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About pokemaniacemily

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  • Birthday 09/03/1993

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  1. I had read your challenge before but I hadn't written anything. It sounds like you have a lot to think about concerning your past/current health issues, but I'm sure you'll do great. It's inspiring to see someone take charge though, you know? I'm also super interested in Paleo, I'm a biological anthropology student so I study this kind of stuff anyways, I've just never tried it out. Post food pics!!!!
  2. I think so! I'm still coughing but I was worse last week and I still ran. I'll be running and doing my chin-ups later today. As a side note, instead of doing 3x10 pushups last night I did 2x20!! I was going to do 2x15 but I pushed myself forward, because I should be able to do 20 pushups in a row by now 30 seconds -1 minute interval between. Feeling buff. I also went to a seminar with the weightlifting club at school and they had a special guest who was an experienced lifter and coach who outlined some strength training programs lifters of different levels can do. I didn't want to stick around until 6 because my class ended at 3:30, but I stayed, studied, attended the seminar and found myself a tutor to teach me the basics of lifting. It was a dilemma for me (because my commute is long and I didn't get home until 9:30) but I toughed it out in the pursuit of a healthier self. I knew what everyone here would want me to do, so I did it Sounds good!
  3. WEEK OF SEPT 15 - SEPT 21 So I already made a post from last Monday so I won't cover that here, but I did pretty well at my run. I've decided to do weekly summaries however, because most of my goals are recorded on a weekly basis. I'll start with notable events and then end each post with the grade I'm giving myself for each week. So, how did my run go last Thursday? Interestingly. I went to a different university gym this time at the behest of a friend, and it was pretty cool. It was my first time there and it was much less crowded. The track was 7 laps per kilometer instead of 5, so it was a bit harder to keep track of how many meters I was running. My friend and I just shouted the lap number we were on when we went past our starting point and we did the whole 5 k together! I did 2k and 286 m to begin with (an improvement over Monday where I started with 2k [and yes I know, 286 m is weird but it's 7 laps per km instead of 5 which produces much rounder numbers]) and then walked for some laps before starting up again. IIRC, I ran ~4.3k thursday and walked .7k in total. Good job me! Then we moseyed over to the chin-up machine and I attempted to find out what weight I could use it with a new handle arrangement. It was ok. I felt the burn, even if I couldn't quantify things very well. Later on however (about 50 minutes after getting back from the gym), I started to get dizzy and had to sit down for about half an hour (during which my friend went and got me a spanakopita and force fed it to me). During the week I had started a new dietary plan that involved a lot of fat but very few carbs, and even though I wasn't hungry AT ALL, my body clearly needs more carbs if I'm going to run (or at least I need to be in actual ketosis, although that isn't my goal). So even though I got enough calories, I've realized that I need to make sure to replenish my blood sugar to exercise. Rough lesson. After that, everyone got super worried about me and I still felt pretty vertigo-ish so I didn't do my pushups that night or the next. I've had a pretty bad cold/cough but I feel like I should still do at least pushups if I'm well enough to go to school whilst sick. Kind of lame; my first failure. However, I did do (not part of my challenge) 7 days in a row of 3x10 pushups! I started to do them after getting Steve's email about making healthy habits so, at least I got that going for me. What I found is that I'm not as good at pushups when I break them up into sets, so I think I'm going to do 2x15 instead of 3x10 so I can build up my endurance. Anyways, it was a week of learning but I felt really good about how far I was able to run. On a side note, here on NF, I made my own team (More Newbies) because all the other groups were too full and I thought that other people would join my group, but no one has :/ I think I should just go join another group or get one accountabilibuddy. OVERALL GRADES: A Chin-ups: did my chin-ups both times I went to the gym. B Pushups: did 5 days out of 7. A Running: Ran twice, did 5k running/walking both times. Gain of approximately (+300m).
  4. I think for the 5k I'm fine without an app because I can track myself pretty well, but maybe I will for greater distances. Thank you!
  5. I'm not entirely sure what's happening with my guild, I have many ambassadors and people coming in and telling me different things My first choice was a warrior but then I was tagged with the assassins (due to the bodyweight goals in my challenge) and I had adventurers and now a scout ambassador in my thread as well! Wowza! In the future I know I will be focusing more on weightlifting so I'm sure I'll stay in the warrior guild, it's just that this particular challenge is kind of a startup for me (need to learn how to lift properly before I can lift, but in the meantime I'm doing bodyweight).
  6. Thank you! For the last couple of months I've been working on my pushups. I had to work myself up to knee pushups at first by doing stair pushups for about a month (pushups on an angle). Then from the knee pushups I was able to work myself up to real pushups. What a journey I gained a lot of musculature in the pectoral region just because I had so little beforehand. I checked out your challenge as well, looks good!
  7. I read it on a tablet, it's actually more convenient to switch books on one device instead of carrying two massive books around
  8. Cool. The books get really great if you read the 4th and 5th book at the same time (because they cover the same timelines with different characters). Have to watch out for spoilers though! I think there are custom reading orders designed to reorganize the books whilst also revealing the secrets in the proper order though. A Feast for Crows isn't as good as A Dance with Dragons (in my opinion) but the custom reading order really helps break it up.
  9. "It is known" is banned on the subreddit for the series because of the spam it caused I've been working out this summer to try and do a chin-up and I've been steadily reducing the assistance I've needed. I didn't work out for a while though so I might have felt like it was a bad goal, but I happened to be near some trees two weeks ago and found I was able to pull myself on a branch to at least a 90 degree angle at the elbows. I was pleasantly surprised! My core has been a lot stronger since I started doing pushups. I'm hoping that with my pushup routine and practicing chin-ups I'll have worked out enough to build more muscle. We'll see though.
  10. Thanks for stopping by! Yes, I saw that Blaidd tagged my post so you could check it out. I think my goals for this challenge line up with Assassin goals so I might be able to find people talking about the same kinds of exercises. What book are you on?
  11. Thanks for the luck! I think for now I'll stick to the goals I've set myself, but my pushup challenge seems like something similar so maybe I'll look at it again later. Coming back to this thread this morning, it seems like there's a lot going on! Assassins, adventurers, warrior tags... I guess what I want to be and what my goals look like have conflicting messages. But that's ok, it's nice to say hi to everyone and check things out ~GoT spoilers up to ADwD and the end of season 4~ As for Jon, I think you're right (R+L=J), but I'm not sold on the Tyrion thing. In the books, apparently the Mad King had a crush on Tywin's wife and took certain "liberties" as the bedding. Tywin's sister later tells Jaime that "Tyrion was Tywin's son, not you." Jaime and Cersei are also pretty incestuous (like Targaryans) and Cersei gets pretty excited by burning the tower of the hand. Tyrion is also cold and calculating like his father, and it would also be very ironic if Tywin pushed away his own son while raising the child of the man he hated. It would also mean that both Jaime and Tyrion killed their fathers. There's just too many things going on!!
  12. (WELP, I wrote this whole thing and previewed it before submitting, then accidentally pressed "back" and so the whole thing got deleted. I got Lazarus for chrome to stop that from happening again. This will be my second draft, which is a lot more direct). MONDAY SEPTEMBER 15TH I did my running, and was able to do 2k right off the bat (although very slowly). I interspersed the rest of my 5k with some walking, but overall I ran 4k and walked 1k. Not too bad! Although I was very slow, and it took 40 minutes, and people kept lapping me, I didn't give up. I think wanting my workout to be done faster helped me spend more of my laps running than walking. I went to the weights room and used the chin-up machine, but it was very different from the one I used during the summer and so I had to add a lot more weight to be able to complete my workout. Made me a bit sad, but if I could reduce my weight on that machine, maybe I could do an unassisted one on the other. Either way, I felt the burn! Good (thought short) workout. 3x8 at 130lbs (70lbs on the machine I'm used to using). Later on I did the 3x10 pushups. OVERALL RATING: A Extra: I also found an intro to free weights lifting class. I'm signed up with our university weightlifting club but they don't actually teach you how to weightlift (just have meets and seminars and stuff). But I'm on my way! My next challenge will probably be more weightlifting oriented but for now I'm just learning. Stay tuned.
  13. I had a bit of a hormonal imbalance when I started puberty so I put on a lot of weight. They thought I might have had polycystic ovarian syndrome which would affect my weight/hairiness, but I don't have any cysts and my hormones are now more in balance. I thought that having a slight edge of it would be an excuse for having the extra 15 pounds of weight but now I realize that my hormones are not a good enough excuse to let myself stay vegetative. I'm not using any running program, but maybe I should? I just run at the gym and track my progress with laps on the track But yes, it sounds like a good program! My inspiration for running is the fact that if I was ever in an apocalypse I would die so fast haha... I should be able to run at least a little bit (or at least so I can catch my trains when I'm late).
  14. Hopefully I can get to 50! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! I'm not actually a literature student, I just feel as if those are two books I must read or else I'll be culturally ignorant Everyone else read them in high school but I was taking slightly different courses and read different books so I missed them! I'm actually a biological anthropology student, someone who likes studying bones and human evolution. The Paleo Diet is pretty much entirely based off of principles from the field of evolutionary medicine! Indeed, it is time for action. I've spent too long waiting for the "right time". The right time is today!
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