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  1. I will edit this with more details, but I wanted to get this out here now before the challenge gets too far along. I liked some stuff that happened during the last challenge and I learned a lot more things about me and what makes me tick. So, my challenge won't be much different from an underlying plan, but the goals will be structured a little different as a way to keep me motivated. Run 40 miles - I know that number doesn't look like a whole lot, but as the temperatures dip I'm always less motivated to go outside and run. But, that number does require that I pretty much run 3x a week since it's rare that I run more than 4 miles at a time. 10 lifting sessions - I managed 8 last challenge, so I'm upping the ante to get to 10 this challenge. Gratitude journal - So, meditation helped me relax and not be so stressed about things last challenge. I'm getting better at it. But, I also want to turn that into action somehow. So, I've decided to start a gratitude journal. Each night (or at least 16 nights for the course of the challenge), I'll review how may day went focusing on the good things. Each morning, I'll write down what I'm hoping to accomplish for the day. Diet hacking - I'm not sure how I'm going to grade this one. But, I noticed my best success at not eating like an asshole came when I focused on the meal at hand. I had to set aside previous meals otherwise it was too easy to take one bad meal and let it spiral the rest of my day into lots of bad choices. Simply put, more plants, less crap, try to keep meats at the same or just a little less. It will all be based on the idea that each meal needs to be better than the previous. This will not always be so, but I will not beat myself up when it's not. Because that takes me longer to recover from than just putting it in the rearview. I do need a way to score this, but I haven't figured that out yet. That's it for now, but that's the general outline of this challenge.
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