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About TabbyCat

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  • Birthday 09/06/1997

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  1. Y'ALL. IT'S OFFICIAL. (^___^) By the end of this month, I will have a roomie and will be sharing an apartment with this awesome peep! This roomie- who I will call Sarebear- is one tough cookie. (OH. LAWD. IS. SHE. TOUGH.) We worked together for a year or so, and have a lot in common, though I would describe her as the barbarian-bard to my rogue. No worries about any peeps breaking into our apartment, because Sarebear will take her guitar and PULVARIZE the bad guy into smithereens. (Hurray~) My two Youtuber friends have told me their offer still stands, to live with them, *Sniffles* and while that means the world ta me, I think there may be more opportunities for my growth, with Sare. And, since her roomies are leaving her, she REALLY needs a roommate at the moment, so it's a win-win! *Happy dance* WOOT! Plus, this will teach me how to carefully budget, because in addition to my car payment and insurance, we'll have rent of course, electric, etc. Now, I have, lived with a roommate before, but she tried to burn the apartment down (Long story, lol!) (O__O) Still plan to do the Youtubing thing, but it's just on the back-burner for now until I get settled. ~ So. Life is looking up, folks. And while I'm scared about these upcoming changes, I'm also incredibly excited! +300 experience points Sarebear has joined the party So, even though I mentioned some of the rough things in my life, at the moment, things are going great!! *Cheers* Getting back into a fitness routine, too (An hour of walking, today!) *Ninja-kicks life in the face* K-KYAAAA!!
  2. WHOO LAWDY. This MIGHT not be the best place to post this, darn it! And I prefer to be a positive 'lil peep. *Cheers, weakly* But um... I think sometimes everybody needs ta vent, ya know? It's time for some #TabbyTruths. There have been a TON of changes the past three months or so, folks! Everything from losing my main job (Which, eeeehhh- in the end- turned out to be a blessing in disguise, I think!) -To having a few health scares with some of my loved ones. ~ These incidents really SHOOK UP my life, ya know? One moment you feel like you're on firm ground, finally figuring things out, getting your shiz together... And the next thing ya know? BAM! Things hit the proverbial fan, so to speak, and you're suddenly in a just-as-proverbial-creek....without a um, paddle. (O__O) But the POSITIVE side of this is that these events can really make ya take a step back and LOOK at your life. And the peeps in it. -And I have come to the realization that I am also living with a VERY toxic family. It's hard, ya know? I love em' dearly. My dad and stepmother. But it's like being on a battle-zone of negativity. Of chaos and fury. There's even a heaviness to the house, a kind of weight in the atmosphere. There's a certain amount of emotional abuse, (Never physical, though, at least!) because of their narcissism. They don't want me to succeed, go to college, get a good job, write my books. There's also the way they scream and curse at my younger siblings... They don't like my various fitness posts on social media, either. And, insanely enough- They are angry with me for making plans to move out It feels weird, even typing this. And I bet it SOUNDS crazy, huh? Peeps don't understand this kind of stuff, unless they've lived it. But I hafta look at MY part in this too, ya know. (#Accountability, WOOT!) (^__^) I have allowed their behavior to affect me. And I had the luxury of potential roommates, before now. I have very dear friends who were ALSO looking for roomies. But...as the saying goes: "Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't." And I've had trouble trusting these dear friends. (Not through anything they've done, though!) So....New Year, New Me? No...New DAY, new me. I'm stepping outside of my comfort zone, starting now! Doing what I need to do to succeed *Cheers* EEEEEEEEK. (Feel like this whole post is a little on the negative side! But really it's more about just overcoming obstacles, in my life~) I WILL find success. (^__^) And If I fall, I'm gonna make sure to fall FORWARD. And I will not let circumstances hold me back, anymore. Wherever you are, wherever you're from. I'm a firm believer that you CAN find peace, and a better life. #AnythingIsPossible #Hope Note: I posted this vent of mine on another forum, and copied and pasted a good portion of it here, so I THINK that's why a lotta stuff is highlighted, LOL. (O__O) ALSO NOTE: If any of ya wise elders on here have any advice for this young, wandering gal *Bows respectfully* I welcome it! Or even if you, too wanna vent~ join me in this tavern and together we shall DROWN OUR SORROWS. *Hiccups and holds mug of ale high*
  3. WASSUP MY AMAZIN' PEEPS? *Staggers through brambles and brush, emerging from forest with sticks in hair and leaves everywhere* "It's one of the tree people!!!!" A local village man cries, "SHOOT IT. SHOOT IT NOW!!" *Cue me dodging bullets, still lookin' disheveled, and seeking shelter at a local tavern-because-that's-where-most-adventure-stories-end-up* Whew. LAWD HAMMERCY. Let's just say that um, retail life and my general habit of not sticking to things has-err- thrown a wrench in my goals. X D Peeps have been so patient with me, and have been encouragin' me to get back on track and pursue things. (^___^) You all are so sweet and lemme just say I've missed you peeps!! I've actually had some folks message me asking how things have been, so thank ya all! In an effort to integrate and better keep track of all the forums, social media, etc. I participate in, I figured I'd share my Facebook link! https://www.facebook.com/tabby.mason.1 (Might need to copy and paste in the search box) While it seeeeems a little risky putting my Facebook page out there, I figure- hey, if I'm trying to get started on YouTube and blog, I may as well share my Facebook page as well~ *Gives out hugs, cookies, and mugs of coffee* W-wait guys! N-no need for a search party! *Does a cheerful little jig* I'm okay, r-really! And whooooo Nelly, do I have some adventure stories to share with you all! (O___O) Let's just say the last several months have been interesting!
  4. *Sniffles, happily* AWWW~ you guys organized a search party? Y-ya shouldn't have! (^___^) -And as a matter of fact- *Withdraws an enormous jug from backpack, along the sides of which are intricately drawn symbols* I have brought a gift from the fair folk who helped me! Aye,' a toast to the party reunited, my friends!! WOOOOOOT! ~ You are so kind, heheh!! Thank ya for the compliments, Jean! And, If I may say, you have a knack for writing, as well! Duuuude, in all the time I've been planning this, I never even thought to see if that Channel name was already taken! But it looks like somebody else thought of that name first! I'm glad you saw that! Hrmmmm...I'll hafta add something/change the name up just a little! And the creepy part is that their content (The customer stuff) is totally something I would talk about!) (O__O) Woah! It'll be a little bit before it's launched, but hopefully soon! *Cheers* A couple friends of mine have most of the equipment already, and they've been telling me I need to get it started!
  5. (O___O) *Tilts Head* A-are those...? *Pupils widen* CAT TREATS???????? *SCOOPS THEM ALL UP* Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. (^__^) The cat treats worked, heheh! Thanks, Morty!
  6. *Pokes face out, from behind foliage* GOOD LAWD. *Approaches, looking as though I've trekked from mountains far, with twigs in hair and war-paint on face* Y'all...I'm so sorry! GAHHH. (>__<) This was supposed to be somethin' I was gonna remain consistent on, ya know? Reliable. Like some pipsqueak version of Gandalf. Life got...woah. Just WOAH. Life got busy. Not just with the main job and the side jobs, but with writing (Trying to get back into that) and with working on creating a YouTube Channel! OH! Aaaaand...I might have some new roommates, soon! (^___^) My last roommate about set the apartment ablaze by trying to set fire to her boyfriend's pants, lol. (Long Story). I walked in and was like...Oh dear me. On another positive note, though, whadda you guys think about the name TabbyTalks ™ , for a YouTube Channel? I really hope nobody thought I was kidnapped by a cray customer! X P (Though....Oooooooh mah goodness, have I got some more interesting stories for you guys, involving some of them!) And, as an aside... I've MISSED you all! *Hugs* ❤
  7. EH? What's THIS? Finally, a post about fitness, heehee! X D ~ Today...I did squats. And not just a few squats, no. I did...a whole lot of em'. So many- in fact- that I feel as though I've been hauling donkeys up a mountain...in the snow...over cliffs. So many squats that once finished, I sat down (Painfully) rolled over, and in a flash of pain I'm pretty sure I met Jesus. (And even he was all like "GURL... PACE YO'SELF") Or maybe that was my own mind crying out... In any case, I laid there for a while! (>___<) GAHHH. *Sniffles* To my more fit peeps out there: WHEN DO THE SQUATS STOP HURTING? I'm having some trouble kneeling down, and whenever I do it feels like someone is trying to make taffy outta my leg muscles, heheh! In any case, at least I feel accomplished! So that's definitely a positive! (^___^)
  8. Heehee! (^__^) It really is mostly cream I guess! Or- as one of the employees said- "This is syrup!" Funny story, actually- I was hanging out with a friend of mine, and she accidentally took a sip of my coffee, instead of hers. All she said was, "JESUS." X D
  9. Had to call off of Job # 3 (The Other retail store I work at, ) today! *Blushes* Because of a conflict in..err... schedules, unfortunately! (>__<) They go by an automated system, and it's too bad there's no option to say, "Sorry, I'm calling off because I'm lame and I overextended myself! GAHH!" *In Marvin Martian Voice* Whelp...back to the old drawing boooard! I plan to leave this job at some point, anyhow- Have you ever had a job that was just filled to the darn brim with way too much drama? Toxicity? Now don't get me wrong, I love my peeps at this job, too! (^__^) But golly, are they aggressive! Two of my coworkers got into an actual fistfight in our bakery, the other day. (O__O) -No idea what it was about, but I kid you not, one of them started throwing baked goods at the other in the process. And- because they're so short staffed- they didn't fire either of em'! Not to mention there was the one time my boss got mad and- um- threw his phone across the room. (O____O) (This is at my third job, mind ya, not the other two. Management's awesome at the others!) But...yep. I guess...If I'm honest...I prolly could have made it in, somehow, today. Rescheduled a couple things, maybe. But my motivation- when it comes to this third place of employment- is kinda lacking...
  10. It's amazing, the confidence that good lifestyle changes can give ya! *Cheers* (WOOT!) (And of course what a good hair curler can do) (^__~) I've been taking a different Profile Picture, each day (Doing this on my Facebook, also!) to kind of UP my confidence and see the difference working out has made to my skin. As well as certain job changes and a little more sleep. Y'ALL. *Spins chair around, takes sip of coffee* Committing to lifestyle changes....changes your whole outlook! The world seems even brighter and more beautiful than before. In the past I've been a little bummed, a little scared and uncertain when it comes to making changes. Now? Holy quacamole, Batman! Now I'm welcoming change- Bring. It. On.
  11. That's a good idea! (To gradually reduce intake) Thank ya both! : D
  12. YOU GUYS. I have a- um- confession. It's a coffee confession. A CAFFEINE Confession, if ya will. You see, most people put maybe- what- two or three creams and sugars in their coffee? …. I put...*Deep, ragged breath* FOURTEEN CREAMS. AND FOURTEEN SUGARS. In my coffee. *Blushes* I know. I know I have a problem. I know it, whenever I go through the fast food drive through, put my coffee order in, and listen to the crackling silence over the speaker. "Did you say," The cashier says, hopefully, "Four creams and four sugars?" And I hafta correct her, "U-um... Fourteen, ma'am." I'm trying to IMPROVE, darn it! Trying to do a little better with this unhealthy sugar habit! So today...I had nine creams and nine sugars. *Sniffles* It just wasn't the same... (T__T)
  13. Right??I totes agree! I've decided not to mention this to em', in case they have a conniption fit, heheh! (O__O) But yeah (EEEEK!) The whole thing was really weird and uncomfortable! The items were actually food/grocery related, and they ordered lots of different wines and alcohol beverages, too. The good thing about this is that I can choose not to deliver to those folks again, and I'm thinkin' of maaaybe saying something to the HR team about the oddness of the whole thing...! *Shudders*
  14. At Job #2 on a delivery run, today... PEEPS. Lemme just say...sometimes I run into some funky people- and not in a dance-moves kinda way. I walk up to the door of one of the customers, expecting just a routine delivery. (I shoulda known better) In hindsight, I think the distant rumble of thunder was a warning from the Heavens. An omen, if ya will. The customer opens the door- AND SHE WAS WEARING ONLY A TOWEL. "I'm Busy," She wheezes, has that voice that's kinda crackly and metallic, from cigarette use. "Can you bring the food INSIDE, for me?" Well, fudge. I ALMOST considered it, actually, just to be nice! But then, I happened to look past the darkened living room- And her husband was also standing in the background. WEARING ONLY A TOWEL. Nope. Nope. Nope. I laugh nervously and almost fall over in my haste to hand her the food, "U-um!" I stammer, "I-I-It's against policy! I'm very sorry! Have a beautiful day!" She grumbles something else, but I'm already halfway across the yard, like a bat outta hades, getting the heck out of dodge. Nope. Nope. Nope.
  15. YES!! *Raises sword in the air, staggering under it's weight* We- We've gotta gather the troops! Gotta spread awareness of the danger of ninja-spiders!
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