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Found 3 results

  1. Welcome everybody! I'm a 26-year-old British guy who likes gymnastics, climbing, calisthenics, circus, weightlifting, ... and generally try to do too much. Last August I quit my job as a software engineer to go travelling around the world, volunteering for charities, learning new skills, and generally chasing excitement Brief summary of my journey since starting at Nerd Fitness: Jan 2014: joined the forums and planned to learn backflips outdoors by February. Hahaha that did not happen, but gymnastics and weightlifting happened lots Jul 2014: reached 10 seconds for handstands and recorded my progress [video] Oct 2014: bought gymnastics rings and went through a phase of training lots with these Aug 2015: reached so far my peak in gymnastics and made a compilation [video] in the Summer Aug 2015: moved house and got lazy Challenged with the Warriors and I don't think I even made it to a gym haha Jan 2016: decided that I needed more excitement and that in 2016 I was going to get it Aug 2016: quit my job and backpacked around Slovenia and Eastern Europe Sep 2016: competed in the Mental Calculation World Cup in Germany Oct 2016: studied Spanish in a language school in Valencia Nov 2016: competed at Memoriad in Las Vegas. Flew to Nicaragua to volunteer as a volcano tour guide for 3 months Feb 2017: backpacked around Nicaragua and Guatemala - both really nice destinations May 2017: spent a month in Barcelona learning more Latin dancing and learning to how to create websites - currently working on HyperBirthday Jul 2017: volunteered as an Engineering tutor in a Summer School in Oxford Now I'm back at home with my parents without a plan for the future. Comfortable, but boring and not where I want to be sat for long. Luckily for the duration of this I've got plenty of things going on, so my basic schedule is: finish composing a piano version of Sahara (Nightwish) [video] make plans for the Autumn compete in the Mind Sports Olympiad in London go to two weddings I'm not in the habit of doing any physical activity (except cycling) when I'm at home, so I'll need to put an effort into doing that! Also my social circles aren't really around at the moment so I'll award points to ensure I get as as much as I'd like. My last challenge used a complicated points-based system, and it was pretty effective. This time my plans are more complicated and uncertain, so I'll use a simpler points-based system to allow myself the flexibility. any substantial workout (1 point each) count: 9.5 any social engagement (1 point each) count: 7 find a good place for practising handstands (1 point) find a better place for gymnastics rings training (1 point) try my old hurdle training (!) (1 point) go climbing (1 point) complete figure-of-8 handstand walk (3 points) 10-second static handstand (2 points) pretty au batido (2 points) 12 ring dips (1 point) ring forward roll (1 point) 30 push-ups (1 point) 40 push-ups (1 point) make travel plans until 30th September (3 points) make travel plans until 15th November (3 points) make travel plans until 31st December (3 points) finish Sahara composition & sheet music (3 points) record Sahara composition (2 points) create Sahara video (1 point) create a salsa/bachata routine and use it (3 points) trial MSO calculation paper (3 points) make strategies for all MSO calculation categories (1 point) reliably memorize 20 random words in under 3 minutes (1 point) reliably memorize 60 random words in under 10 minutes (1 point) trial MSO names & faces event (1 point) do any actual practice for MSO order of pictures memory (1 point) basic market research for mind sports presentations (1 point) fix HyperBirthday on mobile (3 points) implement HyperBirthday /result/<date> framework (4 points) third HyperBirthday blog post (1 point) fourth HyperBirthday blog post (1 point) fifth HyperBirthday blog post (1 point) add full moon counter to HyperBirthday (4 points) TimeGhost to HyperBirthday (4 points) Total points: 49.5 That's 60 points + social and workout points, so I'm going to do a simple 6 points <=> 1 stat point award system, maxing out at 10 stat points but it's unlikely I'll get that far Using more lenient grading this time because last time I got only 30% despite a pretty good challenge! I'll start immediately and finish whenever in September seems a suitable end-point. Good luck everyone!
  2. Hi! It's another challenge already! I'm going to lean in on reinforcing some good habits as well as potentially introducing some new ones related to general life rather than diet or exercise. If you are new to the party -- I practice gymnastics, lift heavy weights, run sometimes, bake tasty treats, and love my social engagements. I've got a fun run the first weekend of October and a trip planned to Montreal to watch the gymnastics Worlds competition from Oct 7-9, but otherwise fall is looking pretty calm compared to the last few months. 1. Rat nest Pick a gym/coach/program Do the work 3-4x per week Proper mobilization/activation pre-lifting 3-4x week 2. Ratbbit food Eat real meals at home 7x per week (Real meals include protein and vegetables and are eaten while sitting down) 3. Rat dance Finish mixing floor music Start working on floor choreo with 3 choreo sessions Try out new mounts on balance beam 4. Ratsponsibilities TBD...
  3. Welome one and all.. .. To my humble Battle Log. It's here that I'll be posting my daily workouts and routines (if I'm following one) here to keep myself accountable - I'll endeavour to keep it entertaining and informative as well as holding me accountable. I'll be posting any tips and tricks I stumble across on here, even if they're nonsensical ramblings. STATS: Height: 6ft Age: 23 Weight 183lbs/83kg (Starting weight 83kg) CURRENT GOALS & PROGRESSIONS: Max pullups in a single set ( 11 / 20 ) Max muscle-ups in a single set ( 1 / 5 ) 10% BF (Currently sitting at ~16%) Max L Sit ( 0 / 10s ) ACCOLADES / PERSONAL HALL OF FAME: +45kg Dips x 6 +15kg Pullups x 6 My current focus is calisthenics, I'm currently setting my foundation and working towards some more complex/exciting movements. I'm slowly cutting weight with the hope it'll make the progressions easier, even if it doesn't - I'll look better whilst doing them . Feel free to question, follow my grind and comment as I go .. Or just pop in and say hi ! Leggo'
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