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  1. G'day all, I'm Dan, the new Nerd Fitness Rebel Family Correspondent, Steve has granted the very important (and very awesome) task of writing about all things family for Nerd Fitness (you can check out my first article here). I'm a father from Adelaide, South Australia with two (soon to be three) amazing kids. I work as a fatherhood specialist in a large non profit organization, where I help other dads become the best they can be. In my work I run prenatal classes, playgroups, fatherhood courses, provide counselling and opportunities for parents and their children to bond. I'm super excited to be writing for Nerd Fitness, but I really want to know what all you parents (or parents to be) would like to read, or learn more, about? Through my work, qualifications, and life experiences as a parent, I have a wide range of knowledge relating to parenting, sleeping, eating, child development, mental health, sensory issues, pregnancy, pre and postnatal health, relationships, and much more. So let me know what you Rebel Parents would really like to see on the Nerd Fitness blog. I promise I'll try to keep the dad jokes to a minimum ('Dead-lifts'? More like, 'Dad-lifts'! Amirite?!)...I'll show myself out. Also, feel free to get in touch, either just to say 'G'day!', or ask a question at any time. -'Down Under' Dan.
  2. *** Tracer's HOLOCRON *** //Information Database\\ *Training, Nutrition, Health* I intend to keep a record of all articles, data and information I discover on my journey to become a Jedi Master. Open my Holocron - A collection of Training, Nutrition and Health resources across the Holo-net (Internet). The Holocron is open source and readily accepts any entries from anyone who feels they have discovered something worth sharing with the Rebellion. Please add to it as you see fit! Training Blogs Charles Poliquin Blog Dangerously Hardcore Blog (Training and Carb Back Loading Nutrition) Workouts The WOD Shop - Excellent WOD Generator site, broken down into various categories. Crossfit Endurance - Excellent resource for interval workouts and conditioning. The Fitness Conduit - Max Effort Black Box. Excellent strength program. SEAL Grinder - Intense SEAL Grinder Warrior workouts Crossfit Kensington - Some good WODs (generally contain more running) + periodically posts Partner workouts SVGFit - another cool WOD site. Has a lot of short, intense workouts involving sprints, etc. 5 Workouts you will never outgrow! Gymnastics Gymnastics WOD - Daily Gymnastics WODs Gymnastics Bodies WOD - Gymnastic WODs from Gymnastics Bodies.com Body Weight Training Body Weight WODs - Downloadable list of Body Weight only WODs BodyWOD - Bodyweight Workouts The Daily Fitness Solution - 20 minute workouts that require little to no equipment General Articles Is Aerobic or Anaerobic better for burning body fat? Why Women need German Volume Training (GVT) 10 000 Swings to Fat Loss - Good info on high volume training and what to expect 10 Nuggets of Wisdom from Top Couches - Nice quick read with great tips Single Tasking the Basics - great for when you are feeling lost and need re-grounding. Beginners Guide: How to read Training notation - must read for any beginner. Train like a Champion: Technique, Habits and Positivity - Good article containing information on correcting habits. Program Design: Feeling vs Planning Active vs Passive Recovery The Mellow Metcon: Conditioning for Strength Blocks Gymnastics Pre-requisites? L-Sit Walks - an Abdominal Challenge Skin the Cat Transitioning from Wall Handstands to Free Standing L-Sit Lifts - Straight Arm Strength Training Methods / Types Cluster Training - an interesting method utilising single, heavy reps with small duration between sets. Weight Lifting Muscle Matrix Program Sprinting Sprinting - The purest, most powerful physique-shaper in an Athlete's Arsenal Part I Sprinting - The purest, most powerful physique-shaper in an Athlete's Arsenal Part II Plyometrics Better Training Methods - Ploymetrics Technique / Skills Burpees Just one Exercise: Burpees - Good article on Burpees, different variations and sample Burpee Workouts Hindu Squats How to do them Hindu Push-ups How to do them Push-ups The Ultimate Push-Up Guide - 35+ Push-up variations Wheels - A dynamic Push-up movement. Dips Swinging Dips & Dynamic Strength Plyometrics Upper Body Plyometrics Jumping The Mind-body approach to vertical jumping Improve your jumping ability - Good CFJ article Squats Five ways to get Stronger, Faster and Better from Squats - Simple article, worth a read Heaves 16 Week Pull-Up Program Chin Ups vs Pull Ups - The difference explained Pressing Top Ten Bench-Press Variations How to add to your presses - Armstrong Pull-up Program - great article on Push-Ups and Pull-ups to supplement training. Glutes 10 Tips to Improve Your Glutes - Vanity, great for a girlfriend (ha!) Grip Strength Grip Strength Training Program for Weightlifters - Sample training to improve Grip Strength (always useful IMO). Supplementation Creatine Ultimate Guide to Creatine Part I - Excellent go to resources for understanding Creatine and what it does Ultimate Guide to Creatine Part II Ultimate Guide to Creatine Part III Caffeine and Creatine Caffeine Caffeine Therapy - Great easy read. Leucine The Secrets of Leucine - Good article on Leucine Nutrition Tools Body Fat Caliper Calculator - Tool for calculating body fat with options for several different caliper and tape measuring styles. Intermittent Fasting Calculator - Best calculator I have found. Use it for calculating Macro-Nutrients and Calories, or (as I prefer) just general interest (as I hate counting calories). Blogs Robb Wolf - The god of nutrition and Paleo Primal Toad - Good site for general info Modern Paleo - General Paleo blog. Has a weekly round-up of articles called the 'Paleo Rodeo'. Not a bad read. Eat To Perform - Good blog on nutrition Articles General Breakfast causes weight loss? I don't think so... There is no such thing as a "Calorie" (to your body) - Everyone should read this, just to understand (in the simplest terms) why the idea of "Calories" is stupid. Julia Ladewski interview at Eat To Perform - great interview on all nutrition, carbs, CBL and women, CBL and Crossfit and heaps more. Why Crossfit Athletes should not aspire to be 'Shredded' Intermittent Fasting Intermittent Fasting Part I - Good series for what happens during IF and how to use limited IF for maximum benefit. Intermittent Fasting Part II Intermittent Fasting Part III Protein Myths about High-Protein Diets Does Protein Make You Fat? The Shocking Truth - good quick info on how Protein cannot make you fat. 6 Reasons why Vegans (and Doctors) are wrong about Animal Protein Carbohydrates How Many Carbohydrates Do You Need? Low Carb Paleo + Crossfit, Not Loosing Weight - Why not? Low Carb Paleo + Crossfit, Not Loosing Weight - Recommendations. - Must read for anyone in this boat. Eat more good carbs! Fat 10 and a Half more ways to add Fat to your Diet - Excellent quick article on adding good fats to stay healthy. Eat up! Eat Fat to Burn Fat - Do not go low-fat. Unless you are a moron. Carb Back Loading / Carb Night Solution Carb Back Loading or Carb Night Solution? Ideal Protein Diet Plan using CBL and CNS Depleting Glycogen Stores on CBL and CNS One Factor that could effect your Insulin on CBL Fat Intake on CBL and CNS Eating Paleo on CBL and CNS CBL Post Workout Explained - When to eat Carbs Explained CBL in the morning. Can you workout in the morning? Propane Fitness Audio Interview with John Kiefer: Creator of CBL Upgraded Self Interviews Kiefer about the Science of Carb Back-Loading, Paleo, Caffeine, and more. - Transcript Carb Backloading - Women of Crossfit version Carb Backloading for Crossfit and Paleo Recipes PaleOMG - Good site for Paleo Recipes Primal Smoothies - Shakes / Smoothies!
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