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About lalalynxie

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  1. Last week trial week went well! I'm excited for this round of challenge!
  2. Last month I joined a little late, but this month I'm on time for the challenge! I did manage to meet my goals last time! I'm keeping my goals pretty simple and straight forward this time around because these are a couple of items that I really want to focus on meeting so I don't want to have much distraction. Focusing in on building a good habit and breaking a bad habit. Goals for this challenge: Create a morning movement routine to get in 30 minutes of movement before beginning my workday. Cycle at least 50 miles. Limit alcohol consumption to only weekends. Maintain these goals during the several trips I have planned during this challenge timeline.
  3. I am now consistently doing at least 4 hours a day since making this goal. I used to do 6-8, but then I got lazy and was at like 1-2. Very sad panda! Other updates: -have completed said climbing wall! Woohoo! Initial routes set up so I can take work mini breaks and do a bit of climbing in between calls -I have managed to get out of the city on several paddleboard adventures the past couple of weeks! Mental health is significantly improved!
  4. Joining a little late as I just respawned on this site. Haven't been around since 2014! And I was too excited to be back and couldn't wait until next challenge! I'm starting off slow to get things rolling! 1. Use my standing desk for at least 4 hours every work day 2. One out of the city adventure planned per weekend 3. Finish building out my climbing wall in my carport Let's do this!
  5. oh damn. Didn't realize I had to be with the rebels if it was my first challenge. Just thought that I could be there if I hadn't decided. Running is going well. My friends remain bored of my running talk which signals to me that I am staying appropriately obsessed. I have been religiously tracking my food and adjusting to eating based on macros. So, now my friends are really happy that talking about macros is part of our conversations in which I debate whether or not I want to eat chicken wings or a salad and where I'm at with all my macro intakes. I have loving and patient friends... I have found out that I mostly like to eat foods with lots of fat so I've really had to adjust that and cut back on my quest bar intake. I'm bad at eating protein mainly because I don't eat meat so I'm working on a lot of adjustments. I'm also having to relearn to eat carbs since I spent many years on the no carb, paleo bandwagon. Honestly, I decided to take on this year long project after a night of pretty impressive drinking in which I decided that I needed to refocus my self destructive tendencies. Running, for me, satisfies my self destructive urges as I really really enjoy hitting the wall when I'm running and then picking myself up sometimes literally and continuing on to the end of the race. It's like a little rebirth and reset each time. So, that is ultimately better than my other self destructive activity which is drinking all the beer. I have been running off and on for 10 years. I took the last 2 years off and only did rock climbing, heaving lifting, and hula hooping as exercise. I needed a running break so I could miss it again.
  6. New to this whole 4 week challenge deal, but it seemed like a fun way to shake up the new year. Also, my friends are tired of hearing about my running so I thought it would be nice to share with some folks who are on similar journeys. Basically I'm kind of boring to hang out with unless you like running, want to talk about running, want to carbo load and talk about how long you're going to run the next day, or if you really like bluegrass and the grateful dead. I have a year long goal that I started in December and that is that I'm running a half marathon each month this year. I completed my first one in December so actually it's a bit over a year. That will be 13 half marathons total by the time I'm done. But I still want to do small changes throughout the course of the year along with those, which is why I thought this might be fun. 1 - complete second half marathon on Jan 24 2 - transition to tracking macros and eating IIFYM 3 - track my food daily Level up life quest - schedule my yearly dr appt that I generally like to avoid like the plague Cheers and happy questing!
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