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Found 3 results

  1. So I wanted to ask those who live the paleo/primal lifestyle. I've been conflicted on whether Paleo/Primal is a good way for me to sustain a healthy lifestyle. I'm primarily wanting to lose about 40lbs by the end of the year. I've done paleo before but I found a couple problems that I was wondering if I could fix or at least make them less significant. First, I'm allergic to all tree nuts and avocados. This eliminates all meals or snacks that have those ingredients. I often find something that I would enjoy, just to find that it has either one or sometimes both. Second, I've had others say that my acne became worse. I think this may be due to the fact that I was eating things I was allergic to. But, my mom swears it due to the oils allowed in paleo, I don't see any truth in that. So please, somebody put an end to this. As many of you are way more experienced about living (imo it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle) paleo/primal. Are my allergies to much of a restriction for me to consider Paleo/Primal as sustainable lifestyle for me. Because I could do what I'm currently doing which is eating a lot of veggies and protein, but find it hard to have something satisfy me long enough to not be constantly snacking. That may just be an issue that I could solve. So any suggestions/advice would be so greatly appreciated
  2. Introduction Hi, I'm Talora Dion! I have been struggling with fatigue of unknown origin, insomnia (worsened by exercise), anxiety, and various "weird" medical issues (like seemingly random allergic reactions to food) for about 5 years now. This is my quest to get my life back! Current stats: 5'7", about 150lbs, size 8 (Canadian), a mile long list of minor to moderate severity medical complaints. Main Quest I want to be healthy, fit, and happy, with more energy than I know what to do with! Specifically, here's what that would look like: Endurance Measures Able to mountain bike for a full day and be only slightly sore the next day, with no impact on energy levels for the following weekRun 5km with my dog 3x/week Strength Measures Deadlift 200lbs 1rep (Currently 75lbs?)Back Squat 120lbs 1rep (Currently 45 lbs)Press 75lbs 1 rep (Currently 30lbs)25 toe pushups in one set (Currently 2 :S )3 pullups (dead hang, no kipping) (Currently none) I want to achieve this by April 30th, 2015. This will likely entail losing some weight (and I would like to weigh closer to 130lbs) but my focus is on HEALTH and ENERGY. Quest #1 Goal: Eat Whole30 for the 6 weeks of the Challenge. Measurement: A = 100% success, B = 1 mistake, C = 2+ mistakes Rewards: A = +2 CON, +3 WIS; B = +1 CON, +2 WIS; C = +0 CON, +1 WIS Quest #2 Goal: Sleep 8+ hours every night (11pm - 7am) Measurement: A = 5+ nights per week, B = 4 nights per week, C = 3 nights per week Rewards: A = +2 STA, +1 DEX; B = +1 STA, +1 DEX; C = +1 STA, +0 DEX Quest #3 Goal: Strength training 3x/week; starting with the NF Basic Bodyweight workout, until that gets too easy, then I'll figure out what to do next. Measurement: A = 18x during the Challenge; B = 14x during the Challenge; C = 10x during the Challenge. Rewards: A = +1 STR, +1 CHA; B = +0.5 STR, +0.5 CHA; C = +0.5 STR, +0 CHA Motivation I used to be fit: epic all-day XC mountain bike rides, 4+ days a week in the gym lifting heavy, CrossFit. I want to be that fit again. I want to look that good, and be that capable, again. I want to make serious progress in life. I want to be fierce and strong, with the energy to make the most of my time as this particular collection of particles!
  3. Almost a year ago I did a 30-day vegan stint, which was wonderful. Unfortunately, about half way through, I learned that my list of food allergies had basically quadrupled. To top it off, the new allergies were almost all fruits and vegetables. I fondly remember my doctor saying, "Well, if it's not a moral thing, you may want to reconsider being vegan because I don't know what in the world you're going to eat." I finished out my 30 days of being vegan, but since then I've struggled with eating and staying healthy. It's hard to not just go for bread and cheese because it's one of few things that's easy and that I'm not allergic to. I've considered going paleo, but I think it would be hard to avoid all these annoying allergies. Check out the list and let me know if you have any thoughts. My Enemies Soy Eggs Rice Hazelnut Peanuts Strawberries Cantaloupe Peaches Apples White Potatoes KaleCarrots Celery Broccoli Green Beans [There may be one or two more, but I think I got them all].
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