, straighten it, and do all kinds of things that say "what I was naturally wasn't what I wanted."

It's a good question, and I'm going to follow your example of playing devil's advocate...

The hair on your head is dead, the change is temporary, and dying it is not likely to have an impact on your health. Breast implants mess with live tissue and are more likely to have an impact on one's health. When a fitness personality gets this kind of surgery and it does seem like she might value appearance more than actual health.

If that aligns with your values, that's probably a good fitness personality to follow. I think a lot of people are upset because bodyrock's values have changed and they new message isn't the one they want to hear, or they don't agree with it, etc. I'm one of those people.

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Well I'm sure as I get older it'll get worse for me too... I know plenty of people my age with large breasts and access to good bras around here that have horrid posture and back problems. I also didn't have a bra that fit me properly until I was 20+ years of age... my mom refused to believe I could be bigger than a C when she measured me... turns out I was a DD... weird. I'm sure bras are important for having good posture, but I think it helps if you have good posture to begin with, bra or not.

Oh, it certainly does. My posture was going straight to hell when I started Pilates, it's made a huge difference, not only with back pain, but also with my general appearance - it's amazing how fatter I look like when I'm not paying attention to my posture! It's just that even when you do have good posture, not having a decent bra can compromise it, especially as you grow older. Take me, for example - most bras I have are B cups. The best fitting bras I have are 38Ds (and one pretty big 36B). Now, I have just calculated my correct size with an online calculator. The answer? 34FF in the UK, 34H in the US. See what I mean? With my mother, things are even worse.

Those U.S. and UK companies that make big bras should come to Brazil, they'd make a fortune.

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It's a good question, and I'm going to follow your example of playing devil's advocate...

The hair on your head is dead, the change is temporary, and dying it is not likely to have an impact on your health. Breast implants mess with live tissue and are more likely to have an impact on one's health. When a fitness personality gets this kind of surgery and it does seem like she might value appearance more than actual health.

If that aligns with your values, that's probably a good fitness personality to follow. I think a lot of people are upset because bodyrock's values have changed and they new message isn't the one they want to hear, or they don't agree with it, etc. I'm one of those people.

This is how I feel too...you definitely said it more eloquently than I. At first it was cool; I like that they're doing the whole diet thing, and Lisa had her "word of the day" which was motivational...but now I feel like a lot of the photos are very sexualized (more than they were just before Zuz left anyway) and the whole boob job thing...it's a total shift and definitely not one I'm comfortable with. But I hate to "give up" or whatever on the movement because I think it is an important one.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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It's a good question, and I'm going to follow your example of playing devil's advocate...

The hair on your head is dead, the change is temporary, and dying it is not likely to have an impact on your health. Breast implants mess with live tissue and are more likely to have an impact on one's health. When a fitness personality gets this kind of surgery and it does seem like she might value appearance more than actual health.

If that aligns with your values, that's probably a good fitness personality to follow. I think a lot of people are upset because bodyrock's values have changed and they new message isn't the one they want to hear, or they don't agree with it, etc. I'm one of those people.

Good point. So how about boob jobs vs tattoos. Permanant and possible health risks with them.

It's sounds to me (like I said I don't follow the site) but it seems that Zuz already had a boob job before the site and it was ok but the new lady it seems different. Am I right there? So it seems to me that the WAY this new lady is presenting herself gives the boob job a different feeling (no pun intended) and she is appearing more sexual instead of fitness. Idk. Before I say more I should probably see the site and look around. But MirGss if her new way doesn't seem to align with what you are comfortable with then it might be time to look to other influences. We all have to find the way that works best of us, whatever that is.

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

MyFitnessPal Diary

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The thing about Zuzana is that she used to be an "erotic model." Yes, she made porn. She made some poor choices when she was younger and as far as I can tell was the quintessential poor Eastern European girl. Thing is (and she's said this in an interview), she felt awful about herself, and it was not something that was fun for her. I imagine that was the time during which she got the boob job. She got out of it and changed her whole lifestyle to fitness and empowering people to feel good about themselves through simple workouts they could do at home. So...Iunno. It feels different.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

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I have a lot of friends with boob jobs and other misc work done and I can say that there is a definite difference IMO in the ones that do it because they feel secure in themselves and just want to enhance a part of themselves and the ones that do it because they feel that without it they will never be good enough. I admit that when I had my lipo done I was the latter. I was in circles where pretty much everyone had something done and most were married to doctors, lawyers and such and I was single and felt pressure to be better than I felt I could naturally acheive. Thank God those days are over! My guess would be that with Zuzana's past she has come to terms with a lot of things and doesn't present her boobs as what makes her attactive and I applaude her for that. I have seen a few things of her and she comes across very confident. I have not seen anything yet with the new lady but I'll go poke around now. I keep speaking without doing enough research. :hopelessness:

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

MyFitnessPal Diary

Well, looks like I'm just a Human

STR 1; DEX 2; STA 1; CON 2; WIS 4; CHA 5

Bumblebee's Quest to Play!

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