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Found 2 results

  1. Aye, me bonny lasses, join us on our hunt fer fortune n' adventure. Set sail with us as we ply the waves in search of true treasure - freedom n' friendship! We are the Pirate Queens... Fierce in our commitment to our goals and determined to pursue our destinies wherever our dreams may take us. We raise our standard and set sail! Teh come aboard the Sea Witch or the Queen o' Swords, grab a mug of rum and introduce yerself right on this thread. We be a group open teh all rebels regardless of guild or level, and we encourage anyone with the interest teh take the plunge (harr, we promise we won't make ye walk the plank teh prove yer dedication!). Level 1 rebels can start with the fleet as apprentices and work their way up teh become Able Seawomen, ship captains, or even fleet commander. Dream big, me hearties! We'll offer all manner o' adventures as we encourage our fellow rebels, complete (and compete in!) fitness minis, and, if'n it's yer cup o' tea rum, collaborate in writin' the story as the Cutlasses sail on teh their next destination.
  2. Aye, me bonny lasses, join us on our hunt fer fortune n' adventure. Set sail with us as we ply the waves in search of true treasure - freedom n' friendship! We are the Pirate Queens... Fierce in our commitment to our goals and determined to pursue our destinies wherever our dreams may take us. We raise our standard and set sail! To come aboard the Sea Witch, sign on here. Then grab a mug of rum and introduce yerself right on this thread. We be a group open teh all rebels regardless of guild or level, and we encourage anyone with the interest teh take the plunge (harr, we promise we won't make ye walk the plank teh prove yer dedication!). Level 1 rebels can start with the fleet as apprentices and work their way up teh become Able Seawomen, ship captains, or even fleet commander. Dream big, me hearties!
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