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  1. Previously in Raptron's Thread... I rekindled my love for gymnastics, re-learned some old skills, joined a recreational team, competed at Nationals, and embraced the suck with my NF friends at a GORUCK Challenge. For the first time since last fall, I am without a serious training deadline and it feels kind of awesome. This challenge, I am going to try out a combination of hitting the basics and mixing up my bodyweight work to try to advance cool human body trick progression in a meaningful way. I will still be attending gymnastics practice probably 7-10 times over the challenge and give you guys updates on how that goes. I don't need it to be a goal for me because it's something I'm going to do anyway. Goal 1: Just kidding -- Every day IS leg day Lifting 3x weekLearn how to power clean properlyFilm form checks and get feedback on things to fix (especially for deadlifts)Back to the basics, linear progression style with squats, bench, ohp, and deadlifts. I feel like I should be able to wring linear progression out of 6 weeks of regular work. Part of this goal will to actually work on power cleans and get to a point where I'll feel comfortable subbing them in for deadlifts by the end of six weeks. Goal 2: Roll them Bones Inspired by some of the gamification in other assassins' challenges, I'm going to try out some randomized bodyweight work. Roll a die 3 times and do the work assigned to each number below. 5 minutes includes rest between sets/hold attempts, so I'll just set a timer for each exercise (other than the the pull/chin up work). Partial and negative handstand push-ups against the wall -- 5 minutes of work Chin-up, pull-up, and wide arm pull-up work (negatives, assisted, and as many unassisted as possible [usually 1]): one set of 5 each Back lever progression work -- 5 minutes Floor or hanging straddle holds -- 5 minutes Floor tuck sit or L-sit holds -- 5 minutes Straddle press handstand work -- 5 minutesAiming to do this 3x a week. I want a total of 60 minutes of static hold/bodyweight work per week, with some from these workouts and the rest coming from gymnastics practices. Goal 3: Run (in the) Forest, Run Go for a trail run at least six times over the course of the challengeGo for hill sprints 3x this challengeI did sign up for a trail run in July, so I guess I should probably do some running. Plus this gets me outside more to enjoy the summer, and I actually don't mind running when it's hot because it's cooler than walking. Life Goal: Blogdor the Bloginator I signed up for my first community supported agriculture program this year and received my first farm share yesterday. (More info about CSA and the farm I've signed up with: http://picadillyfarm.com/csa/about-our-csa/ ) I'm creating a blog that will mostly focus on what I receive each week and how I use it, including recipes and general usage ideas + tips as I figure them out for myself. Pre-challenge goal -- Get the blog set up and ready to post on, perhaps including a post or two about this week's CSA share.Update at least 2x per week. I'd love to set a higher goal for this, but I figure it should aim low for the start.Bookmark http://eatdrinkbemighty.com/ if this sounds like something you'll be interested in. First CSA haul of the year:
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