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Found 2 results

  1. *marker* As of 3/3/2019 I am starting my first week of NF. My goals this week are: -Eat every 2-4 hours -Try to use the NF recipes for ideas on what to eat -Walk five minutes a day -Take my measurements -Take before photos (I have not pulled the trigger on this. -Going cold turkey on TV and movies at home. Will update with my info and current plan. Want to post yesterday's food log and start there.
  2. ... as I open the letter, its from my daughter. Wait, that can't be right. My daughter is like 2 years old. She can talk, but not write. Shaking my head I continue on reading. "Dad, This letter is reaching you through the help of the fairies of the mystic falls. The old stories are true, but now isn't the time for that. In exactly six weeks, I will be kidnapped. I am actually writing this letter to you 30 years in the future when my captor has finally had a heart attack and fell dead in the hidden closet in his home. I know that this is probably hard to believe, but as proof I'll tell you that I remember how you would sneak the chocolates when Mom was gone, when you were on school break." Oh my gosh, I totally did. I continued to read. "Dad, the man who will take me is bigger, stronger, and faster than you. You must get in save me! The faires have shown me visions, that no matter how you try to hide or protect me, unless you defeat the man, I will always end up kidnapped. Only you can prevent this. I saw mom as soon as I had escaped, she will live out a miserable existence, never recovering from my abduction. And you, well, you die of a heart attack while chasing down leads 4 years after I'm taken. According to mom, you had started working out, and had even lost some weight, but you faltered and never got back to your training while searching for me. Please dad, change our futures! ~Lily" And so my quest is set before me, one that I cannot turn down. I will be brave and rally support from my Rebel brothers and sisters... I will change the future! Challenge Goals: Goal 1: I need to return to the Protector that nature intended I be, and so I will Eat Paleo two days a week. [+2 CON, +1 WIS] (Brand spanking new to Paleo, so Focusing on 2 days a week to get down the basics and some new recipes wont overwhelm me) Grading: 12/12 - A 10-11/12 - B 7-9/12 - C 3-6/12 - D 0-2/12 - F Goal 2: I need to be stronger than my enemy. [+3 STR, +1 CON] 3-4 lift workouts per week and at least 1 will involve working with a trainer on deadlift to ensure good form. Grading: 19-24/24 - A 13-18/24 - B 9 - 12/24 - C 4 - 8/24 - D 0-3/24 - F Goal 3: I need to be faster than my enemy. [+3 DEX, +2 STA] I will go hard in my cardio for intervals during my cardio/run sprints in the gym three times a week. Grading: 12/12 - A 10-11/12 - B 7-9/12 - C 3-6/12 - D 0-2/12 - F Life Goal: For safety, my wife and I must be able to covertly communicate. [+2 WIS, +1 CHA] We will resume our Japanese lessons. ( I am proficent at a basic level, so I am helping her with the studies and reviewing myself.) Grading: 1 hour per week. 6/6 - A 5/6 - B 4/6 - C 3/6 - D 0-2/6 - F * New here excited to imporve myself, excited to be active on the forums as well. *
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