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  1. Let me start this challenge with the following. I am not right in the head. I am grieving/stressed out/burned out and am having a hard time. My situation is complicated due to family dynamic and the fact that not all families are healthy ones. And in the end, I am just trying to get all of us through to when stuff isn’t blowing up EVERY DAY. For those new here: Okay, so the last few weeks were a mess. On top of having had 8 Christmases since Dec 20th (2 were planned with less than 2 days’ notice), Youngest Agent having gotten sick with a scary high fever (104) and now I am fighting the same thing. I am done. People keep telling me how “HARD” this Christmas was, like that would help. It didn’t, it made it worse because now you’re forcing me to deal with it instead of just enjoying what was in front of me. Honestly, I found myself wishing I could go back to work last night. It meant that my routines would be used and this “wait, what do we need to do today?” would go away. I did really well the challenge before the holiday challenge. I was doing well. Time to return to that. I still have the estate to settle since I am at the mercy of others to do there. I graduate in May and would prefer to not look like a killer whale at graduation (Note, the scale read over 300 again, alas the weight lost from my nose adventure). I also feel like over the holidays I just hid. I came and read the forum, but I didn’t post or even log in because I had nothing good to say. I have new issues to deal with, and people that were trying to be helpful/sweet just made things worse. In general, if we didn’t have a Holiday with you, I tried to avoid talking to people. The problem is, it allowed me to avoid the things I NEED to do. I need to get my life straightened out, I need to get my thought processes straightened out. So here’s a repeat of basically my holiday challenge. I took out a couple things (Christmas prep, work on estate), but added a few things (Check dad’s email, prepare seed starting stuff). It is really time to move forward, and while I can’t force anyone to let me finish the estate, I can focus on my stuff. Would love to have people here to cheer me on and remind me to post. But I also know there will be family grumping and grieving and very little “Hey I got to the gym for an hour” but maybe a “Hey, I was on the treadmill for 20 minutes” Goal Value Description Strength 1 Balance ball crunches 1 Squats 10 1 Wall Sit (sec) 1 Side kicks Do 2 1 Leg lifts 2 1 Reverse sit ups 1 sit ups 1 Knee to Elbows 1 Push ups 1 Balance Ball push ups Flexibility 1 Wrist Extension Stretch 12 1 Upward dog/Child pose 1 Meditating Groot 1 Lord of the dance Yoga (ankle above head) 1 Butterfly 1 Bridge Do 4 1 Ballet/toe Touch 4.00 1 Sitting Fix/Shoulder stretch 1 Warrior 1 1 Warrior 3 (Eagle bird thing) 1 Side stretch 1 Forward bend Life and Family 1 Play with Cats 1 NF time 1 Look at seed starting 1 Use lotion on legs daily 15 1 Spend time with Agents 1 Water a plant 1 Do something for me (Stardew, read a book, date night, ect) 1 Plan 1 Be in bed by 11:30 1 Floss in morning Do 7 1 Floss before bed 1 Check Dad's email 7 1 One good thing 1 Give Agent K9 5 minutes of training 1 Homework time daily/Prep new semester Fight Chaos 1 Pennisula/Island Clean all these daily 1 Table / Half wall 9 1 Desk 1 Bathroom up 1 Clean off file cabinet Do 3 1 Bathroom down 3 1 Clean off door to basement 1 Clean off Dresser 1 Counter over dishwasher At least 5 minutes per room (at least one) 1 Kitchen 1 Family room 1 Computer room 9 1 Basement 1 Clean 1 thing in file cabinet Do 3 1 Clean off nightstands 3 1 Clean 2 papers out of paper organizer 1 File 1 thing a day 1 Purge 1 thing a day Walking 1 Walk 7000 steps 4 1 Walk 15 minutes a day 2 1 7 hours with 250 steps do 2 1 Walk to Mordor Fuel 1 No eating after dinner 13 1 No stupid sugar 1 Track breakfast 1 Track Second breakfast do 6 1 Track Elevensies 1 Track lunch 1 Take Probiotic 6 1 < 3 bottles of tea 1 Eat Bananas Daily 1 Eat dried Apricots 1 Eat Breakfast 1 Eat Lunch 1 120 oz of water
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