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What women love about men.

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Guest Gemeaux
Don't forget entertainment value though! Nothing makes me laugh more on a night out than watching some mouthy drunk guy pick a fight with someone that he doesn't realize is clearly less drunk than him, and promptly get his @ss handed to him.

Of course, I completely understand not wanting to be dating *that* guy.

True :) as long as I am not dating him .

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Guest Gemeaux
Lol, drunks in general are pretty unattractive =) violence too.. I've never really got that one. I once had a guy try punch me because I was fat.. I mean.. I'd have become fit on the spot if it was possible but sadly it wasn't.. he didn't have to fight me for it >.>

That is horrible , I am sorry .

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Ah found it!


1) That he KNOWS how to be a man. This means, he knows what his responsibilities are and likes to take care of people.

2) He can change a tire.

3) He can fight. No, I don't mean picking random fights with people, but for him not to back down if ever faced with a situation where he needs to stand up for himself or someone else.

4) He's an immovable force. I'm such a ditsy type of girl. My mind is in a million places most of the time and I'm very sensitive - sometimes I cry just because it's been a while and I need to wash my eyes out (hehe). For him not to fall to pieces if I am is hugely attractive.


Other than that.. I don't really care about his financial status, his looks or how shiney the wheels on his car are. I don't need to be wined and dined, lol, knowing that he cares for me the way I care for him is enough. :)

Level 3 - Half-Elf Warrior, STR - 5 | DEX - 1 | STA - 6 | CON - 5.5 | WIS - 3.5 | CHA - 5

I know where I'm going, and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want. ~  Ali

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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I don't even know!  I like all types!  From the shy quiet smart guys, to the big buff loud hill billies.  It depends what kind of mood I am in.  Some days I want to find a man who has a 9-5 job, live in a house in the city, have 1 genius child and everything be all crisp and clean and neat and tidy.  Then there are the days when I want to find a farmer, with a big truck, and a gun, live in the sticks, barefoot and pregnant, with six wild boys fighting in the muck.


But I guess there are a few things that would make up my ultimate man....


- Confidence, he has to be confident with himself and his beliefs

- Healthy, I don't want a guy who eat's McDonalds every day and has a keg for a belly.  Eating well and being physically active is a must.

- I love a guy who can be a softy and snuggle up on the couch or hold my hand in public.

- I also love a guy who can joke around and have a good wrestling match....I like it rough now and then ;)

- A guy who enjoys animals and who is willing to accept that I am a farm girl and want a few farm animals

- I like guys with some or no body hair...if you are genetically a woolly mammoth then for heavens sake MANSCAPE!

- I am a sucker for a dancer!  Not the kind that humps your leg on the dance floor but someone who can (or will at least try) to two-step, waltz, or any other dance like that.

- I like a guy who isn't afraid to sing now and then and dance like a maniac in the kitchen while cooking.  I saw the video on the guys thread and that would totally be me so I would want someone who would jump in and join me!

-  I dislike guys who are "Debbie-Downers", if something doesn't go your way or something annoys you let me know I am here to listen and support you but please don't go on and on for hours about how "it is so unfair, and you hate such and such a thing" get over it princess and see the happy things you have in life.

- I like muscles...arm muscles, shoulder muscles, leg muscles, butt muscles, back muscles, ab muscles, pec muscles, muscles make me melt.



Oh man I could go on and on and on for a long time.  There is soo much that I like and sometimes some things I like contradict other things I like.


I had a conversation with my dad one day about how high my standards are and he told me "well you are going to have to settle one day!"  I told him to never say that to me again.


I won't settle and no one else should ever settle.  We are all worth it and so much more.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I like the long strong line of a back and the curve out into a tight butt.

I like enough chest hair to drag my fingers through, but not enough to choke me.

I like strong thighs.


I like him smart, well read and thoughtful (as in, full of thoughts).

I like him to do things with his hands.

I like him to ignore dignity around children and animals.


I like him to be unafraid when I cry.

I like him impressed by my strength.

I like him silly with his friends.


I like a tasteful tattoo.

I like an occasional bold stripe of eyeliner.

I like a subtle hint of androgyny.

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Okay, if I'm allowed to stereotype:

I love the way men will listen to my problems and then actually offer practical solutions, or encourage me to come up with them on my own. It's just what I need when I'm a bit emotional and need something to kickstart my rational thinking again. Sort of - yes, I agree that sucks, now what can you do about it?


YES! When ever I complain I am looking for an opinion and I want a solution. If I didn't want an opinion on my personal situation then I wouldn't bother talking about it. It's never just listening with me. It's more like brainstorming/problem solving because the more problems I can get out of my life the better I feel. Men are awesome at this.


I love everything everyone else listed (for the exception of mutton chops and fist fights) plus


flannel pants

I love how relaxed most of them are

Back and forth banter is fun

that v shape...ya know the one I am talking about! My husband is developing them. I have always found my husband very hot...but the v shape is just awesome.

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I got into a fight because my girlfriend was fat... apparently I was wrong to think she was hot.

I think some people need to be hit.

I LOVE protective guys. Lucky girlfriend you have :-)  Was it a fist fight or a turn your head away and just slap at each other kind, lol. There's a point where it passes from protective to possessive and on to anger management issues, but dancing on that line kinda makes me hot.


I love when a (my) man puts his hand on my waist, whether just standing there or to discreetly keep me from, like, walking into something lol. Actually now that I think of it, it kind of falls into that protective category. I'm so used to taking care of myself, it's nice to know someone else is watching out for me.

Man smell from being outdoors, OR from a nice cologne when they're dressed up = yum.

Being able to fix stuff.

NOT being able to cook, lol, and thinking I'm amazing because I can ha! I love to cook a meal for a man and see him rub his belly in satisfaction.

I love a real MAN, too. I don't want him to care or know more about grooming and soft skin than me! Take care of yourself, yes. Prissy, no.

I love strength: confidence, muscles, mass, pride, conviction.

And really. Nice. Arms (and shoulders) kill me. And calves.

I love when he's not clingy and we can go to events together but he doesn't need to be glued to me. He can be on his own, socialize well. BUT somehow, he always knows where I am and can catch my eye and give a little smile.

Cee, Level 2 Wood Elf Adventurer of the Earth Kingdom

STR 4.5 . DEX 1 . STA 3 . CON 5 . WIS 8.75 . CHA 4

ch 0|ch 1|challenge 2

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I love little random acts of kindness...I don't know what else to call it....when a guy just stops in the middle of something else and says or does something that is completely random to show how much he likes/loves you.


An example from an old ex;


We were driving home one night after a gathering at a friends house.  It was after midnight so there weren't any other drivers on the road.  The moon and stars were out and it was a clear and crisp night.  We were driving along listening to music and having a conversation about some ol' regular thing when he all of a sudden pulled on to a side road and stopped.  I asked what he was doing and he told me to get out of the truck.  I was confused and a little worried because I thought something was wrong!  He left his door open turned up the music, and we danced on the road in the middle of the night.  It was spontaneous, didn't cost a thing, and made my heart melt!


Too bad he turned out to be a royal pain in the ass....*sigh*

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I'm just gonna gush about my current boy for a sec because this morning was a classic example of the things I love in a man:


1) He knows how to be silly

He tickles me to wake me up, he does crazy impressions and he talks in a funny voice - all to make me smile. Having gone through a tough week and facing two straight weeks of academic hell, this goes a long way. 


2) He can change

He never used to wake up earlier than 8 if he needed to - which meant most days he could get away with it, he'd wake past 12PM. But since I've started needing to work out and set all these goals for myself, he's not only initiated a no-candies-no-gummies rule (we both used to pick up a pack of gummies after class almost every day), but he's started waking up at 6:30 AM and giving me wake up calls. It used to be that I was the one always calling him in the morning, but for about two weeks now, he's the one calling me first.


3) He sings and dances even though he knows he's terrible at it

After every formal date, we inevitably end up in a car with some song on the radio that he knows by heart and he starts mouthing along the song to me, dancing in the car to it. Or if we're in the kitchen, he sweeps me into a dance - even that's terribly co-ordinated and horribly off beat - and he sticks with it for the entire 3-4 minute song. All of it, without missing a beat or breaking out of it once. It makes me at once melt like butter and wish I had his confidence and self-assuredness.


4) We have our differences

He's a feminist (not one of those crazy ones, but the academic type that is for true gender equality). I'm a sexist by most definitions (namely towards other women - 'cause, well, I'm just opinionated and wrong most times, haha!). But he'll talk to me about gender equality and I'll listen, learn and become less ignorant every time. I told him this morning that I'm sorry I wasn't much intellectual companionship when it came to gender equality discussions, but he came back with "we both have our areas - yours is most of HR, puppies and a ton of other things. Mine is gender equality and economics. It's nice to have different areas". And he smiles at me like the most charming little thing ever. And he's right - I love it when he challenges the bounds of my knowledge and talks about things that I have no idea about. It's sexy, it's smart and it's utterly captivating.



Men are fantastic people. Men who can laugh at themselves, who constantly and incessantly push themselves to be better than they were that morning, who can make fools of themselves just to see another person laugh, who value differences and who love without fear.

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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Men are fantastic people. Men who can laugh at themselves, who constantly and incessantly push themselves to be better than they were that morning, who can make fools of themselves just to see another person laugh, who value differences and who love without fear.



Well said. :)


Another thing generally that guys are great at and girls are not - is forgiveness. Dude, they dish out insults to each other like no tomorrow. But then, the very next day the same two dudes are talking cars or politics. We girls, if someone says something mean to us - we harbor an uncomfortable feeling for them (we despise the biaatch) for all of eternity. lol.

Level 3 - Half-Elf Warrior, STR - 5 | DEX - 1 | STA - 6 | CON - 5.5 | WIS - 3.5 | CHA - 5

I know where I'm going, and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want. ~  Ali

Previous Challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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^ my roommate says that almost EVERY day- mostly when he sees me with my tub of make up- or my heels.


occasionally I grouse about being a woman- but there is power I have that he doesn't and I embrace it and understand we are different creatures.


I love that a man who doesn't take me too seriously or feel I threaten his manhood. 

I love a man who isn't afraid to toss me up against the wall and make it rough but knows how to slow it down.


I love a man who can cook a good steak.

Love it that he isn't uncomfortable when I cry.

I love it he is patient when I'm a raging bitch.  


And I love that any time I bend over to pick something up and stand up too soon he shoves me back down or drops something just so he can touch my ass.  


And I love that he can't keep his hands off me- even after 2.5 years.  

I love he wants to take me to places that I love even though they aren't his foods.  :)  


and he brings me flowers just because.  and cooks me breakfast.  

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Guest kimsquared

A man who doesn't have to spend EVERY second of EVERY day with me, but still wants to be around.

A man who can get things done!

Honesty. Nuff said.

A man who can talk through his/our problems.


As far as physically: I love super cut calf muscles, and those outer lines on a 6 pack. Your eyes can follow them down, and down, and- aw, pants! ;)

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I love glasses on a guy and bookworms.  I also like patient guys who don't get irritated with me when I don't get something.  I sometimes have my "ditzy" days when everything seems to fly right over my head.  It is important that my man has the patience and know-how to help me understand what the heck he is talking about.  I am smart most days but sometimes it's like "whoa!  It seems a little breezy up there between my ears."  


Must love dogs!  I don't know if it is just where I live but most guys I know HATE cats...with a passion for no reason.  What's wrong with cats? I don't understand this.

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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I am in lust with the kind of guys that treat you like a lady, not the ones that are overprotective, but the kind of guy that will put his hand on the small of your back, offer his jacket if its cold, ask if you want another drink and most importantly understand that high heels are more difficult after a few drinks and puts an arm around you for some extra support. 


I despise the guy that thinks his opinion is more important than yours just because he has testicles and won't stop and think that maybe you have a point if he was less arrogant and listened to what you are trying to say. 

Fight now, cry later.

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These are largely out of order and rambling... You've been warned


Someone i can be myself around. I've dated a bunch of guys who expected me to be this girly girl, and I'm not.  I'm happier to go to a hockey game, than go to a girly movie.  I'm an unapologetic F1 junkie, and even if they don't like/watch it, they have to understand that I do, and that I talk about it.  




Being able to "be a man", fix a flat/jump start a car.  Even though I know how, and am completely capable.

Being a good listener, and somehow knowing when I'm ranting because I need to get something out, and when I want advice.

Cooking (I can cook, but there is little sexier than having a guy cook you a gourmet dinner).


Good with animals


Apart from being trimmed downstairs, I'm cool with bodyhair.  

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Oooooh!  Something Irish mentioned on the "What men love about women" thread...



In that case, you very well might be successful.


Oh, another thing I love in a woman is a woman who doesn't hide behind being a woman. Yes, certain activities are male dominated, but anyone can do them! I don't like the "I can't do that, I'm a girl" attitude. A woman who will go do a cross country 10k run or get her hands dirty. I love that!



I love a man that will treat me as his equal and not change his attitude or who he is just because I am a woman.  I hate walking in to a room where a bunch of guys are having a conversation and as soon as I walk in they start apologizing for every F-bomb.  If your gonna swear do it with out the apology or don't do it at all! 


Also just because I am female doesn't mean I can't lift heavy things!  Drives me nuts when I offer to help the guys move things and they say "oh we'll wait for so-and-so to come because this thing is pretty heavy".  Also ALSO when my truck has no low-beams don't tell me "we will get that fixed for you, we need you to be safe, we will take care of you" when you would tell your man buddies "dude, sweet! Chest Bump!"   ......I like to chest bump sometimes too!

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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what i love about men..

Humor is a huge one for me.

Sarcasm. The right kind. Not to the point where i dont have any idea when a guy is serious or joking. 

A man that will get me out of my comfort zone and shell.

A man that has compassion for people. 


a man that is conscious about eating healthy and working out

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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bit of stubble.

intense gaze.

smart - about the his own stuff, but also about some of the same things as me. Actually, I like it better if we both know about a topic and can call each other out on incorrect information.

well-expressed, in either speaking or writing

softer facial features. I don't like the jagged/chiseled look.

his natural smell.  -- not cologne. and the way that smell lingers on his clothes.



Topping the list of sexy are:

 -- a man who can rock some Clark Kent glasses. please and thank you.

 -- SING! You don't even know how much of a turn-on this can be.

 -- positive interactions with kids... (this one gets me every time...a man becomes 10x more attractive when he can be silly, fun, and tender with children)

Level 2 Half-Giant | Adventurer

**aspiring to Druid/Scout hybrid and Wood Elf-dom**

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | STA: 3 | CON: 4.5 | WIS: 6.75 | CHA: 6

Walk to Mordor | Epic Quest | Recovery Journey

I have a why. This is my how.

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