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  1. This is my 2nd challenge! I was looking at other guilds, but I think I'll just stay a Rebel for now until I can focus on diversify-ing my workouts. Sorry I'm late to the party, but better that then never, right?? My main focus this challenge is being diligent about studying, while making sure my progress towards a healthy lifestyle doesn't suffer (which was always the case with those fast food/caffeine-fueled all-night cram sessions in college). Current State: 1. I was travelling at the end of the last challenge and fell off the wagon for working out regularly. I'm going to take on Beserxes and move to Bodyweight level 4 so I have a regular regimen again. 2. I'm stuck somewhere in Level 4 for eating right. I eat veggies all the time, and don't consume liquid calories all that much, but I want to reach level 5. 3. I'm working on applying to finishing a research paper from my undergraduate years and applying for graduate school, so I want to make sure I stay on track for those. GOALS: I'll evaluate myself on this scale: Hell yeah! - I exceeded the goal for that week Good job! - I hit the goal Don't give up! Do better next week! - I didn't make the goal 1. Workout 3x/week - I already play volleyball regularly, so this is only for times I work out outside those games. 2. Replace a carb 5x a week - I'm eating a vegetarian-ish diet, so this is about finding alternatives to sandwiches and pasta, mostly! Haha! 3. Read 2 academic papers a week - I'm in the writing phase of a research paper, so I need to be proactive about supplementing my data with what exists in the literature. I've been struggling with this for at least half a year, but my advisor is shooting for the end of August to have a complete draft, so this needs to be a high priority now! 4. Study GRE 5 hours a week - That's about 1 hour every weekday, which I think is manageable. I want to take the exam in the next month or 2, so this is also requires a dedicated effort! Thanks for reading!
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