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Found 2 results

  1. For this challenge, I am going to focus on two things: hiking and languages. I think I'm going back to Germany next year, and I really loved learning German, so I'm going to dust off my learning tools and get back to it. I'm also going to keep studying Spanish with more intention because I really do believe that will be beneficial living in the US. Mom and I are going to Utah for a hiking trip in the fall, and we're not physically at the level we need to be for the trip. So we're going hiking a lot more! Western Pennsylvania offers a lot of great hiking opportunities from steep hills to giant rocks to climb over and cool looking streams, rivers, and waterfalls. We've already started today and I'm so tired, but I know the more we hike, the easier it will get. I'm going to stretch before and after hikes, and maybe do some supportive leg and balance exercises to protect my hips and knees. That's it! Thanks for being here!!
  2. I read this thing on Twitter about FUN goals: Flexible, Uplifting, Numberless. I loved it so much. SMART goals are really good, and I still have smart goals, but right now, I need to focus on the journey, and I think FUN goals are more process focused and less results focused. For this challenge the plan is to: 1. Exercise every day. Doesn't matter what it is, just need to do something every day and then throw myself a parade. Which marching in a parade also counts as exercise 2. Read some books. This is the perfect time of year to read a good book and escape winter. I'll happily tell you what I'm reading! 3. Love my mouth. When winter blues hit, I immediately start slacking off on things like brushing my hair or flossing my teeth. This winter, I'm going to take ridiculous care of my teeth. I am armed with a sonic toothbrush, floss, mouth wash, a waterpik, and a whitening kit. It's a lot, but I've already started this month, and it's really contributing a lot to improving my mood.
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