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Found 4 results

  1. Guten tag Assassins! Main Quest: Rather vague, but my main quest is to improve my gymnastics skills. I was doing really well for a while, but got fat and lazy and regressed. I can still do most of my skills on the tumble track that I was doing before, but basically can’t do anything on the floor anymore. I blame this largely on weight gain. I lost a bit during the course of the last challenge (I read the dates wrong and didn’t end up participating in the challenge ☹) and really notice a difference! Specific Missions: 1. Lose weight by tracking Weight Watchers points and staying within my weekly goal 2. Exercise enough each week to equate to 50 activity points when logged into Weight Watchers (number subject to change - not sure how easy or difficult this will be). 3. Stay out of the food cupboard at work Going back to basics! I am basically redoing my very first challenge as an assassin…wow…four years ago! Side Quest: Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle: March 1-4. I am remaking my Nightcrawler costume…this time from scratch! I am sewing a body suit myself by altering a Yaya Han pattern. I need to get this done before 2/28…16 days!
  2. So, I've returned to nerd fitness and want to get back in shape. After I left the Army in May 2013 I stopped eating right and exercising due to a lack of motivation and being poor. I'm finally in a position where I can eat healthy again and I am almost up to 200 lbs which is my motivation to start working out again. Let's begin. I'll be doing 30 minutes of yoga and strength training via my Wii U 3 days a week starting today. On off days I will play the balance games for at least fifteen minutes and I will be running with my Wii Fit Meter. I'm going to eat at least one paleo meal each day for the first week and work my way up to full paleo by week three. I will also begin saving money again each time I get a check. I don't want to set any hard number since my money isn't too stable yet, so I will set a %. 50% of any money leftover after bills will be transferred to a savings account which is kind of difficult to access. Sorry I'm late, but I really wanted to join the six week challenge again to help with my goals.
  3. Hi All, I wanted to see if there was interest in getting together a group of NF people to run one of the heats of the Walking Dead Escape happening in SD July 19 and 20, Comic Con weekend. I will be finishing my first challenge and hoping to attack the course in a much better shape than last year. http://www.thewalkingdeadescape.com/sandiego.html I know it is a bit pricey at $75...but it was really fun last year and I am doing it to see how well my challenge went haha. I plan on doing anyway, but thought it would be fun to get a number of people from here to do it together. Maybe wear any NF apparel you have or maybe we can have some type of marker that we are all from NF. If you are interested, sound off with dates and times that would work for you! Personally, either day is fine, but time wise...maybe between 6pm and 8pm ... still gives us time to see most of the day's offerings and before later evening fun...
  4. Hey everyone! My husband and I just got our FIRST EVER TICKETS TO COMIC CON! Obviously, I'm very excited about this prospect - I've been wanting to go for years. So who else is all going? We should meet up! If you've been there before - what would be a good place to meet at? I'm not familiar with the layout or any landmarks, but it sounds like a great opportunity to meet fellow NF members! I originally thought about posting this in "meetups" but not everyone who will be there is originally from the West region, specifically. This seemed like the best place to reach most NF members. Also, share your stories from past Comic Cons or even other conventions!
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