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  1. Hi everybody! I missed you <3 So, I've been away for a bit because I've fallen off the wagon. Big time. I started dieting again: counting kcal, fasting, over exercising. Just pushing myself way too hard. *actual footage of my feelings On top of that life happened (details on why my life sucked really hard 1,5 weeks ago in the spoiler) So anyways I started skipping dance lessons. I stopped practicing dance at home. And I spent way too much time playing the sims and not so much doing chores and work. I had to quit dancing early yesterday because I just couldn't. I couldn't remember the steps, I felt so tired and lethargic. On the bike ride home I realized something needed to change. So now I'm back. And the title of this challenge? It's because of this youtube video I just watched while my intestines were throwing a tantrum in the bathroom (seriously, my body is not happy) My goal for this challenge is to get my life back together. To get healthy, regain my sanity and just feel great again. 1. Make todo lists These have always been a life saver for me. They keep me from becoming overwhelmed. I want to get back on top of my work and keeping the house in slightly less disarray. 2. DANCE! Practice my routines twice a week before my home workout. Don't miss practice again, unless I'm actually sick or out of town. 3. Home workouts They make me feel great and help improve my dancing. I'm going to do them twice a week, AND NO MORE THAN THAT! Duration: 30-40 minutes. If I'm not feeling good I can scale them down to 10-15 minutes, lower the intensity or just dance for a few minutes. 4. Gentle nutrition Why did I ever stop eating intuitively? I'm rejoining the NF Intuitive Eating group to learn and to share what I know. The tracking apps are deleted of my phone, my fitbit is in the back of my nightstand drawer (trust me, it's impossible to find anything there )
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