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Found 1 result

  1. Challenge 2! I'm going to focus on my chocolate cravings this challenge. Since it is a huge deal for me I'm going to go easy on the other quests this challenge. How could this happen? Erza's friends have been kidnapped by the Strawberry Cake monster! But the monster is able to control her if she has any remnants of the cake inside her. And it takes an average of four weeks for the digestive system to completely eliminate a trace of strawberry cake. This means... this means... Her beloved cake has betrayed her! After all this time! If only she had eaten cake in moderation rather than scoffing it down everyday, she wouldn't be in this mess. Its time to say goodbye to her beloved cake and defeat this monster! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So yeah, replace cake with chocolate and I have a big problem. I've decided to go cold turkey for the month. If it doesn't work, I'm going to to try some moderation tips people on here have recommended me. I've tried moderation before and it didn't work, so I'm not going to try that unless I really have to. Quests to defeat the monster: Strength: Level up to defeat the monster - Continue weight training at the gym 3x a week. - Continue with chiropractor stretches Diet: Get rid of my beloved Strawberry Cake from my system so I can fight the monster - Don't eat chocolate for a month - Have 2 portions of veg instead of high carbs (I had 1 portion min. in previous challenge) Journal: Study weaknesses the monster has I'm looking up ways to kill the Monster, not make more cakes, I swear! - Log thoughts everyday (my counsellor has said this should help with my depression and anxiety). I'm nervous about doing this challenge, but I really need to get this chocolate addiction under control. At the rate I'm eating it I'm bound to get diabetes. And losing some weight would be nice too. Though I'm more concerned with the actual addiction, because I have a feeling I'm just going to replace the chocolate with other junk food. But that's for another challenge.
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