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Sometimes It's Great to be a Woman

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Ungh. Ignore function apparently does not apply to quotes. F***ing h***.

Someday this kid will meet a real woman who will give him a boot to the head. Until then: I have plenty of sex (a boyfriend in this city, and a couple from a city nearby, at the moment) and my reputation is just fine, thanks. Pretty much the only people who have had a problem with my habits are 1. Jehovah's Witnesses or 2. Bitter guys who haven't had a girlfriend in years. Eduard doesn't really come across as a Jehovah's Witness to me.

Actually, you know what's awesome about being a woman? I can say "Hi, would you be interested in coming home with me tonight" to people, and I don't come across as a predator.

LOL Gwen I was raised Jehovah's Witness and you are so right! Even though there are som many polygamous relationships in the bible and no one could ever explain to me why it was ok for a bible guy to have a wife and 15 concubines but it's a grave sin today. Anyway I'm not still one. Now I think for myself!

Regarding men reading women's threads and vice versa, I have always said that I think women should read men's magazines like GQ or whatever and men should read Cosmo and such so maybe we'd understand each other better.

And what do I love about being a girl? Getting to change our hairstyles so often and do so many things with our hair. I can't imagine being a guy in an office where he has to be professional looking and that including basically one hairstyle. ugh!

“Women are like teabags. You never know how strong they are till they get in hot water." - Eleanor Roosevelt

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Well, looks like I'm just a Human

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Personally, I find men who knit adorable. Unfortunately, the only ones I've found so far have been gay or asexual. Damn. I know straight male knitters exist... although I did find out that my very straight, very hairy, Swedish, Afghanistan-vet, built-like-a-dwarf roommate could crochet, when I was in college. It was the most awesome thing ever.

Knitting is another great thing about being a woman. I can knit in public and I don't get too many weird looks.

Hint to men: if you want to pick up a woman, instead of buying a dog, buy a kid.....?

ZenGwen, I am jealous of your multiple boyfriends. :( Somehow I don't think my husband would approve!

It does take a person of a certain mindset. And/or the ground rule going into the relationship that this is a condition that doesn't get compromised on, and lots of talking. And really good time management! And then your partners realize they can date other people too, and it's alllll goooood.

I don't knock monogamy, I think it's great, I have seen monogamous couples who are truly in love and are each other's world and I am in awe of them, but I couldn't do it. Not because I don't love my primary partner to the ends of the earth, but I'm just not built for one person to be everything for me. I think a lot of people who go for monogamy because it's the Done Thing aren't that great at it - look at all the affairs and divorces... at least we're all honest about everything with each other. :)

The couple I'm dating are actually getting married in a while. I am SO EXCITED for them. I'm kinda hoping for maid of honor, but I don't know if they'll do that kind of traditional wedding deal. :love_heart::love_heart:

Still yet to experience this :(

Oh man. I'm sorry. :(

There are various guides out there, if you're interested in looking for them. This may not be the place to get into it in too much detail, though.

LOL Gwen I was raised Jehovah's Witness and you are so right! Even though there are som many polygamous relationships in the bible and no one could ever explain to me why it was ok for a bible guy to have a wife and 15 concubines but it's a grave sin today. Anyway I'm not still one. Now I think for myself!

And what do I love about being a girl? Getting to change our hairstyles so often and do so many things with our hair. I can't imagine being a guy in an office where he has to be professional looking and that including basically one hairstyle. ugh!

LOL! Oh man. It's kind of good to hear that! I have a lot of respect for people who have the nerve to go talk to others about their faith, and I'm always polite, but it does get wearing - I've found "I'm sorry I can't invite you in, my partners aren't decent, but yes I would love a copy of The Watchtower" to be a pretty good line. (Also, I'm a Quaker.) It's really good to hear you say you thought it was weird, too...

And YES on the hair. Thank goodness for that.

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This might.... sound a little wrong...

On the... arm, or something. Or... yes. Pet like a cute thing! Not like a sexy thing! Of course I have no idea Thrillho, don't mean to be insulting or anything - okay, see, it was all going FIIIINE until now. :P

I will post of picture of me with my latest square when I am done. :D I don't knit anything GREAT.

Whoo! :D

Pain is the feeling of weakness leaving the body.

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Don't worry, I'm not sexy. 'Cute' was as far as I was willing to stretch credulity.

IMO, a man who's willing to do something society perceives as girly and be totally cool about it... dude, there is something truly sexy about that. :) It's at least an admirable trait.

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Sometimes it's great to be a woman because:

--I can't get kicked in the balls;

--My arousal is my own business;

--I have a wide range of clothing/hair/style choices;

--I can grow a human being;

--No facial hair=no need to shave regularly;

--Multiple orgasms without a refractory period;

--Get admired for doing things usually associated with the other gender (computers, cars, sports, strength) rather than ridiculed;

and I'm sure there are many, many others.

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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How about saying pervy things without being considered a perv? :P When guys say something inappropriate it's all OMG WTF. When girls say something inappropriate, people blink and are like, "Hey, that chick's pretty cool!"

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Guest Gemeaux
How about saying pervy things without being considered a perv? :P When guys say something inappropriate it's all OMG WTF. When girls say something inappropriate, people blink and are like, "Hey, that chick's pretty cool!"

I have such a dirty mind and only a few female friends are the same . I'm worried guys will think I'm a pervert haha

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I'm here just to remind you all that you have periods, pregnacy, can't pee standing up without making a hell of a mess, your boobs hurt while our pecs don't, you don't produce testosterone so you rely just on HGH to build muscle which means you won't build as much as us men do, you can't have secks without damaging your reputation, you're more often depressive than most men, and you have to shave your legs and arms.

Now, before you jump on me, this is just some justice served for the two girls who posted in our area (one and two) and for the fact that OP copied our thread "It's Great To Be A Man" which means she obviously read it, and she's probably not the only one ("...For those of you who have been following the man thread to this effect...").

Love you! <3 But really, you've been warned. There's a reason why we have separate areas to talk, and it's because men shouldn't read what women discuss intimately, and vice versa.

I think this is getting blown out of proportion. Both sexes visit both guilds because a lot of times the opposite sex can offer the best advise. [Example: "Nerdy Way of Meeting Women."]

I'm not going to jump on you. I don't have a problem with men in "our" forum. What I have a problem with is this battle of the sexes that is beginning. I disagree with both women and men who go into the opposite sex's guild just to throw digs. Overall, these boards are public. Anything you post is really no longer yours once you've posted it. I think helpful advice is good regardless of forum, whereas being unnecessarily abrasive [which has happened on both sides] is unnecessary.

Side-note: Women do produce testosterone. If we didn't it'd be even harder [see what I did there?] for us to want to have sex with you guys. XD [Just kidding around.]

I really hope this doesn't come off as offensive. My only motivation in posting this is to bring the focus back to the community as a whole. I don't post too often, but I've really come to value the encouragement we give each other. I just don't want to see it split into two opposing groups.


"Skinny girls look good in clothes. Fit girls look good naked."


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^^This. Being happy with your gender is healthy. Putting others down is not what we are about. I did not read the other thread, but I liked the title of this one because it applied to me, and sometimes we can all use a little building up. I usually like Eduard's funny posts, but I am not a fan of put downs. It is the opposite of what we are trying to do. Be kind and relax. This is supposed to be fun.

Never cheat off the dumb kid.

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