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  1. Happy New Year friends I'm back in another attempt to challenge it up, keep writing, and build the hype for my epic challenge come up at the beginning of March based of BioWare's upcoming gamed, Anthem. I'm really excited for it and the stuff I have planned for story wise is gonna be fun to include you all in! As we get closer to that, I'll let y'all know about character sign-ups for anyone interested in joining in on the fun . (@WhiteGhost I got you and Aloysius included already ) Now, onto the challenge. I need to make this as basic (b**ch) as possible. I have this tendency to complicate the crap out of things just to get a little praise on wow factor. Then, in the end, I try and do to much then end up doing hardly anything at all. I like being lazy, I'm not gonna lie. But, I hate it too. I have to make small changes that will lead to bigger ones and eventually establish consistency. That's all I want. After I get into some sort of healthy flow of working out, eating good, drinking lots of water, sleeping longer. It's really simple but I don't always make it that way. As an aspiring Freelancer Pilot, I need to be ready for anything and everything. Sound of body and mind. I left the last challenge off with Chapters 1 & 2 of "Always Two Steps Ahead": Chapter 1: The Meeting Chapter 2: The Unwelcome Guest I'm working on Chapter 3 and have a little over a page written right now. I'm hoping to post that sometime next week . The goal is to get to Chapter 5 by the end of this challenge. I need to set up some story plots before everyone else comes in and I would LOVE to be around Chapter 9-10 by the time the epic challenge starts, but, of course, RL will be there waiting for me. I need to be ok with wherever I am come that time, but I'm shooting for 9-10 chapters. I also need to get off my lazy bum and get back to wolflean status. I will revisit "The Gauntlet" in the story from the previous challenge. I didn't really train for it properly and still want to complete it, so I'm hoping to do that sometime during this challenge. Also, I've been SUPER busy with my discord. William recently received honors as an EA Game Changer, which allows him some really neat perks I can't really talk about, but, his YT channel has grown to 6.2k subscribers...and 2 weeks ago I think he was at 4k. Not only that, the discord grew from roughly 650 members to 1100 since Wednesday!! Right?! It's been crazy! Plus, the weekend of the 17th-20th I'll be in San Antonio with Willaim and KT (the other Mod) for PAX South. AAAAAnnnnnddd BioWare announced they would be there for Anthem. . Will's recording some video while we're down there so I'll post tha tfor everyone's viewing pleasure lol. Busy, busy . Heather, the boys and our growing baby are all doing great! Heather will be 21-weeks on Monday! I'll have to update you guys on what her app tells us the baby's size is being compared too. I have a lot on my plate, but with well thought out planning and KNOWING chaos can strike at any minute...I think I'm in a good spot to succeed . Challenge Goals! Goal 1: Path of the Scribe Get to chapter Chapter 5 of "Always Two Steps Ahead" +3 CHA. +2 WIS Goal 2: Path of the Freelancer Focus on body weight (BW) and progressive calisthenics (PC) 3-4x a week +3 STR, +2 DEX Goal 3: Path of Valor 100+ oz of water a day Average 7 hours of sleep a week Use Overcoming Poor Posture book to mobilize daily Make time to read to the baby; 1 hr a week (minimum)- A combination of I Declare War by Levi Lusko and The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis +4 CON, +1 CHA That's about as basic (b**ch) as I can get it and I'm gonna rock this first challenge of 2019. Thanks for coming along for the ride everyone! I hope you continue to enjoy the story and I pray everyone is doing awesome ! #StrongAloneStrongerTogether Wolf
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