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i could stay in bed all morning... help!

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I eat well. Not a lot of processed food (a square or two of dark chocolate or a meringue after dinner, that's it). I exercise. I don't drink caffiene after 12pm. I go to bed at pretty much the same time every night - between 10:30 and 10:45. I'm never tired during the day, and actually, once I get to work, I am pretty much fine.


I never, ever want to get out of bed. I'm guessing this is a common problem.. but even after my husband wakes me up and I GET up, sometimes I'll go lie down on the couch and fall asleep for another hour. It just seems like it's so much more of a struggle for me than it should be. His alarm goes off at 5:45 and he jumps up and out of bed the minute the alarm goes off. Every day.

What gives? I don't wake up during the night so I know I'm a sound sleeper. Last week I was going to bed at 10:45 and getting up at 7:45 (way too late!) and even THEN I didn't want to get out of bed. And that's 9 hours of sleep! Is this just a personality/discipline thing? I'd like to get up at 6:20 when he leaves, which would be giving me just shy of 8 hours which should be plenty, right?? I don't know what my problem is... or if I just need to suck it up and stop being lazy in the mornings...??

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What gives? I don't wake up during the night so I know I'm a sound sleeper. Last week I was going to bed at 10:45 and getting up at 7:45 (way too late!) and even THEN I didn't want to get out of bed. And that's 9 hours of sleep! Is this just a personality/discipline thing? I'd like to get up at 6:20 when he leaves, which would be giving me just shy of 8 hours which should be plenty, right?? I don't know what my problem is... or if I just need to suck it up and stop being lazy in the mornings...??

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! Could be lots of things. So, first, double check the diet - enough protein and fat for energy burning???

Next, think about life stuff. Too much stress? When I had a really really bad job (and I mean bad people, bad job), I had really low energy b/c all my energy went into stressing about my job. It was terrible. I'd lie down and boom, I'd be out.

Next, think about physical stuff - ask your doc for some basic tests. Could be you just need more sleep - some people do. Honestly, I think most people I know are miserable without at least 8-9 hours of sleep, so 8 sounds like it might be your minimum. Try it - get 10 hrs - do you feel great? Do you hop out of bed? Also, check that your room is completely dark. Oh yeah, and pets/kids in bed interfere with deep deep sleep. Could be you aren't sleeping deeply enough.

But at least if you get a couple of basic tests (e.g. thyroid), you can rule out physical stuff. Doc might suggest depression - only you know if that could be the case. It's worth a thought.

Finally, have you thought that maybe you like sleeping and snuggling down in the bed? I know a lot of people who love napping and really see sleeping as a great thing.

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I have this problem too and I've written it off as I am just not a morning person. I could sleep 12 hours and still not jump out of bed. What I've done is trick myself every morning by making sure I have something to do right when I get up like get ready for the gym, or make breakfast. That way I stay active and not prone to lie back down.

Other than that it is a gruelling struggle of will to get outta bed every morning. The I-hate-everything-and-everyone-right-at-this-moment type of struggle.

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Guest Gemeaux

Do you work ? When I'm not working I'm the same , I find it very hard to get out of bed unless I have something really to look forward to .

But I've gotten into the habit of getting up anyway , say about 7.30 on weekends . I wish I could get up earlier and get more out of my day . Maybe set your alarm clock and put it outside your bedroom so you have to get up ?

Get your husband to pull open the curtains so the sun is too bright to stay in bed ?

Sorry , wish I could help

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Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! Could be lots of things. So, first, double check the diet - enough protein and fat for energy burning???

Next, think about life stuff. Too much stress? When I had a really really bad job (and I mean bad people, bad job), I had really low energy b/c all my energy went into stressing about my job. It was terrible. I'd lie down and boom, I'd be out.

Next, think about physical stuff - ask your doc for some basic tests. Could be you just need more sleep - some people do. Honestly, I think most people I know are miserable without at least 8-9 hours of sleep, so 8 sounds like it might be your minimum. Try it - get 10 hrs - do you feel great? Do you hop out of bed? Also, check that your room is completely dark. Oh yeah, and pets/kids in bed interfere with deep deep sleep. Could be you aren't sleeping deeply enough.

But at least if you get a couple of basic tests (e.g. thyroid), you can rule out physical stuff. Doc might suggest depression - only you know if that could be the case. It's worth a thought.

Finally, have you thought that maybe you like sleeping and snuggling down in the bed? I know a lot of people who love napping and really see sleeping as a great thing.

Thanks for the thoughts! I do get lots of protein & fats, I think on the diet side I am ok. My job - I don't love it, but it's super low stress. I really don't struggle with depression; I'm a happy gal :)

You are probably right in that I just might need more sleep. On weekends when I get 9-10 hours I get to a point where I just can't stay in bed anymore. Hmm.... earlier bedtime might help??

BigM - YES. I hate everything in the morning. And I agree, once I start making my breakfast or DOING something I feel a little better... it's just that initial.. "ohhh but my bed is so warm and cuddly..." feeling.

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Do you work ? When I'm not working I'm the same , I find it very hard to get out of bed unless I have something really to look forward to .

But I've gotten into the habit of getting up anyway , say about 7.30 on weekends . I wish I could get up earlier and get more out of my day . Maybe set your alarm clock and put it outside your bedroom so you have to get up ?

Get your husband to pull open the curtains so the sun is too bright to stay in bed ?

Sorry , wish I could help

Yeah, I work... lol I'm there right now... OOPS!

Unfortunately we get up when it's still dark out. But I do have one of those natural light/sound alarm clocks - it gradually lights up a half hour before your set alarm time. At the alarm time it's really bright and birds start chirping. I really like it cause you don't get that super loud annoying alarm that scares you half the death, and it's nice waking up more gradually like that... but so far, hasn't helped my affection to my bed. haha. Maybe once we get more into summer it'll be brighter outside and I'll tell him to open the curtains :) Or turn more lights on.

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I'm agreeing with bigm here. It's all about making sure you have something to do as soon as you get up. I try and read 2 chapters of the Bible, make and eat a breakfast, and make lunch for myself. Obviously the bible part is not for everyone, but maybe a book of some sort, maybe something else like a couple sets of pushups or a light 10 minute job every morning. Just think of something that you WANT to do, but you don't have time for now. Then for a few days in a row, get up 15 minutes earlier then normal and do that thing when you would normally be sleeping.

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I'm with you Maggie. Beds are so damn comfy and my down comforter feels way better than the cool air outside my bed.

I think your feelings about your job have a little to do with it as you really want to be doing something that you enjoy a little more even though you enjoy the low stress part of this one. You don't wake up feeling like there's anything at work that stimulates your brain per se. You could try one of those sleep trackers like this one that let you know how much you toss and turn during the night etc. You might find you aren't getting enough deep sleep.

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I'm agreeing with bigm here. It's all about making sure you have something to do as soon as you get up. I try and read 2 chapters of the Bible, make and eat a breakfast, and make lunch for myself. Obviously the bible part is not for everyone, but maybe a book of some sort, maybe something else like a couple sets of pushups or a light 10 minute job every morning. Just think of something that you WANT to do, but you don't have time for now. Then for a few days in a row, get up 15 minutes earlier then normal and do that thing when you would normally be sleeping.

AH thanks. Just what I needed to hear. I always am trying to "find time" do to a Bible study during the day. Maybe this is a perfect solution. :)

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I used to have terrible trouble dragging my bum out of bed in the mornings and found that my alarm is waking me up when I'm in the wrong stage of the sleep cycle. You already have the light alarm which might help this but I've been using the Sleep Cycle alarm clock on my iphone. You put it on your bed near to your pillow (but not right undernead the pillow or you wouldnt be able to hear it!) and it senses any movement you make during the night. The more movement you make - the lighte phase of sleep you're in and the easier it will be to wake up fully from that without feeling groggy. You can set a time which is the latest you would want to get up and it sets a half hour window to sense your movement and wake you up with your in a light phase of sleep. If it doesnt sense you moving at all it will wake you up at your latest time so you dont have to worry about over sleeping!

If that doesnt work, how about one of these? You have to chase it around the room to switch it off so you'll have to get up!


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If that doesnt work, how about one of these? You have to chase it around the room to switch it off so you'll have to get up!

LOL I have one of those!!!! I don't use it anymore because I used to chase it around, turn it off, then get back in bed. I also have a pillow alarm - it attaches to your pillow and vibrates AND makes noise. hahahaa.

Interesting about the sleep cycle alarm! I will look into it!!

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I've got an alternate suggestion to what everyone else seems to be saying. Do you think it's possible that you are sleeping too much? I love to sleep, it's my favorite time of the day hands down, I love being all snuggled up in bed, I love naps, etc. That said, I realized I was sleeping too much. When I sleep for more than 7.5 hours or so, I feel more tired and groggy than when I sleep less. I've found my prime amount sleep is about 6 hours or so. I try to be in bed at around 11:30 and wake up between 5:30 and 5:45. I can just jump straight out of bed and really be an awesome morning person. Maybe try to sleep a bit less one night and see how it goes?

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I've got an alternate suggestion to what everyone else seems to be saying. Do you think it's possible that you are sleeping too much? I love to sleep, it's my favorite time of the day hands down, I love being all snuggled up in bed, I love naps, etc. That said, I realized I was sleeping too much. When I sleep for more than 7.5 hours or so, I feel more tired and groggy than when I sleep less. I've found my prime amount sleep is about 6 hours or so. I try to be in bed at around 11:30 and wake up between 5:30 and 5:45. I can just jump straight out of bed and really be an awesome morning person. Maybe try to sleep a bit less one night and see how it goes?

I'm like this too. I run better on about 6.5 hours. Any more or less though and I feel awful all day.

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I don't really know...I would guess a large collection of variables though: physical exertion, stress, food, hydration, screen time, etc. experienced on any given day vary wildly. I know that while my days have a similar ebb and flow, I hardly ever have two days exactly alike. You would need a fairly long stretch of identical days to see if your body would naturally regulate it's sleep cycles to optimal levels.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Sleep is such a crazy thing! I have never been a morning person EVER, but I have been the kind of person who stays up until 4am and sleeps until 2 quite happily...I am in transition right now where I am getting to bed earlier, and falling asleep and getting about 9 hours combined sleep and i am still tired. What I did was get an adrenal support formula and start taking it for a few weeks and this seemed to help with the waking up. Its important to get BRIGHT light on your corneas when you wake up and wean off the bright light before bed to stimulate normal melatonin--you can also sniff sandalwood essential oil which will help with normal melatonin release but I would NOT recommend taking any supplemental melatonin--

Best of luck, and for the record I have NEVER bounced out of bed to face the day--even when I was a kid!

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Could be that by sleeping longer you're entering another REM cycle, so when you do need to wake you're deep into it, making it harder. Try cutting the time down, strange as it seems, sleeping less might make you less tired!

I work out in the mornings, at first I used to stir slowly, play with my phone, then rise. But my time is too precious now, I need to get moving. I ususally say out loud "Let's go!", swing my legs out and get on with it. By the time I get downstairs I'm awake.

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I've always hated getting out of bed in the morning. I'm just always exhausted when I wake up. What gets me moving is having cats who try to push me out of bed if I haven't fed them by 6:30. Once I've trudged into the kitchen, fed them, and made sure no one steals anyone else's breakfast, I'm awake.

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Guest Tigger

There's a cool website that I found http://sleepyti.me/ and it really helped me!

I'm still not a morning person, but this helped a lot. It also could be that that specific wake up time is just not a good time for you. Like, if I try to get up between 5-9am I am a demon, but if I have to get up before 5am or after 9am, I'm very civilized.

Also you could place your alarm away from your bed (like on a dresser) with your shoes/slippers right in front of it. This works when I'm not at college :)

luckily all my friends know that I'm not a morning person, so they tend to give me a lot of space until noon XD then I stop being a monster

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Got a smartphone? A friend of mine likes this app:


It senses when your sleep cycles are, so that it wakes you up when you're ending a sleep cycle close to the time you have to be up. So if you have to be up by 7, and you're finishing a sleep cycle at 6:45, it'll wake you up then.

Other than that, all I can do is sympathize. I have the exact same problem. I have my alarm clock on the other side of the room, so I have to get up to snooze it, but I still snooze it and go back to sleep at least three to six times before I actually get up. I think I just love snuggling down into my nice warm bed!

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You sound like my boyfriend. I think you probably just need more sleep than most adults. Generally, if you work out you probably need more sleep. In your case I think you need even more than that. My boyfriend sleeps like 10 hours a night. If you haven't tried going to bed earlier then I would try that. Maybe 10 instead of 10:30+?

Another thing: even though he eats well (and we haven't been able to find any medical reason for this-he's been tested) he gets this weird low blood sugar thing and can't wake up quickly without something to eat. he's started drinking casein powder in milk before bed and that helps him a bit. Otherwise, he's tried keeping a snack bedside (he eats mostly paleo, too) for the mornings. That also helps.

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You sound like my boyfriend. I think you probably just need more sleep than most adults. Generally, if you work out you probably need more sleep. In your case I think you need even more than that. My boyfriend sleeps like 10 hours a night. If you haven't tried going to bed earlier then I would try that. Maybe 10 instead of 10:30+?

Another thing: even though he eats well (and we haven't been able to find any medical reason for this-he's been tested) he gets this weird low blood sugar thing and can't wake up quickly without something to eat. he's started drinking casein powder in milk before bed and that helps him a bit. Otherwise, he's tried keeping a snack bedside (he eats mostly paleo, too) for the mornings. That also helps.

Yeah, I don't know if I can agree with the whole "sleep less" thing - I seem to be better on the weekends when I've slept 9-10 hours, but it's so hard to go to bed that early when I don' tget home for the day until 7! It's probably a good idea though.

And interesting about your bf's low blood sugar... I have very low blood pressure, which maybe could also be affecting it? (plus side to this: i eat salt and caffeine without much worry, ha ha)

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