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Found 3 results

  1. I am recycling this challenge setup from the beginning of the year since I have many of the same goals and, well, I love the theme. The theme this time around is Galavant and there will probably be some gallivanting (and possibly mayhem). Also, for those of you who are interested, Galavant is now on Netflix (at least in the US). Consider this to be an official SPOILER WARNING as I will probably include GIF's and things in this challenge. I made quite a bit of fitness progress late last year, early this year, however I've since managed to undo all of that progress. Back in late April, team projects/finals pressure started building up and I basically reverted to my old eating habits and completely sedentary lifestyle. Turns out, I didn't really have a plan in place to keep up my new habits when life got busy and chaotic. I also disappeared off the boards around the same time and, well, never came back. The short version of events is that I was lazy all summer long and have packed all of the weight I lost back on (also, long-vacations really don't help with weight loss). Now, I'm back and more determined than ever to really make it work this time. Short version = So, I'm like this: 1. Foundational Fitness Challenge Goals: Darebee Workout a minimum of 3x a week (any workout, as long as it looks fun). 30 minutes of walking/biking at least 2x a week 2. Food; Eat it Challenge Goal - Track food intake in my food journal without fail. Hold myself accountable for my eating habits. - 26 days possible. 3. Limit the (caffeine) Drinking Challenge Goal: - Cut caffeine by the end of Week 3. I was making progress with this and then... yeah. I'm back to regular doses of caffeinated soda. I should probably also look into setting up a more consistent sleeping schedule, since I tend to consume more soda (my primary caffeine source) when I'm exhausted. 4. Put the Armor on Properly - Life Goal (broken into Mini-Goals) Challenge Goals: Prepare the Armoury - Continue work on my Mandalorian Armor. I'm nearly finished with this project (It's been a long journey) and I'd love to wrap it up this challenge depending on how much schoolwork I have. Goal - finish the armor. Find Work - It's Senior year! And, I really need a job. Apply, apply, apply. Goal - Assemble a list of cities/companies where I'd like to work and get all of the background work done (updated resume, letters of recommendation, etc). Ultimate Goal - Weight Loss Current Weight: N/A This challenge is still a WIP. I'm hoping to update it tonight with more details/things, but this at least gets me started
  2. The theme this time around is Galavant and there will probably be some gallivanting (and possibly mayhem). The four weeks of this challenge promise to be exciting and slightly insane what with finishing my Christmas break, moving back to school, and kicking off the new semester. While I’m normally fairly busy, the beginnings/ends of semesters tend to be especially chaotic and stress-inducing. Since this challenge is only four weeks long, I’m going to keep this round fairly standard and work on rebuilding and reinforcing old habits. The themes and goals are basically the same as last time around since I still have a long way to go before I complete those goals. The second season of Galavant is also running at the same time as this challenge, so brace yourself for knights, music, and madness. I’ll try to minimize spoilers from the second season, but the first season is fair game. So, I'm like this: 1. Foundational Fitness I had mixed results with my training last challenge. For the first month it was going amazingly well and then I ran into some health issues. I visited my cardiologist last week and have been given orders to the effect of: less weights, no isometrics, be careful. He sort of suggested lifting weights of less than 5lbs in order to achieve 'tone' (makes face). Needless to say, I was not happy since he basically feels I should stop all bodyweight exercise and take up running/biking. I expect that I'm going to continue with my bodyweight workouts, though I'll probably have to phase out some of the more full-body exercises and add more cardio (i.e. no more transition planks since I know those cause problems). Biking is apparently acceptable, so I'll be spending a lot of time on the gym's stationary bike once I get back to university. Challenge Goals: Darebee Workout a minimum of 3x a week (any workout, as long as it looks fun).30 minutes of walking/biking at least 2x a week 2. Food; Eat it Don't light the vegetables on fire; eat them instead. Honestly though, the holidays have done a number on the eating habits I was working on last semester. There is quite a bit of room to improve. Until I move back to college I have minimal control over what is being served most meals/where we eat out. I am 100% in control of breakfast and need to do a better job with controlling what ends up on my plate during other meals. It's amazing how much harder it is to resist temptation when I can't simply keep certain foods from ending up in the fridge. To help my self-restraint I'm going to continue tracking my food intake in my food journal and review it nightly to look for areas to improve. Challenge Goal - Track food intake in my food journal without fail. Hold myself accountable for my eating habits. - 26 days possible. 3. Limit the (caffeine) Drinking Challenge Goal: - Cut caffeine by the end of Week 3. I was making progress with this and then finals week + no sleep happened. Diet soda is not healthy. It needs to go. 4. Put the Armor on Properly - Life Goal (broken into Mini-Goals) Lately I've been feeling a bit hard pressed to keep up with everything and I'm tired of feeling this way. I want to catch up on my workload and get back in control of my life. Goals will be added as I come up with new ones. Challenge Goals: · Prepare the Armoury - Continue work on my Mandalorian Armor. I had to halt progress on this during finals week and haven't been able to get much accomplished since. There's still 2 weeks before I return to college, so I have some time to get this done. · Find Work - Apply for a minimum of 16 internships for next summer (avg. 4 per week). I really need an internship, preferably one that pays. This mini-goal is a priority. Ultimate Goal - Weight Loss I have confirmation that we are going to Hawaii for 8-10 days this summer. This will most likely be in August and I want to be closer to my ideal weight (currently this equals 160lbs.). My motivation so far has been personal health, better fitting costumes, and now I can add an upcoming vacation to the list. Challenge Goal: - Lose 4 pounds Current Weight: N/A
  3. Way back in days of old there was a legend told about a hero known as Galvant. Square jaw and perfect hair, Cajones out to there, There was no hero quite like Galavant! Tough, plus every other manly value Mess with him he'll disembowel you! Yea, he ruled in every way, a fairytale cliché, an people called him Gaaalaaavaaaaant! Yep that's my theme this challenge. If you don't know what Galavant is, it is a comedy on ABC featuring a lot of singing and set in a medieval fairytale setting. So pretty much everything I ever wanted in a show. Anyway, I have been away for a while doing my own thing and making progress. That is, until the holidays hit. Now I need a little extra motivation to get back on track and lucky me I happen to come back just in time for the shiny new challenge system. As for my challenge, it is somewhat inspired by Galavant's return to questing shape toward the beginning of season 1. My lift workouts involve bench, Military, Deadlift, and Cleans. As for my diet, I have the most difficulty on the weekends, so for now I am going to focus more on what I eat when I am at home rather than how much. Anyway, down to it: Q1: Isabella's Training: Lift 3 times a week, Arrow workout 2 days a week Q2: Sid's Cooking: Stay paleo on weekends, stay under 1800 calories on weekdays ( I am on a cut right now) Q3: Fit in My Armor: drop to 20% body fat (if I can't do it this challenge I will roll it over to the next) SQ: Xanax's Laboratory: 95% completion of my work goals (kinda shoehorned this one into the theme, I work in a lab so it's the best I could come up with) That's it for now, I haven't decided if I am going to do anything fun with the updates yet. It will depend on how busy I get and, of course, how well I am sticking to my challenge. 'Till next time, TALLY HO! I'm off on a hero's journey Out where adventure lies On a quest the Poet's will sing about! With destiny at my shoulder, An ego of massive size, And a face most chicks have a thing about. So what if I'm still hung over? So what if I smell like slop? So what if I've got this pesky muffin top? I'm off on a hero's journey A champion through and through (More or less) Doing what other hero's do. Update: Epic Quest page here
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