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  1. This Challenge cycle came up rather quickly because Zero Week features CNF. The first thing I do is look over the next six weeks to determine what is going on. And here they are: Week 0: September 19 to September 25 - CAAAAMMMMPPPP!!!!!! Featuring many things, including the CNF PL Competition on Thursday, September 22. Week 1: September 26 to October 2 - Obtain new programming and start Week 1. Week 2: October 3 to October 9 - New programming Week 2. Week 3: October 10 to October 16 - New Programming Week 3. Week 4: October 17 to October 23 - Taper week. Minnesota Open October 23. Week 0: October 24 to October 30 - Post Battle Week. What are the chances I end up doing NOTHING this week? As mentioned at the end of the previous Challenge cycle, I was presented with good news and bad news. Good News: Miss Broki is rising in the ranks of Darkside Fitness and is moving to a new location in a galaxy far, far away. Bad News: She is still training me. Good News and Bad News are relative terms anyway. Unless, of course, we are referring to the Good News, which is often capitalized and presented with the word, "The." So starting in October, I will be going to a completely different location and exploring a completely new part of MinniBulgaria. So yup. Still Dark Side. Mission 1 - Embrace the Power of the Dark Side - at CAAAAMMMMPPPPP!!!!!!!!! Day 1, Wednesday: Spirit Night - Wear the colors of Dark Side Tyrus Day 2, Thursday: CNF PL Competition - Lift big and bring honor to another House with the same colors. Day 2, Thursday: Costume Night - The last time I checked a picture of my costume.... DAMN! I'm lookin' good! Day 3, Friday: Time Travel Night - The Dark Side is also cold! Day 4, Saturday: Glow Party - And the Dark Side is..... well, dark! Day 5, Sunday: Get back home. And take more pictures and tell more stories this time! We're going to have a good time! Mission 2 - Obtain new Programming! The PL competition out of the way calls for new programming for the month of October leading up to a WL meet on October 23. So we need a three-week program and a one-week taper. Based on the recent patterns, I see: Five days per week. (She might have decided that is what I can work with.) Bench Press disappears from the programming. Push Press returns. Deadlifts disappear for one month. She did pop a question, asking if I enjoyed PL or WL more. It seems like a pretty loaded question, but it is possible that she was going to use that information to decide on what to include in the next round of programming. I did say it would be nice to have a WL total equal to my DL. However, my shoulder is not too friendly towards BP and that kind of makes the choice for me. So not much of a goal - but I always discuss the programming at the beginning of the cycle and I really have no idea what the programming is going to look like. Mission 3 - Tracking Last cycle I was talking about cleaning up my diet with the mention of one outing per week and batch cooking and making the grocery list more closely match what I have been given. Not much of that really happened. So I will recycle this: My daily and weekly tracking systems are working very well. I also keep handwritten notes of my macros. So the simplest way to track this would be to circle the days with outings and square the days done by batch cooking. The goal leaves four days where I limp through with boxed meals. Regarding weight, there is no weight class for the CNF PL competition, but weight is taken for the purpose of scoring Wilks points. My goal is 300 Wilks and I will attempt to do this at 205 pounds or less and by making all of the second lifts. For the WL meet on October 23, I will be at the 94 kg class. So if I keep my weight under 207 pounds, I will be good. Otherwise, I am driving to Rochester, MN with the heat on full blast. Mission 4 - Do Battle and bring Honor and Glory to the Dark Side! PL Meet on Thursday, September 22: Squat: 335 / 355 / 365 pounds Bench Press: 185 / 205 / 215 pounds Deadlift: 475 / 495 / 505 pounds The second lifts total 1055 pounds, which will put me over 300 Wilks at 205 pounds body weight. WL Meet on Sunday, October 23: Snatch: 65?? / 70?? / 75?? kg Clean and Jerk: 90?? / 95?? / 100?? kg I honestly have no idea where these lifts are at. Mission 5 - Other Missions as they arrive And that's about it! Still Dark Side. But there is always hope! In the mean time....
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