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Found 5 results

  1. Keep forgetting my PR's so I'm going to log them here: Movement: Back Squat Weight: 105kg Reps: 1RM Date: March 2014 Movement: Back Squat Weight: 107.5kg Reps: 1RM Date: Aug 2014 Movement: Back Squat Weight: 121kg Reps: 1RM Date: July 2016 Movement: Front Squat Weight: 90kg Reps: 1RM Date: July 2014 Movement: Front Squat Weight: 90kg Reps: 1RM Date: August 2015 Movement: Front Squat Weight:110kg Reps: 1RM Date: May 2016 Movement: Front Squat Weight: 90kg Reps: 3RM Date: 20 Jan 2016 Movement: Power Clean from Hang Weight: 80kg Reps: 1RM Date: July 2014 Movement: Power Clean from Hang Weight: 75kg Reps: 2RM Date: July 2014 Movement: Clean from floor Weight: 75kg Reps: 1RM Date: 30 July 2014 Movement: Clean from floor Weight: 80kg Reps: 1RM Date: May 2016 Movement: 2km row Time: 8:29 Date: 11/08/2014 Movement: Deadlift Weight: 140kg Reps: 1RM Date: May 2016 Movement: Deadlift Weight: 110kg Reps: 3RM Date: 05 Sept 2014 Movement: Zombie Squat Weight: 95kg Reps: 1RM Date: 22 Oct 2014 Push Press Weight: 70kg Reps: 1RM Date: 2 June 2016 Movement: Metcon: 2km run, 2km row, 2km run Time: 22 mins 33 secs Date: 25 Jan 2015 Movement: Bench Press Weight: 80kg Reps: 1RM Date: June 2016 3RM Bench Press Weight: 65kg x 3 Date: 25/05/2015 Fran (Rx) Time:11:32 Date: May 2016 Helen (Rx) Time: 14:42 Date: May 2016 Double Unders = 33 in a row June 2016 Movement: Back Squat Weight: 130kg Reps: 1RM Date: 1 May 2017
  2. 7/10/2016: I'm back from 5 weeks in Europe on holiday.: The abbreviated summary: - Had a great time in Yorkshire with my father in law and my wife's BFF. Awesome walk on Ilkley Moor and pub lunch in the Cow and Calf. - Spent a day with my wife buying the perfect new suit for the upcoming wedding in Italy - Caught up with some old friends in Scotland and had an amazing time: Sightseeing and eating/drinking well in Edinburgh, Speedboat ride on Loch Lomond, heaps of pub lunches, darts, 10-pin bowling, blackjack at the casino, go-karting, archery (so fun! Got a bullseye and won a bottle of whiskey!) - Wonderful time with my brother and his family, saw my nephews and my niece. - Parents have lost it, upsetting few days. - Travelled to London, 2 days before the wedding in Italy. Left my suit on the train!!!!! Brand new with tags on, no surprise it wasn't handed in. - Went surfing with my oldest friend in Newquay, Cornwall. Awesome time was had. - Still had receipt for suit, re-ordered it online and got it delivered to a local store near my friend's house. Phew. - Packed suit in case so as not to lose it. - Flew to Milan, met my wife in the carousel, she had flown in from Vienna. - I am last person standing at carousel, it stops. No bag. No suit. Wedding in 1 day. This suit is cursed!!!! - Had a nice day in Milan with our friend who lives there. Case showed up at 3am. Phew!! - Fantastic wedding in Lake Como - Florence was a dump, not sure what ll the fuss is about. Amazing architecture but awful unfriendly people and stinking sewers. - Awesome scuba diving in Elba, best ever viz I have dived in (30m+). Awesome wreck dive at 12m. - Got ripped off by 3 taxi drivers. Long story but very unpleasant experiences. - Rome was generally over priced, constantly had to watch your back and your pockets, super busy, everyone tries to rip you off everywhere. Amazing buildings. Very unfriendly towards foreigners. Terrible food except for an amazing Indian Curry (top 5 ever). - We saw a cafe with all the european flags hanging, pretty cool, except oh there's one missing, must have fallen down. Which one is it? The Union Jack......Brexit clearly having anti-English effects already. Maybe that was why everyone was so unfriendly. - We couldn't wait to leave Italy, in fact we renamed it Shitaly. Flight was cancelled, pandemonium at the airport. Thank god we were business class and got put on another flight 3 hours later, everyone else had to go into some crappy hotel overnight. - SO AWESOME TO BE HOME IN OZ! Travel is full of ups and downs, we had some fantastic times and some awful times but above all we have some memories and we appreciate our home a lot more now than when we left. Any positives from this? - I haven't missed a single training session - My nutrition has been 85% on track. - One of the girls at the gym is opening a new Crossfit box 1km from my house - I'm feeling strong and in pretty good shape. - I realised the only thing that has held me together the last 7 weeks has been my training and I'm so happy to have it in my life. My attitude towards training and nutrition has shifted and I'm pretty focused right now. Whoah that was a brain dump!
  3. Time to turn my back on The Empire once again! I need to get my nutrition in order, so this challenge will be all about sorting out my diet, which is in terrible shape at the moment. Goals: 1. Get help to setup a nutrition plan and execute it 2. Cold turkey on video games for this challenge at least. That's it for now, it will involves sub goals I expect which I'll update later once I have the plan. I'm going to setup a session with a nutritionist and ask for a 4 week food plan.Hopefully I can get a session sorted out this week.
  4. Wow this new format doesn't leave much time to do a new challenge. Anyway here we go... "What a piece of junk!" - Like the Millenium Falcon and Optimus, I plan to be more than meets the eye by the end of this challenge Goals: - Alcohol max 1 day a week - 1 hour a day of 'exercise' - 4 weeks of Paleo Bonus: - Each day I don't play video games is an extra drinking day. This one is about body transformation, would like to drop another 3kg this challenge. I was going to count calories but I know already that it will just piss me off so I will go full Paleo for 4 weeks. Other important things happening this challenge: - I will sit my Advanced Scuba Diver certificate - I'm getting back to squash - Planning to finally book my dive on the Yongala.
  5. Challenge 20 Recently I've been inconsistent with my lifting and nutrition, hell Weds I made it all the way out to the garage in my gym gear started my workout then blew it off because I was tired. I have been working some enormous hours at work on a new project and neglecting everything else. I need to get back on track and re-focus on what's important to me. The good news is my neck has improved a lot, I'm starting to be able to do some of the movements I've missed out on over the last 18 months. This challenge I will be channeling Winston and his war time spirit for my goals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uwCMf71nOA Goals: 1. Do your duty. (CON 3, WIS 2) Lift 3 times a week according to Rebel Strength Guide - Barbell Battalion. Reward: New Oly Barbell 2. Defend our Island whatever the cost may be. (CON 3, CHA 2) Full Paleo, 1 cheat meal a week. Reward: TBA 3. Never Surrender (CON 3, CHA 2) Alcohol no more than 2 days a week. Reward: ASUS GTX 970 STRIX Yes, I admit it, spare time recently has been spent looking at computer porn! Oh the shame I'm putting together a spec for a new gaming rig to get ready for the Star Wars Battlefront release in November (BareFootDawsy doesn't know yet but I'm hoping we'll get to play this together ) I haven't built a PC for 7 years so there's a big learning curve to catch up with the technology. My nerd side is showing out though and I'm enjoying the task. I really want this card so it should be good motivation to stick to this goal. Bonus Goal: An hour a day of any exercise, every day or 15 mins working on a skill, e.g. skipping. Reward: TBA Drooooooool......
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