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Found 2 results

  1. Moving from the Adventurer's Guild to the Rangers. It may be a temporary move, but I'm excited for this change. I still have an Adventurer's heart, but I needed to mix things up a bit. Goals: Returning to a challenge similar to my second one. Expect a lot of self-care as well as a lot of nature and love and music and joy as I seek to make this a positive and awesome summer. Get Rest: Wind down at sunset (limited/no technology), moderate/light physical activity (yoga, stretches, etc.) In bed no later than 10:30 pm (unless impossible because of work, etc.). Wake up when your body feels ready (no alarm). Nap in late afternoon if necessary/possible. Get Fit: Follow the Primal Blueprint Exercise Plan; below is the simplified version: Monday – SprintTuesday – Lift Heavy Things/Bodyweight ExercisesWednesday – Move Slowly, Play or RestThursday – HIIT/WOWFriday – Move Slowly, Play or RestSaturday – Lift Heavy Things/Bodyweight ExercisesSunday – Move Slowly, Play or Rest 10,000-12,000 steps/day Get Spiritual: Daily Scripture reading/devotional Integrate prayer throughout the day Get Fed: Eat as close to Paleo/Primal as possible at least one meal/day. Avoid processed foods. Listen to your body: eat when you're hungry rather than when you "should." Intermittent fasting at least 3 days/week; this must be mindful rather than just "skipping breakfast." No soda for the entire challenge (none, zero, not even a tiny cup). Drink at least 64 ounces of water/day. Get Connected: Call mother daily Visit grandfather at least once/week Speak to a stranger at least once/day (irl, not online). Visit with a friend at least once/week (irl, not online). Get Smarter: Read everyday for at least 30 minutes Use a brain-training app such as Peak daily. Listen to a podcast at least once/week. Get Some Sun, Sand, and Surf: (Going to the beach at the beginning of June, so even though I will only be there for a week, I felt the title was fitting). Spend at least 30 minutes/day outside. Get at least 15 minutes total/day of direct sunlight. Get near, in, on, or under water every day. At least one hike/week. Get in close contact with the earth: walk barefoot, dig in the dirt, rub against a tree. I'll quote Frank Forencich here: "...get out of the house and into the world. Scratch your back up against a tree and bushwack your way up a hill. Climb some rough rocks and plunge your feet into the creek. Give your eyes a rest and massage your body with the biosphere. Your body will love it."
  2. This is not my first challenge, but I fell off the wagon so I'M GETTING BACK ON. (its late and I'm tired so posting this now and will edit/fine tune later) Presenting my Moana-inspired 4 Week Challenge! MY QUESTS- to lose weight, keep a cleaner home, do some gardening and GET MORE SNORKELLING/SWIMMING! Each of my challenge goals and sub-goals are based on songs from the awesome Moana. Goal 1: Lose Weight: We Know The W(eigh) Visit GP/Get weighed properly. Weigh and measure self once a week. Goal 2:Swim more/snorkel- How Far I'll Go Swim every day- swim at least 10 hours a week. Learn about sea-swimming/snorkelling: Post one paragraph/fact/update per wekeday day! Go beach swimming twice during challenge. Goal 3: Mental health- Where You Are! See psych/get into therapy! Record/Release 2 Moana songs a week! Makes feel good. Goal 4:House Cleanliness/Housework- Shiny! Dishes out/stacked and washed everyday. Tidy Living Room- General organisation. Goal 5 (bonus goal): Garden! CONSIDER THE COCONUT! Spend 5 minutes a day in my garden! Plant more things!
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