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About BigRemy

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  • Birthday 04/03/1979

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  1. Ok, first thing is DX plastic beats up the quickest, and premium plastic like champion, pro, GStar, etc. beat up a little slower. Some people like a more beat up disc and there's also people like me who like to cycle discs in and out of my bag so they don't beat up as fast. It's all a matter of preference, but once I went to premium plastic I stopped losing so many discs from warping after tree hits or getting cuts or gouges in the plastic. Now if you are talking about getting a Shark3, it'll be a bit different than your normal Shark. Innova's 3 series is pretty much just a faster version of the original discs. You'll see all different ones, Roc3's, Leopard3's, etc. Some people like them, some don't. I like my Leopard3 but I don't like my TeeBird3. As as you can see by this thread, you'll get a ton of different info from everyone and you'll always see differing opinions. Always go with what works for you. If you throw that Shark really well, get more Shark's. But always try other discs too. I've had people suggest certain discs that haven't worked for me, but I also have had people suggest discs that I wouldn't think of, like the MVP Anode which I liked so much I made it my main putter.
  2. I will absolutely second this as I carry two variations of the Buzzz in my bag at all times, a Z Buzzz for backhands and a Ti Buzzz for forehands. I've tried just about every other popular midrange, including the Truth, the Roc and the Shark amongst others and nothing comes close to the Buzzz. That's money well spent.
  3. Yes more stability could mean a straighter flight that banks at the end, but it all depends on arm power and snap. If you have little arm power, an overstable disc probably won't work for you on a backhand. Forehand is a different story, for most people I'd say it's easier to generate torque, thus having a need for a more stable disc. But even if you're driving 300-350ft backhand with your Wraith, it might be time to start playing with slower, more stable discs and learn more shot shaping. Again though, you have to do what's comfortable and those discs you already throw well, keep throwing them too. I can also tell you that if you forehand an understable disc like a Wraith or a Leopard with your right hand, chances are you'll make an s-curve, which means your disc will always curve right, then curve left and finish curving slightly righty, making an s-shape in the sky. A more stable disc would go dead straight out of your hand and fade out left at the end of the flight. If you want to try this, try a forehand drive with your putter. I'm pretty sure you got an Aviar with that set? It has a pretty straight flight and should mimic what an overstable driver would do, only a lot shorter with a lot less banking at the end. Putter only rounds are a good way to get good quick. Make every shot with your putter and it'll expose all your weaknesses. I'm not sure of that curve you're talking about is the s-curve or the dumping out at the end. Like I said, if you are throwing a backhand with enough power, I would try something a little slower in speed but more stable; discs like the Innova TeeBird or TeeBird3, the Dynamic Discs Veteran or the Westside Stag, maybe a Saint Pro. If you can throw those over 300ft and straight with a slight left curve at the end of the flight, you're throwing it pretty well and you should be able to throw faster/more stable discs. I'm guessing this is more of a disc selection problem, but if it's more technique the three best tips I got was to slow down on my run up, reach back as far as I can and pinch the disc hard between my thumb and index finger and let the disc rip out my hand. Videos and articles on different grips can be very beneficial.
  4. As far as upgrades, the best advice I could give to you is if the discs you are using work good for you, get more of those, maybe in a more durable plastic if you only have DX. I like Champion plastic and GStar if the temps are low, but it all depends on feel. Every hit a DX disc takes alters the disc; those effects are minimized with a premium plastic. I play a lot of heavily wooded courses here in southeastern WI so I tend to play with more fairway drivers than distance drivers like the Wraith. Fairway Drivers are the perfect mix of midranges and distance drivers. The Leopard is my favorite disc out of any, but I've used the Dynamic Discs Witness and the Leopard3 and liked them as well. If you really want to learn the forehand drive, you should try something a little more stable. My forehand started improving when I used an Innova Teebird, which is pretty much a more stable Leopard. But everyone is totally different, so if your buddies have discs you don't have you should ask if you can let them rip for a hole or two and see if you like them. As far as tutorials on YouTube, I've watched and tried them all with little to no luck. It's best to play with someone with more experience to watch and give you tips or film yourself and post to the Disc Golf Answer Man Facebook page. But my big breakthrough was watching pro rounds on YouTube. I was watching 3x World Champ Nate Doss, and I noticed a weird tilt he had on his reach back. I tried it out my next round and found myself shooting straight with more distance. I had been watching clinics with players like Will Shusterick, who has a totally different body type and is more explosive than I am instead of Doss, who has a similar body type and a slower, more deliberate drive like myself. I looked for clinics with him and couldn't find any. Instead I found a video of him driving in slow motion and it changed my game. I studied every motion, every tick and tried to incorporate it. Some things worked, some things didn't but now I find myself watching slo mo videos all the time and pulling a little here and a little there.
  5. Totally agree to disagree. That's ball golf, not disc golf. While there isn't a disc that will magically gain you 100ft, some discs are better suited for advanced or expert players, and some are better suited for beginners or casual players that lack the arm speed. and Walmart also makes Franklin discs, which are garbage. No one can throw those discs. It isn't 20 years ago, the market is saturated with choices and people need a guiding light so they don't spend $300 on drivers before they find something that suits their arm speed, much like I did.
  6. I respectfully disagree with this. I mean, he's right in a way, but people told me this same thing, but Beasts, Destroyers and Wraiths felt good in my hand when I started, but all they would do is go 150ft and dump hard left. I bought a ton of discs for nothing. The best advice I got was to "Disc down". People told me to start driving with one disc only, either a putter or a midrange, when you can get that to do what it's supposed to, then move up to another disc that's one or two notches higher in speed. It's simplified my bag, I throw forehand and backhand and I only carry 8 different molds. Use a flight chart to see how far a disc is supposed to go and how it should fly (I use http://www.flightanalyzer.com). If you're trying to gain distance, it's all about form. That's why I can't throw a speed 14 driver more than 250ft, but a pro like Simon Lizzote can throw a Speed 2 putter 400-500ft. i don't know what you are throwing and how far you are throwing, but good drivers to start with are fairway drivers like the Dynamic Discs Witness, the Discraft Glide, the Lat 64 Diamond and especially the Innova Leopard (my favorite disc). Once you can crank those out about 300ft, move up a notch or two in disc speed. And make sure the discs are understable. It takes a lot of spin/power to throw an over stable disc. And my home course is on a parkway, so I know all about throwing into the treeline. Half the course is trees on one side, a busy road on the other, and about 35-50ft of grass in between. I went through a period where I threw it into the street, and I went through a period of throwing into the treeline. Now I look at the basket, an obstacle or a patch of grass in the fairway, I tell myself "I'm going to hit that", I focus with confidence and now 19/20 times I hit fairway. Never think about hitting something you don't want to hit, especially trees and water. sorry this is so long winded lol
  7. I've been reading/listening to a lot about this since I'm totally interested playing a few rounds on a mountain somewhere and a trip to Colorado is probably somewhere in the near future. I hear that overstable discs work well in the thinner air (even for beginners like myself). Of course I think it's more of a case of "use whatever disc works best for you" so I'll really have to make sure to be in shape before that trip because I'll be hauling a full bag of discs lol.
  8. Thanks! Definitely working on the limber thing, you really need your whole body to throw those discs and being loose helps a lot.
  9. That looks incredible. We have some great scenic courses here in Wisconsin but nothing like that. If my wife gives me the "boy's trip" to Vegas she's been promising to make up for what was a crappy Bachelor party years back, I might just have to take you up on the offer.
  10. I don't know what happened. I started here in the fall of 2013, saw great results (lost 13lbs. the first challenge) and fell off some time that winter. It's been an on and off thing since then with exercise, diet and this site but I'm rededicated right now and desperate to shed my excess weight. Last I checked I was right around 244. That's only about 7 Lbs more than after my first challenge, but at the same time I'm almost 36 and I'm starting to feel some of my muscle mass diminishing. I'm definitely not as strong as I used to be and I'm up a pants size since the end of that last challenge. Not good. So I'm back. But I'm back with purpose. Amongst all this craziness, I found my new focus- disc golf. I'm completely enamored with the game. It's consumed my thoughts since the summer. The thing is, I'm god awful. Seriously. If I'm playing bogey golf I'm happy. The thing is, I'm starting to make acquaintances in the game, whether I'm out shopping for discs at the local shops or while I'm volunteering at my home course. Most conversations include the questioning of why I'm not playing in leagues. It's simple. I'm not good enough and I know it. I don't want to show up for random doubles and not be able to contribute to my partner on the course. I don't want to show up to a tournament, be in dead last of the worst division and have ten strokes in between me and the second worst. So it's pretty obvious I have to practice, practice and practice some more. Normally this isn't a problem, but since we live in Wisconsin, It's hard to do anything outdoors from December to March. Given the fact that I'm 36 with no experience, I need every edge I can get. I listen to a lot of interviews with the top pros, and a lot of the advice they give to get better is to eat healthy and get into good shape along with practicing you skills. So this is what I got to do. And I know this. I take about 25-50 shots before I start to play to work out the errant throws before I play a round. Normally I'll start an 18 hole round anywhere from shaky to good, but the one consistency in my game is that anywhere from holes 5 to 7, I start to get on fire and I flame out after hole 12. If I play a second round, it's almost always worse than the first. My stamina is horrible. I want better stamina, so I need less weight and more cardio. I want better throws, so I need stretching and weights. So I'm going to start to get ready for the next challenge. I'm going to do this by staying active at least Monday through Friday, eat better and most importantly, post to this site every second or third day. I want to play in tournaments by 2016, and this is a critical step in my development. No more excuses.
  11. Granny, you found your second enthusiast..... I've always had friends that disc golfed casually and I always said I'd go out and throw. Never happened for some reason or the other in ten years. So I start talking to my wife's brother about it for some odd reason a couple years back and he says he still plays and we should go sometime. I bought three discs off the bat, an Innova Beast, and Innova Roc3 and an Innova Aviar Putter. I go through the entire season here in Wisconsin with no call or no mention of disc golf for the entire year. No biggie, he's a firefighter with a wife and three kids so I didn't take it personally. But here I was, spring cleaning last year and I ran into those same discs. I decided to take them out on Easter Sunday morning by myself just so I can say I didn't waste the money. I haven't gone more than ten days without it since. I don't even really play with anyone. I just go out and throw. Instantly my life became a endless vortex of studying flight diagrams, working on form, watching McBeth, Schusterick and McCabe videos on youtube, practicing putting, playing rounds and spending time volunteering to help with the upkeep of my home course. I actually find myself back here on Nerd Fitness trying to shed some pounds after taking the last year or so off of here. I want to play tournaments starting in 2016. I don't need to win right off the bat, I just don't want to be horrible. I'm 35 right now, I won't have the strength or stamina of the 20 year olds or the experience of the 30 and 40 year olds, so my plan is to get fit, flexible and practice a lot. Hopefully we can talk some more of these guys into hitting the course!
  12. I think back to last fall when I lost close to twenty pounds, I felt great. Now I feel like twenty pounds of shit in a ten pound sack. My name is Joe, some people call me Remy, and I'm addicted to sugar. It fucks with any diet I try and I have a hard time staying away. So now I'm back to square one. The difference between back then and right now was that I used to count my calories, I kept a disciplined workout schedule and most importantly, I stayed accountable on this forum, something I haven't done regularly since Christmas. It's sad and it's unacceptable. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. I really don't like this side of me, and I definitely don't want this lowered self esteem as my daughter gets older and starts to understand things more. I'm depressed. I expect more out of myself. I got to do this. Three little goals to get me back on track. 1. Count my calories. This works for me. I have a bad habit of picking up cookies, or going out for frozen custard or grabbing donuts. But when I actually see how many calories I'm actually consuming, I tend to grab a salad or a piece of fruit instead of ice cream since there's a big difference in calories. Stay under 2,000 calories with one cheat day a week. 2. Keep exercising. Run or swim three days a week, weightlifting three days a week, and disc golfing on Sundays. I know I can do this since I did it last fall for a long stretch. 3. Stay accountable. The less I post here, the more I get off track. I'm going to post every two to three days. No more excuses. I'm back up to 252.8 and I'm hoping to be in the 230-235 range by the end of October. Here goes nothing.
  13. I fell victim to the sugar monster to this weekend! Damn you Easter Candy! BTW, I can't wait until I can settle my mind down when I'm running. I've been working so hard lately just trying to focus on breathing properly. Good job!
  14. Thanks for the encouragement Teros! Here's how the last few days went- 4/18- Had a really good day. I stayed well under my calorie goal and pounded out a cardio workout and a weightlifting workout. I've been careful with these, and I'm feeling pretty good during and after the workout so I'm not concerned with doing double duty, although I rather not do it as much so I don't get bored spending an hour and a half in the gym. 4/19- I managed to get my cardio workout in, but I ruined my calorie goal by stupidly indulging in some Easter candy as I filled the basket. Not a wise decision. 4/20- This was technically a cheat day, and while I was trying to take it easy being that I was over my calorie mark a lot this week, I still managed to fail on the calorie count. Even though it was my off day from exercising, I took in some light exercise by disc golfing in the morning, but I won't count that towards cardio. That was just to get the blood moving. 4/21- I got out of control by skipping my scheduled workout and eating over my goal. I think I got a little too comfortable with the holiday the day before. I weighed in this weekend at 251.6. Three down, ten to go. Days under 2,070 calories- 4 Total weightlifting workouts- 3 Total cardio workouts- 3 Total posts- 2
  15. This week has started a little shaky, but I'm doing what I can to hold it together..... 4/14- I spoke too soon, as soon as I got done with my post, it started to snow and it snowed all day. Even though the ground was too wet for it to accumulate, it was icy and overall very shitty. This didn't stop me from going to the gym, completing my weightlifting goal and staying 384 points under my calorie goal. 4/15- My buddy came over pretty unexpectedly, and beer drinking soon commenced. I missed my scheduled cardio workout and ended up 1,500 calories over goal due to the beers and overeating. I plan on skipping my cheat day this weekend to make up for this. 4/16- I managed to stay under the calorie goal today. I also went to the gym and double timed it, putting in my weightlifting workout and making up for the missed cardio workout, spending an hour and a half in the gym when I usually spend 30 minutes to an hour. It felt pretty good. 4/17- Life got in the way once again, as I had to use my gym time to travel across town and help my Mother-in-Law move a couple heavy things out of her basement. I still managed to stay under the calorie goal, and I plan to double-time it at the gym tonight like I did on Wednesday, but I definitely don't want to get into the habit of this. Days Under 2,070 Calories- 3 Total Weightlifting Workouts- 2 Total Cardio Workouts- 1 Total Posts- 1
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