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Found 2 results

  1. I've now officially walked at least 10,000 steps a day for 16 days in a row!! It may not seem like much on paper, but it does mean that I'm walking a couple extra miles everyday to hit that 10,000 goal. Booyah
  2. So this challenge I'm focusing on two elements I relate strongly to: earth and water. It's kind of unintentionally gone Avatar-style as well because Korra and Toph are my inspirations for getting back to what I was once capable of. I miss my old beast!mode self, even though I appreciate the softer, kinder side of my personality that's gotten the entirely of my attention lately. Water - Observe and Heal I need to sit back, chill, and observe and reflect on myself if I'm going to learn anything. I'm keeping a daily journal that includes bullet-point notes on what I've eaten, how I feel physically and mentally, and if I've done anything noteworthy. I have memory issues sometimes so writing things down allows me to remember and analyze patterns. My legs and feet have been suffering lately so I'm going to work stretching and using a tennis ball on the bottom of my feet into my daily routine to get them back into shape. Earth - Go HARD I've created an excel document where I'm tracking my daily exercises. Every single day I must do at LEAST one push-up (any kind), one squat, and jumping jacks. High numbers would be great but this is an exercise in discipline and habit-building. I also want to walk between 5k-7k steps per day, as work has been making that more difficult again. Extras As my own personal mini-quest I'd like to finish four books between now and the end of the challenge. I can read a book a day so I have no excuses for this one. My friends and I are participating in our own personal "30 Characters in June" challenge, even though we started late. My goal is to have 30 new character designs created by July 1st! I'll try to update here more frequently than in other challenges and share successes that aren't part of the main quest as well.
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