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  1. So...Aliens. Robots. Insanely Intelligent Monkeys. What do all these things have in common? They're all out to kick our butts -and most definitely will succeed if said butt has been fat, lazy, or otherwise incapable of movement. Thus the question, if I were to end up in a scene from IRobot, The Matrix, War of the Worlds, Star Wars, etc. which character would I fit most? The background people dying and panicking or a capable and valuable member of a resistance? Thus, in the name of rebellion (and in the interest of NOT dying sadly and pathetically), my goal is to remove my butt from all Couch Related Activities and back into Resistance Cable Assassin Activities. The regimen I have outlined for myself is this: Running/Walking Importance: You never know when you might need to run for your life or trek many miles in search of the rebel base. Frequency: Daily Duration: Minimum of 1 mile Body Weight Training Importance: Need I even say? Just go watch Batman, Arrow or this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZxNbAwY_rk Frequency: 3 days/week Duration: 15 to 20 mins Sleeping Importance: Who wants to die because of crappy reaction time? No one. So get your rest. Frequency: Um..Nightly...lol. We'll go with 5 days a week for starters. Duration: 8 hours. This means going to bed at like 10:30. The exception for this will be emergencies like Azha getting sick or someone breaking into my car (examples from last months night disturbances) As far as points and such I will be setting all that up with the new character creation set-up and will provide a link in this post when I have time. 2 part Real life rewards: 1 snow boarding trip 1 rock climbing trip Achieved by making it through a fortnight with an overall 85% success (eg 90%, 90%, 75%). Also, I can't believe it's take me till today to finally post this. *hangs head in shame*
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