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  1. My name is Bearlee and I've been trying to lose weight and become more healthier for a little over a year now. During that time I've lost nearly 80 pounds to go from 388 lbs to 310 lbs. I've also recently had a physical and my blood pressure has gone down from 123/92 to 111/62. I'm still waiting on my blood work lab results but will post them when I get them. So far this year I've been kicking ass and I've lost 10 pounds so far. More importantly I've gotten back into my grove of doing my exercises and eating right. Currently I'm doing body weight exercises 3 times per week, stationary biking 5 days a week, and walking 5+ miles with 10 flights of stairs 5 days per week. Actually I currently have a 22 day streak of biking going on, but I'm focused on getting at least 5 days in per week. My eating habits have been good last challenge also. I've been doing 1 lean protein, 1 fruit, and 4 vegetables 5 days of the week. On this also I have a streak that lasted all of last challenge minus a few days last week missing a few servings of vegetables. I also drink 100 oz of water everyday and have a streak of that going for several months now. Even though I've been doing well I've been feeling restless. I read lots by people like Steve Kamb (founder of Nerd Fitness), Chris Guillebeau (author of The Art of Non-Conformity), Matt Harding (of Where the Hell is Matt YouTube videos), and Kevin Smith (director, podcaster, and author of Tough Shit ) and they all say follow your dreams. The problem is I don't know what my dreams are. Last week for work we had go to a class and at the beginning of class we had to do introductions and state what our hobbies were. All I could come up with was movies and reading. While there is nothing wrong with those hobbies I want to do something more substantial and productive. So during this challenge I want to focus on what it is I want to do and how I'm going to do it. Goal 1: Maintain I've been kicking butt this year and I don't want to tinker with what I've got going on now. So I want to maintain what I've been doing by doing 3 BW exercises per week, 5 days of biking, 5 days of walking, along with my eating habits. Goal 2: Lists Last challenge I had started to do lists and I was getting a lot done. However as the challenge went on I stopped looking at my list and instead of writing done tasks I wanted to do or did I instead just made a mental note. That was not as effective nor as satisfying. So this challenge I want to make a physical list I keep up to date with. Ideally I would like to do one item on my list everyday. The tasks don't need to be large or difficult just something to keep me focused. At the same time I don't want it to be things that should be done anyway like "do the dishes" or "do the laundry". I want it to be items that I've put off. Goal 3: Attitude of Gratitude I've been meaning to getting around to thanking people for things they have done or even just to send a nice thank you out of the blue to people I care about. So for this goal I want to send a special thank you to one person each week for a total of 6 people thanked. No texts or emails will be acceptable. Actual hand written letters to be delivered by mail. Lifetime Goal: Dreaming This challenge I want to do something a little different and maybe some would say weird. I want to focus on dreaming. I've always been concerned that I don't seem to dream when I sleep which may be true since I used to have sleep apnea. However I sleep better now and over the past couple of weeks I've actually had a couple of dreams and they really put me in a good mood. I want to capture that feeling more and maybe explore what is happening in my subconscious. Maybe I can sort my dreams out by dreaming. In order to do this I'm going to keep a dream journal beside my bed and update it whenever I have a dream. But in case I don't have dreams I'm going to supplement this challenge by meditating for 5 minutes 5 days of the week.
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