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Found 1 result

  1. Hello little chickens, are we all super? Where have you been, again? No where really. Last challenge saw me walk the 64 miles from London to Brighton. It was a 30ish hour special kind of hell. A toe-nail loosing, more-blister-than-feet inducing, joint swelling hullapalooza. But it gave me a lot of time to think, and was strangely cleansing. I would say it was a "once in a lifetime" thing... but I've signed up for next year. Wait, so did you level up last time? Technically, no. But if you followed my journey on facebook, you'll know how hard the walk was for me. I pretty much almost gave up, twice. I went as far as retiring my chip. But... in the end, I kept going. So yeah. Although I didn't achieve everything I wanted in my last challenge (or even update my thread, sorry :/) I feel it was level-up-worthy. So what's this challenge then? Pretty much the same as the last one. The format worked so well for me (no set meals / workout every day, but points awarded for desirable behaviour. Pavlovian conditioning at its finest). I'm also tracking wake up time, work start time, work finish time, and home time. Why? I want to see if my routine really is as variable as I think it is. Wait, what? Just look at the darn data-collection sheet here. If I get 5,000 points over the course of the challenge, I will level up. The points system is design meaning I have to achieve 834 points per week, Ideally, this means working out 5 x per week, eating under my calorie allowance and drinking enough water. Makes sense. What's this #100happydays? It's awesome, is what it is. You can read about it here. These will likely be the daily updates I make to my thread. And that's that! Let's goooooooooooo.
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