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  1. Challenge 10 -- June 9 to July 20 When left to my own devices, I often flounder and give up. BUT… Not Anymore! Firstly, I want to say thank you. Since I found Nerd Fitness - Feb 2013- I have never felt alone while trying to improve. I mean it, never. My staying power comes from this community: the individuals I chat with and trade support with; to the threads I read and enjoy but rarely speak up on. I will be more active in this community as this place is my key. You are my Key Master! *underpants thrown aside* Onto Action! Challenge 10 Goals - revised I am going to re-test myself, and the environment around me. Does that actually taste good or am I just assuming so, as I cram another swiss roll down my gullet? Do I like brussel sprouts? Hell no! Wait. Actually, I've assumed not for decades, because my parents made me eat them on vacation when I was a kid and I knew back then that I didn't like them. Now, however, I have no way of knowing if I don't try them. Goal 1: More Water and Solid Sleep; so my body can perform at its peak. For 2 points STA -- Drink 177 ozs of water per day, with one glass having sea salt for electrolytes. For 1 point CON -- To bed - no lights - before 11pm and up by 8am. The phone doesn't get used in bed, period. Goal 2: Strong Core Work; so I can do anything I darn well please, including free-running and parkour. For 4 points STR -- Complete Planks (get to 1 min.), Squat form with up to 45 lbs., and Push Ups (get to 5 regular pushups at one time). Goal 3: Better Food Intake; so I can enjoy and rely on healthy sustenance, which is what I truly crave, not sugar. For 5 points STA -- I will no longer consume desserts, candy, or other sugar-based items that cannot be considered a decent meal item. No packaged cookies, baked desserts or treats, no candy, and no maple syrup. The syrup is temporary until the sugar demons are settled enough to allow the occasional use of syrup - I don't use it much anyway, I just don't want to run to it, because it's not on the Forever List of Crap no longer allowed in my body at those quantities. Level Up Goal: will be to complete my business plan, apply for medicaid, and make my new curtains. For 3 points WIS -- I will: complete my business plan; enough financial support for continued therapy and money for food; and to post curtain porn? I will be using every trick in the book to reprogram my brain. I feel strong, confident, and angry enough to make this happen. Amazingly, the anger isn't pointed at me, but at those chemicals and neuro-pathways that need to change their tune and do it MY WAY. All goals, except Goal 3, will be graded according to how many days I complete the goal. Days -- 35/42 = A (100% of points) 28/42 = B (75%) 21/42 = C (50%) 14/42 = D (25%) < 14 days -- not going to happen! Goal 3 is pass or fail My guardian self...
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