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Everything posted by stonegirl77

  1. (i'm keeping the gif, because, well, adorable gif of sleepy/confused Sherlock Holmes is adorable) Okay we all know how important sleep and rest is when living a healthy lifestyle - so this week I want you to tell us about your sleeping habits. Do you have a set bed time? If so what is it? Between 9 and 10 if I'm not attending a concert. If I'm out that evening, as soon as I can get to bed, I do. How many hours sleep do you average per night? I LOVE my sleep. My ideal is 8.5 to 9 hrs a night. I've actually been getting that for the past week or so, so yay for functioning! Do you have a bed time 'routine' to help wind down? Wash, etc, get ready for the morning, then either a TV show on the laptop or a book in bed. Do you need to make changes to your sleep patterns? I think I'm ok - if it ain't broken, don't fix it, after all Oh no!! Get lots of rest and feel better soon!
  2. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks, and double thanks for the Dean Winchester!! I can always use some more Dean Winchester in my life (esp. now I'm across the pond and they don't show Supernatural here...), that goes triple for when he's telling me I'm awesome!!
  3. Monday, September 29, 2014: For my challenge update, go to my challenge page (link in the dooblydoo). Long story short, last week was a bit rocky, but I'm pleased with the progress I made. Today's workout: 40 squats 10 pushups (real to form failure, then incline. Today, it was 2 real pushups, then incline pushups to 10) 10 rows (1 set with 14k, 2 sets with 12k). I meant to do inverted rows here, but the equipment hack i thought I'd figured out didn't work. Back to the drawing board. 30 lunges 35s plank 40 jumping jacks 3 circuits I finally did a real pushup, which is wonderful!!! It's also amazing to think back to when I started - I had issues even finishing my rows with a 15 lb weight, now I'm lifting almost double that! And I'm planking for over thirty seconds, which is pretty cool as well. Anyway, I'm still enjoying the process, and I'm starting to see results, which is gratifying as well. For the rebellion, Petra
  4. Progress Report, Week Two: So this week was a bit of a mixed bag. Diet-wise, I didn't have such a great week, although it was within the bounds of the challenge. It's just that I took none of my cheat meals the week previously, and this week I took three. However, the scale moved this week, so I think the logging of meals is definitely helping. I'll continue to do that. Now to the nitty gritty: Main Quest: Under 140 lbs. Week 1: 153 Week 2: 153 Week 3: 149.4 (2.6 lbs lost, pushing me under 150 lbs!!!!) Subquest 1: Do one pushup Week 1: incline pushups Week 2: incline pushups Week 3: Today, I did not one, but two pushups for each of my circuits (then I moved up to an incline to finish my set.) *** QUEST COMPLETED! *** Subquest 2: Run 10 miles. Week 1: 5 miles longest run Week 2: 6 miles Week 3: 7 miles (3 more miles to add!) Subquest 3: Eat well. Week 1: 0/12 cheat meals Week 2: 3/12 cheat meals Life Goal: Ballroom starts this Wednesday, and I will be there! So I'm calling this week a pretty great success - I diverged a bit from my previously rigorous eating habits, but I got right back onto eating well, and it obviously hasn't hurt my progress any. I'm really happy I did a few REAL pushups today (yay!), and I'm excited to run even farther this weekend. What's in store this week? Ballroom club meetup is on Wednesday, which I'm excited/nervous for. Other than that, it's a fairly slow week, but I should do a whole bunch of prophylactic practicing because the next week and the week afterwards are going to be kind of insane. Onwards and upwards, Petra
  5. Yes, I do - I find it works well for me, especially when I've fallen off the wagon in the past, because when I've fallen, I've tended to fall a long way, and then roll a distance, so I do some serious damage fairly quickly. It's my way of checking in, quickly, every morning. And thanks! 'twas fun, in my own little masochistic way.... *insert evil grin here*
  6. Thank you all so much!!! It made my day (of course, it's not so great that that evening I had a friend over for dinner and subsequently ate too much, pushing me over 150 again, but I did it once, I can do it again!!!) Also, in exciting news -- I just ran 7 miles! I've never run that far before...
  7. Sunday, September 28, 2014: I just ran 7 miles. To some extent, I find it a little hard to believe. But then I remember I've run 6, and that I currently feel like I've taken a steamroller to my legs, and I believe it. Which is the good news. (Oh, and I did it in 1:16:41, which I'm pretty happy with - those are mostly 10 minute-and-change miles, with one 13 minute mile there in the middle. But that was because I was stopped at major intersections multiple times in that mile, so I wasn't even moving...) The not so good news is that, while I loved having a friend over for dinner (Mexican inspired) and a movie (can you believe she'd never seen Singin' in the Rain?), I ate too much. Tortilla chips and the baked apple dessert were my undoing, I think. Pros: I didn't overeat by that much (I think by about 400 calories - I honestly wasn't keeping that great a track). What I ate wasn't awful for me - halibut, guacamole, salsa, quinoa, apples, etc, with a passing grade for the tortilla chips - but as always, quantity is always the killer. Cons: I ate too much. In any event, I really enjoyed the evening, and I'm back on the horse as far as healthy eating is concerned. Also, for those of you keeping track, this is my third cheat meal (I'm 3/12 for the challenge). I'll do my full week's wrapup tomorrow. Onwards and upwards, Petra
  8. Hi! It's nice to see you around again! How are you all doing? How am I doing? Pretty great, actually. Just reached a milestone weight loss wise, I'm feeling better (I was sick this week), and a friend is coming over for dinner. I hope you are feeling well as well! What's going on? See above... What was the best thing that happened to you this week? It's a toss-up between finally feeling better and seeing the number on the scale go from 15something to 14something... it's banned book week, what's your favorite book? I was reading this week that Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere had been banned. Not sure why, but I really liked it when I read it. Happy weekend, everyone!
  9. Saturday, September 27, 2014: Aaaaaaand I'm back! This morning I woke up without feeling like my entire brain wanted to drain out through one or other nostril. We all know what that means - Petra is better!!!! So in celebration, I worked out. Because, well, I've missed it. Today I: Ran 3 miles (with a 9:44 av. pace without even trying, which is pretty good) Did my bodyweight workout - same as Monday. I'm absolutely loving being able to exercise again. Tomorrow, a 7 mi. run. It'll be farther than I've ever run before (eek!) But wait, there's more!!! I stepped on the scale today, and, lo and behold, I broke 150 lbs!!!!!!! (yes, the copious exclamation marks are necessary). I've only been trying to get myself under 150 for about a year and a half. I guess the calorie tracking is working, so that's good. Moving forward: Long run tomorrow. Then I'm going to try and do real pushups next week. I'm doing my set of 10 without too many major problems now, so I'll try and see how it goes. I'm also going to try inverted rows instead of my dumbbell rows next week. My gym isn't perfectly set up to do those, but I think I've figured out a work-around. Onwards and upwards, Petra
  10. Saturday, September 27, 2014: Aaaaaaand I'm back! This morning I woke up without feeling like my entire brain wanted to drain out through one or other nostril. We all know what that means - Petra is better!!!! So in celebration, I worked out. Because, well, I've missed it. Today I: Ran 3 miles (with a 9:44 av. pace without even trying, which is pretty good) Did my bodyweight workout - same as Monday. I'm absolutely loving being able to exercise again. Tomorrow, a 7 mi. run. It'll be farther than I've ever run before (eek!) But wait, there's more!!! I stepped on the scale today, and, lo and behold, I broke 150 lbs!!!!!!! (yes, the copious exclamation marks are necessary). I've only been trying to get myself under 150 for about a year and a half. I guess the calorie tracking is working, so that's good. Moving forward: Long run tomorrow. Then I'm going to try and do real pushups next week. I'm doing my set of 10 without too many major problems now, so I'll try and see how it goes. I'm also going to try inverted rows instead of my dumbbell rows next week. My gym isn't perfectly set up to do those, but I think I've figured out a work-around. Onwards and upwards, Petra Oops - should have posted this in my battle log. But still.
  11. Agreed. I think I thinned out my blood and replaced at least half of it with tea while I was sick. (half lemon tea, half earl grey)
  12. Thursday, September 25, 2014: I haven't logged the past two days. That's because I've had a cold and have taken not one, but two rest days. While I certainly lament it, I think it was the right decision. I'm feeling a bit better, and I couldn't stand the thought of three rest days in a row, so I exercised today. I took it fairly cautiously. I was scheduled for a 4mi run today, but I did the 3 I skipped on Tuesday. I did it in the gym, on the treadmill, so I could stop and get back home easily if I really had difficulties and aborted early. I also decided to do a modified run-walk routine instead of my usual all-run. I did 9 minutes of running, one minute of walking And end result? I have another three mile run under my belt - 3 mi. 34:00 min. I'm glad to be back on the horse. Not being able to exercise really tested my willpower on not eating too much, but all things considered, I did pretty well. Onwards and upwards, For the rebellion, Petra
  13. Thanks! I was planning to try and do floor pushups when I could do the set of 10 in a row. (which was hopefully going to be end of this week/beginning of next, but I got sick (more below).
  14. Thanks for all of the support everyone!! So I'm still snotting all over the place, but I managed to run 3 miles today! (I did it inside, on the treadmill, because I wanted to be close to home if I really started to have troubles, but I didn't, so that was apparently worry over nothing) It was a little slow, but deliberately so, and if I feel better again tomorrow, I'll be able to do more then! Still lots of fluids, vitamin C - I think I'm living on tea at this point... Best, Petra
  15. Not great. Still sick (boo, hiss), so no workout again today (it'll be the first day time I've taken two days off exercising in a row this month, which kind of sucks. But I don't fancy snotting all over the gym either...) But I'm trying to drink lots of fluids, take it easy, and try not to eat too much at the same time. So very much agreed. You are all awesome
  16. Thanks everyone!!! I'm still not feeling great, so I think I'm going to take another rest day. snotting through lifting weights really doesn't sound appealing.... Hope you all are having a great week! Petra
  17. First of all - love HIMYM!!! Why am I awesome? What makes me awesome? I like that I'm interested in pretty much everything. Seriously. All branches of science, history, literature, not so much business, music, etc. With that and my reading, I'm hardly ever bored. Oh, and I wanted to thank everyone for the good vibes yesterday! I really appreciated it.
  18. So I woke up this morning with the beginnings of a cold. Tickly/sore throat, kind of congested. Lots of fun. I figure I'll make today my rest day and either double up tomorrow, or exercise on Friday instead of using that as my rest day. Because, well, I don't feel great, I should catch up on sleep, and yesterday was exhausting. On the meal front, I used two of my cheat meals (so now I'm 2/12). Yesterday at the wake I had food (some pizza, some quiche, lots of watermelon), and today at a friends I had rice pudding. Which was also delicious, but scarcely diet. But I planned those in, so that's ok. Back tomorrow, hopefully less sniffly, better rested and ready for another day/workout! For the rebellion, Petra
  19. Thanks for checking back - it's nice to see you! As to logging - it's definitely nice to take out the guesswork. I'm still a little new to be seeing results yet. (If only I had a time turner, or a TARDIS, or something...) And yes. Oh my goodness... It's like paradise. In one of the most touristy parts of London Thank you - I needed the extra positive voice today. Thank you I think I talked about this on my battle log and completely forgot to add it in here - I have a measuring tape, but I left it at home and haven't replaced it yet. When I get a new one I'll start taking measurements again.
  20. Yes, I did warm up - some non-specific warmup, and some dynamic stretching too... Neither.... I imagine it's like having electricity sent through a muscle. It zaps. A zap coming from around where my bicep should be (if it were visible,) going to and ending at my elbow. I think I'll just try it the next time I work out and see what happens - and keep you posted. And thanks for all the good vibes!!!!! I think I did pretty well on the bad food front. I ate just enough to get me a semi-decent dinner. More processed carbs than I would have liked (quiche and pizza), but lots of watermelon... and lots of tea...
  21. Hi everyone, So my full write-up for this past week is on my challenge thread ( link in the dooblydoo). All in all, it was a pretty successful week, even though it didn't show on the scale. (boo hiss) I had a question, though. Today I was doing pushups (yay for pushups getting easier!), and I had this zap down my upper arm to my elbow. Has anyone had this before? I tried rotating my hand position, to see if that helped, no dice. It's not painful, just, well, zappy. I understand I might be a little oversensitive, being as I really can't afford to injure either arm (violinists kind of need both, after all), but anyway, help!! Also, I'm headed to a family member's funeral today. I think I'm well-prepared, but it's not going to be fun, and I'm a little scared that I'll slip up and eat a whole bunch of garbage. I don't think I will - I've tried to mentally prepare myself as much as I can, but still. Any good vibes/thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Have an awesome week! Petra
  22. Week Two, Day One: Status Update Main Goal: get to under 140 lbs. Week 1, Day 1: 153.0 Week 2, Day 1: 153.0 No change (I discussed this more in my battle log - I'm hoping to improve for next week, but suffice to say for now, I think I'm doing what I can) Grade for the week: A (I did what I was supposed to do, found I was getting results I didn't care for, and adjusted.) Sub-quest 1: one real pushup Week 1, Day 1: incline pushups Week 2, Day 1: incline pushups. But they're getting easier, and I'm hoping to try a lower incline by next week. No change Grade for the week: A (Again, I did the training I set out to do, and there's progress in sight) Sub-quest 2: Run 10 miles Week 1, Day 1: longest run, 5 mi. Week 2, Day 1: longest run, 6 mi. Up one mile! Grade for the week: A Sub-quest 3: Eat well Week 1: No cheat meals. (0/12 cheat meals eaten) Grade for the week: A Life Quest: be more social Week 1: coffee with two friends, two meetings, and a few attempts to reach out and arrange stuff with other people Grade for the week: A Long story short: So, even though I didn't lose a pound this week, I think I've done pretty well. I did all the workouts I was planning on, my strength training is progressing, ever so slowly, and I haven't eaten junk. So, if I continue like this, logic tells me I should start to see more results. The emotional belief is still taking some working on, though. Let me be clear - I'm still fully committed to doing the work, to putting in the effort and continuing down this path. It's just that, having not actually experienced being fit and slim for many years, I sometimes wonder if it'll happen again. But that's just the voice in my head nagging at me. I try to ignore her as much as possible, but she's persistent.... So, onwards. Onwards and upwards. For the rebellion, Petra P.S. I did my daily workout as planned (see battle log for more details), even on six hours sleep.
  23. Monday, September 22, 2014: 6WC, Week Two, Day One: Progress report: 153.0 lbs. No change from last week. I can't measure myself to see if I've lost inches - I left my tape measure at home and I haven't replaced it yet. But my clothes are fitting better, and, based on comparing the pics I took today to the pics I took about two weeks ago, I think I look different. So, at least I'm making progress. I'm also tracking my calories as of a few days ago, which I hope will make a difference. I will reevaluate this for next week. Workout: BWT, this time three circuits of: 35 squats (up from 30) 10 incline pushups (focusing on form and completing the set as one set of ten, not two sets of five) 10 dumbbell rows at 12k 26 lunges 30s plank (up from 25s) 40 jumping jacks Final thoughts: I'm staying the course, although the results are scarcely coming as quickly as I would like. I'm also going to be adding some stretching. It's something I probably should have been doing all along, but as I'm feeling quite tight in my upper back and I don't want to injure myself, it's become mandatory. Onwards and upwards, right? For the rebellion, Petra Thanks!
  24. Thanks for the sub! About the logging - it's the conclusion I came to as well. I know I haven't been eating crap, but quantities, well, that's harder, and my appetite is doing weird things as well. So logging things just lets me know what I'm doing. Forbidden Planet IS awesome. and thanks! As always for me, it's about getting through the first five minutes. Getting my workout gear on, heading out the door. If I can do that, 99 times out of 100 I'll finish the workout, and feel better for it. And agreed - necessary evil is exactly how I'm viewing it. We'll see how it goes...
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