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What women love about men.

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I love the way a t-shirt drapes over a guy's shoulder blades and chest when he's fairly lean/muscular and the shirt fits just right, not too tight, not baggy.

"When I can no more stir my soul to move, and life is but the ashes of a fire; When I can but remember that my heart once used to live and love, long and aspire - O be thou then the first, the one thou art; Be thou the calling before all answering love, and in me wake hope, fear, boundless desire." - George MacDonald


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Strength of character, physical strength, knowledge of the outdoors - enjoyment in nature. Considerate - has manners, sweet to children, adventurous in the bedroom and tanned arms with good definition.

(ok, and I'm a sucker for a deep voice with an accent from Ireland, Scotland or England. Its my kryptonite)

Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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(ok, and I'm a sucker for a deep voice with an accent from Ireland, Scotland or England. Its my kryptonite)


I will do anything for a guy with an accent, they're hypnotizing! 

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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A friend of mine from India always laughs at my accent, but I just sit there and am all confused going "b-b-but... I don't have an accent!". And I clearly do have a Canadian accent. Hell, even in BC they talk different!


I also love when a guy just wants to snuggle.

I'm also catlike and will defs cuddle up and nuzzle someone - OH! Nuzzling! Nuzzling drives me crazy - I loooove when guys nuzzle me (usually my neck, that's the best place, 'cause then I can smell his hair).

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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omg... I LOVE the smell of a man who's been outside. Even just driving with the windows open puts a certain smell on them. Drives me nuts.

and I love watching a man fix something, manually.

yup...and big strong hugs and intelligence

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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So ladies. I need your help.


There's this girl I like who I met through a mutual friend awhile back. She seems to like me too, or at least she did on the date we went on last week. She even admitted she thinks I'm cute (and sounded very embarrassed to say it), and of course I returned the compliment, and she seemed to have a great time. But lately I feel like I've been texting her too much. Then again, she is very busy and doesn't get the chance to answer very much. When we do text, the conversation goes swimmingly, and she sometimes asks me a lot of questions about myself even though I always try to shift the focus on her. But she sometimes leaves a random text unanswered and the conversation will stall for hours, or even a day or two. And I'm always the one to reignite the conversation again.


So when is texting a lot considered too much? Am I bothering her or could she be simply too busy to answer? Maybe I should wait for her to initiate the conversation next time before I text her again. I don't want to seem desperate.


Yes, I know I'm overthinking this. But I really like her haha. You can't blame me. :)

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."

—Mahatma Ghandi

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one date and all you do is text?




epic fail.


some flirting texting and touching base is okay- but you need to leave her be for a day or two- then call tomorrow and ask if she is available for a weekend date.  


Talking too much right off the bat is almost a sure fire way to "over-share" and lead to a false sense of intimacy  which means things get super heated then fizzle.  happens a lot. 


I cant' stand constant texting from someone interested in me- yeah sure it's safe- but it's also impersonal and just tacky.  sack up and call the broad and have generic plans ready- like do you want to go do ______________} (not movie and a dinner)


My .002. Good luck!!!

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That's worth a lot more than .002 I-Jo, I try to keep texting at a minimum till after about 3 dates.  Before that point it's too easy to misinterpret and over think things... you become your own worst enemy and over analyze (as you've already admitted doing). Phone calls always feel weird at first since lets face it... it's rare to call someone anymore, but you will feel better having had more personal contact than a text message, and I could be wrong but ladies that is something you appreciate right?


Oh and perhaps this is just me, but any lady who doesn't want to talk on the phone to set something up, and just wants me to text her... well that right there is a deal breaker, and she won't be hearing from me again anytime soon.


To answer your main question of when is texting a lot too much?  Pretty sure the point where you need to go and ask someone if its too much... that's when haha.

LVL 3: Zoran Warrior

STR:9 | DEX:5 | STA:10 | CON:5 | WIS:12.75 | CHA:9

Current Challenge: Not Really A 6 Week Challenge Challenge

Previous Challenges: 1st2nd

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

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LOL sorry- I don't really give 2 cents- it's usually like 20$ worth :D

Oh... please don't take that as gruff yelling- it's not- it's the scruffy older brother kind of talk.  add some smiles in there and some light NCIS style back of the head slaps- and you'll get my tone.  (speaking of mis-interpreting- LOL I re-read that and it sounded awfully harsh but it's not mean to be)



King- I totally agree with your post. 

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Oh... please don't take that as gruff yelling- it's not- it's the scruffy older brother kind of talk.  add some smiles in there and some light NCIS style back of the head slaps- and you'll get my tone.  (speaking of mis-interpreting- LOL I re-read that and it sounded awfully harsh but it's not mean to be)

I kinda always imagined you as being Abby from NCIS now that you mention it... maybe it's something to do with the profile pic, I am not sure, but I totally already had that tone of voice in my head when I read your first comment.  


Also ladies, I have always hated it for one of the first like 5 dates... but how do you feel about going out to movies?  Unless I can make sure to plan it for an early matinee where I know no one will be there and we can talk through most of the movie, it just seems like such a waste of time that could be spent getting to know the other person.  Do you like when a guy asks you out to see a movie?

LVL 3: Zoran Warrior

STR:9 | DEX:5 | STA:10 | CON:5 | WIS:12.75 | CHA:9

Current Challenge: Not Really A 6 Week Challenge Challenge

Previous Challenges: 1st2nd

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

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LOL- my friend told me this weekend if Abby and Ziva were one person- they would be me.  I get called Abby a lot- that and Pink.  I find it highly flattering to be honest- those are all characters I like. :)  I like being an Abby/Ziva hybrid.  makes me chuckle inside!




not for the first few dates- no.


I like it as a couples date after you are more of couple.  


one of the most fun dates I went on- we went to sushi- he ordered a lot of stuff for me to try.  then he took me to a cigar shop and we bought cigars- drove to the top of a mountain where a high school was- and climbed on top of the roof- smoked our cigars and looked out over the Santa Clarity valley.


It was AMAZING.  totally fun- obviously not for everyone but it was wicked fun. 


we went pottery painting- hiking- stupid shit.  I like DOING things.   We went to the hookah lounge where I work- so we could hang out- do dinner- watch the bellydancer etc etc.  That's a crap shoot though- some women get uncomfortable with the dancer- but it can be a GREAT first date.


Bowling with friends (i personally hate bowling but most people don't hate it like I do)


Bumper cars?  totally cool


amusement park- not a good first date or second or third- too much commitment for the day and too much closeness- save that for a few dates in really. 

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I like a man that can make me feel small. Its weird, but hey. It might have something to do with having always been short, not small.


At the same time I like one that doesn't automatically lift the heavy things because he knows I can handle it.


Hair, well it depends on the guy. Hubby has long soft fine straight brown hair, mustache and goatee, and under control sideburns. Chest hair comes in patchy and prepubescent looking so I make him shave, underarms I prefer trimmed/shaved, along with private parts. Leg hair doesn't bother me. He has no back hair. That said, curly haired blonde guys? OH YES PLEASE. (I've been watching Lost Girl on SyFy and Dyson is crazy sexy)

Human Adventurer

Str: 3 | Dex: 2 | Sta:2 | Con:3 | Wis:3 | Cha:2

I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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Movies are bland first dates. Dates that encourage conversation are so much better.  Stargazing is fun (better if one of you actually knows something about it), dancing is great.  Relevant to thread:  An average joe who can dance is automatically twice as hot as an equally average joe who cannot.  Dancing allows for talking, but also is a social-mixing atmosphere so you're not absolutely paired up all the time.  It lets you know right off if the way they touch or hug is creepy, or if they smell funny.  It also helps you figure out right away if they're potentially sexy.


Other than dancing, try modern or classic art galleries. Or a craftsmen show with pottery and cool things to look at. The weather's getting to the point where there are cheap/free concerts in parks.

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LOL- my friend told me this weekend if Abby and Ziva were one person- they would be me.  I get called Abby a lot- that and Pink.  I find it highly flattering to be honest- those are all characters I like. :)  I like being an Abby/Ziva hybrid.  makes me chuckle inside!




not for the first few dates- no.


I like it as a couples date after you are more of couple.  


one of the most fun dates I went on- we went to sushi- he ordered a lot of stuff for me to try.  then he took me to a cigar shop and we bought cigars- drove to the top of a mountain where a high school was- and climbed on top of the roof- smoked our cigars and looked out over the Santa Clarity valley.


It was AMAZING.  totally fun- obviously not for everyone but it was wicked fun. 


we went pottery painting- hiking- stupid shit.  I like DOING things.   We went to the hookah lounge where I work- so we could hang out- do dinner- watch the bellydancer etc etc.  That's a crap shoot though- some women get uncomfortable with the dancer- but it can be a GREAT first date.


Bowling with friends (i personally hate bowling but most people don't hate it like I do)


Bumper cars?  totally cool


amusement park- not a good first date or second or third- too much commitment for the day and too much closeness- save that for a few dates in really. 



Random dates are always fun. Some of my best dates include

We drove around the mountains talking and then walked around to explore.

Go-kart racing

Dinner and then we decided to randomly go to a park to play on the playground

Concert- Social Distortion 



I agree save the amusement park for a few dates in.


Movies, not so much. They don't allow for enough interaction. If you are going to see a movie though with a girl you don't really know, see it before dinner. That way at dinner, if the conversation gets stalled, you can talk about the movie. 


Dates don't have to be expensive. Find something fun or cool to do. 


And CALL to ask her on the date. A guy texting to ask a girl to go on a date says A LOT about the guy. Yes we are considered the "texting generation" but seriously we liked to be called to be asked out on a date.

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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So ladies. I need your help.


So when is texting a lot considered too much? Am I bothering her or could she be simply too busy to answer? Maybe I should wait for her to initiate the conversation next time before I text her again. I don't want to seem desperate.


Yes, I know I'm overthinking this. But I really like her haha. You can't blame me. :)


Don't text, call.  I personally would rather have a guy call to set up a time where we can meet up and talk.  I usually have a 2 minute max, after that I say lets go for coffee (or other activity) so we can talk face to face.  If a guy is texting constantly after 1 date I feel like he is invading too much of my space.  


I would say call her and ask her on another date instead of texting her all the time.  Or you could try not texting her for a few days to actually see if she texts/calls back.  You could also bring up the topic of texting/calling/dating on your next date with her....


P.s. I over think everything all the time too!  :)


Also ladies, I have always hated it for one of the first like 5 dates... but how do you feel about going out to movies?  Unless I can make sure to plan it for an early matinee where I know no one will be there and we can talk through most of the movie, it just seems like such a waste of time that could be spent getting to know the other person.  Do you like when a guy asks you out to see a movie?


I love going to the movies, but I absolutely HATE when people talk to me during movies!  Haha I watch movies to actually watch movies.  Total turn off to have someone talking during a movie.  For the first "get to know you" dates I would rather go somewhere we can talk without the distraction of a movie.  Parks and anything out doors on a nice sunny day are the best.  Dinner is good, because I love food.  I like going on dates that don't cost money, that's why I like walking in parks or along the river.  Fishing, skipping rocks, playing on jungle gyms!  I have a dog so anywhere I can bring him along is a plus.  :D

. I am Elder . Woosah . Sunshine . Plants . Fur babies . New book smell . Cinnamon . Pepperoni Pizza .


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Stop texting. Try to meet her face to face, then you can have a real conversation and actually get to know her. Plus, there are some people who just like people to text them so they have attention on them. Even if you try to meet her and she shoots it down, at least you won't waste time on her. Trust me on this one brother, knowing the truth is better. I am very experienced in this.


As for dates, my best dates have been to art galleries, museums and walks on beaches or along scenic routes. I just went on a date to an art gallery and then on a cliff top walk, it was fantastic and the conversation was flowing freely!


HOWEVER...I have learned the hard way that asking a girl to go up the mountains with you as a first or second date is "weird". Bringing them up a mountain alone is weird apparently.

Go BIG, or go home.

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Stop texting. Try to meet her face to face, then you can have a real conversation and actually get to know her. Plus, there are some people who just like people to text them so they have attention on them. Even if you try to meet her and she shoots it down, at least you won't waste time on her. Trust me on this one brother, knowing the truth is better. I am very experienced in this.


As for dates, my best dates have been to art galleries, museums and walks on beaches or along scenic routes. I just went on a date to an art gallery and then on a cliff top walk, it was fantastic and the conversation was flowing freely!


HOWEVER...I have learned the hard way that asking a girl to go up the mountains with you as a first or second date is "weird". Bringing them up a mountain alone is weird apparently.



LOL my best date with a guy (I didn't know him and it was our first date) was dinner and then driving around the mountains. We just drove and talked all night. I did not think it was weird, but maybe im a bit daring/crazy. 

Level 1 Elf Adventurer STR 2|DEX 2|STA 2|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 4

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I like a man that can make me feel small. Its weird, but hey. It might have something to do with having always been short, not small.


At the same time I like one that doesn't automatically lift the heavy things because he knows I can handle it.


Hair, well it depends on the guy. Hubby has long soft fine straight brown hair, mustache and goatee, and under control sideburns. Chest hair comes in patchy and prepubescent looking so I make him shave, underarms I prefer trimmed/shaved, along with private parts. Leg hair doesn't bother me. He has no back hair. That said, curly haired blonde guys? OH YES PLEASE. (I've been watching Lost Girl on SyFy and Dyson is crazy sexy)


OH MY HELL LET'S TALK ABOUT DYSON. Netflix only has up to season 2 and I burn with a quiet anger over it.


Anyway. AlterStephen, I'd text as little as possible. If you have some logistics to work out with her (like when/where you're meeting up, etc.), then fire away. But otherwise, be as sparing as possible. For one, if you spill your guts over texts, you won't have any new stuff to talk about when you get together. For another thing, you want your non-face-to-face communication to cause a spike of emotion. If you're constantly asking her how her day is going, there's no excitement in that. It's just reciting a list of events.


And here's the thing, which may be a tough pill to swallow but I feel you need to hear it: if someone makes you a priority, they are never too busy for you. Even if it's just to say, "Hey, I'm swamped right now, but I'm thinking about you and I'll get in touch when things slow down on my end." That takes all of 30 seconds to type out. (And god, I wish someone had told me this years ago.)


In your case, I would limit your texts to things that will a) make her smile or B) make her want more. And then save the "more" for your dates. It'll foster more of a sense of connection if you have these get-to-know-you talks in person. I know you really like her and that's so exciting! I'm excited, you're excited, everyone's excited! But you need not lose focus on why you're dating her: to figure out if she meets your standards. And if she's worth her salt, she's doing the same thing on her end. Live your fabulous life as usual. If she's worth it, she won't be deterred by the attention you're showing her, but rather, she'll want to join in on the adventures you go on. And she'll notice your absence.


Tell you what: let her send the next text. Let her be the initiator. See how she responds to having the ball in her court. Let us know how it goes.

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I kinda always imagined you as being Abby from NCIS now that you mention it... maybe it's something to do with the profile pic, I am not sure, but I totally already had that tone of voice in my head when I read your first comment.  


Also ladies, I have always hated it for one of the first like 5 dates... but how do you feel about going out to movies?  Unless I can make sure to plan it for an early matinee where I know no one will be there and we can talk through most of the movie, it just seems like such a waste of time that could be spent getting to know the other person.  Do you like when a guy asks you out to see a movie?


Honestly? It feels lazy. In most* cases, it feels like the guy is too unimaginative to come up with something different. Plus, I can't talk to you during a movie. I go on dates to get to know someone. I can't do that when I'm going to be shushed by Susie Silencio behind me.


* Not all. If we both really, really, REALLY wanted to see a particular movie and have talked about our mutual desire to see said particular movie, then yeah, I can see that happening. But even then, I'd prefer to leave that for one of the later dates.

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