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  1. Last challenge recap: The goals went well, but I had IT band/knee/hamstring/glute issues going on in the background, which reeeeally messed with my squats. Thankfully, with the help of rest, ART, squat shoes, stretching, and all of the glute activation exercises, I’m back to squatting without pain (50 kg as of Wednesday). I’d be really happy with at least one bodyweight+ rep by the end of this challenge. So, how to keep the squats happy and forestall future unplanned deloads? By finding and addressing mobility issues and muscle imbalances BEFORE they start interfering with my lifts. Thus, the theme of this challenge: Becoming a Supple Lioness MOBILITY GOALS Learning [+2 WIS]: Having Becoming a Supple Leopard won’t help me much if I don’t make it past the first chapter. This challenge: read Ch. 2-4, subsections of Ch. 5 (squats, deadlifts, bench press, strict press, pull-up, rowing), and Ch. 6-7.Implementation [+3 DEX]: I have lots of mobility issues. I can’t fix them all at once. So, I’ll spend 15-20 min./day working on the mobility of 2-3 targeted areas. Priority goes to stuff that hurts, stuff that’s stiff/sore, stuff that tends to break, and finally stuff that I want to work on. I can mobilize additional areas if I have the time, but the targeted work comes first.Organization [+2 DEX]: I finally learned how Pinterest works and realized I could use it to save and organize videos and articles on mobility. Now I need to go back through my challenges and save all my old links, and also add any new ones I come across during this challenge. By the end of the challenge I should have 60+ pins associated with mobility. Link will be added to my sig and profile page. Yes, I have a board just for glute activation exercises.Assistance [+1 DEX]: go to my chiropractor/ART therapist at least five times over the course of the challenge (I took the unlimited care deal, so I might as well take advantage of it!)Feedback [+2 WIS]: I’ve noticed that it’s much easier to find my mobility faults when I film my lifts, and it’s also easier to see if I’m improving. For this challenge, I should film at least one set from10+ squat sessions5+ deadlift sessions3+ bench sessions3+ OHP sessions ALL THE OTHER GOALS so I keep up with the other stuff I’ve been working on (cause I know I’ll slack on some of them if I don’t have them down in writing): Lifting [+1 STR]: 16+ sessions over the course of the challenge. Currently grinding away at SS and will probably switch programs once my squats are back up to par.Keep moving [+1 STA]: Conditioning (even 5 min. counts), yoga (30+ min.), or walking (30+ min.) at least 2x/week.Food tracking [+1 CHA]: Track the food on MFP. Get 175+ g of protein/day.Food mindfulness [+1 WIS]: Sit down to eat. No food in front of the computer at home.Sleep [+ 1 CON]: Off the computer for non-work stuff (video calls excluded) by 8:15 pm. Notable upcoming dates: March 7: Mini-lifting competition within my lifting club—I’ll use this as practice for the push-pull.March 21-28: travelingApril 4: push-pull lifting competition (my first meet!)April 13: 1 year NF anniversary Tl;dr: Mobility: Read a good chunk of Becoming a Supple Leopard15-20 min/day of targeted mobility workBring total number of mobility pins to 60+.5+ PT sessionsLots of form videos (10/5/3/3 for squats/deadlifts/bench/OHP)Everything else: 16+ lifting sessionsConditioning/yoga/walking at least 2x/weekTrack the food, get enough protein (175+ g/day)Sit to eat, and no food in front of the home computer.Leisure computer curfew: 8:15 pm. These count as 2 goals with lots of subgoals, not 10 goals, right? (Don’t worry, most of these are semi-automated by this point.)
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