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About mrshll1001

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  • Birthday 10/13/1991

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    Newcastle Upon Tyne
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  1. Hey Rebels, I've been lurking around NF for a while now and have become sold on the idea of intermittent fasting. From reading people's stories and the articles, it appears to me that most people generally prefer to skip "breakfast" and start their eating window around 1200 after some mid-morning training, then consume the second half of their day's calories in the evening. The issue for me is that I'm a diehard early-morning trainer, for both pragmatic and romanticised reasons. I'm generally in my lab from around 0745 until the evening so I get up at 0500 to train before I get the chance to become tired out from the day, then eat afterwards around 0615. I then stick to a normal eating plan of lunch ~1200 and dinner ~1800. I want to start intermittent fasting, but I don't want to change my training schedule as I absolutely adore training alone in the back garden before everyone else wakes up. Provisionally, it makes sense to me to just shift the fast so that I'm actively fasting in the evening rather than the morning. Ie I train as per usual, then extend my breakfast to include more food and also consume a larger portion at lunch. Giving me a fast from around 1300 until the next morning. I imagine that the collective wisdom at NF contains more grounded information than my hunch though. I suppose, following this, my questions are: Has anyone had any experience with something similar, and if so how did you find it? How would you stagger the calories? 50/50 across Morning and Noon or some other configuration?
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