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About Alessandra

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  1. Hi everyone, I attempted to post on Tuesday but failed majorly due to my lack of forum knowledge. Anywho, I'm coming to this game a little late but have started since Tuesday and I'm really focused on making it through this 6-week challenge with y'all. I've been a Scout by trade for many years (cross-country and track in high school and college) and have only recently looked at other training styles. But I signed up for the Philadelphia Triathlon in June and so I'm keeping my scout shoes on and bracing myself for the task ahead. In the meantime my fitness/nutrition goals are primarily focused on leaning out for the event. My fitness goals are mapped out for me, as I'm following a triathlon plan and am currently using Starting Strength for weightlifting. Hopefully, the two aren't negating each other! These nutrition goals include: -drink AT LEAST 2 liters of water per day -proteins and veggies with every meal (like a lot of veggies) -less than 100g of carbs per day This is basically the Level 7 nutrition plan, but I've fallen off of this bandwagon many a times due to my friends Ben and Jerry and other sweets that I have trouble resisting. I really hope this challenge is going to keep me on track! Bonus: Life Goal -Either an acting, improv, or ukulele class! I'm finishing up an acting class right now, but would really like to explore more and also improv seems really awesome, so I'd like to find that. And and and I have ukulele that I've barely used...so it's time to get some motivation and play that ish. Thanks guys! Any triathlon/nutrition/life tips would be greatly appreciated. -Alessandra
  2. Hi there, I'm new to forums (there are SO many topics and posts and people, it's like magic!) and new-ish to Nerd Fitness. I fell off the NF bandwagon suprisingly after a vacation and am trying to get back in with a challenge. I'm doing a triathlon in June and felt the Scouts would be the way to go. I'm very excited for this challenge and want to put my goals out here because I was an avid athlete in high school and college but really want to take my training to the next level with the triathlon (for which I am quite terrified). I'd ideally like to lose between 5-10 Ibs to lean out a bit more before the race. To do that I think I will be attempting the Level 7 Nutrition for NF. My goals are then to: -Consume less than 100g of carbs per day. -Drink AT LEAST 2 liters of water per day. -eat veggies and protein with every meal. I hope these are specific enough...if anyone has tips and tricks for sprint triathlon/Level 7 nutrition let me know. I'm so glad to be here! Best, Alessandra
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