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  1. Turning back time is a nice thought...I turned 20 the year this song was released, Cher, on the other hand, was 43, I remember thinking then and several times since that I would love to look half as good as she did when I was XX years old... Yeah, that didn't happen...course I also don't make the money she does to be able to afford chefs, trainers, and surgeons to keep her looking like that, so I guess it balances out But I digress, this year is the year I turn 50, I'm not going to say these years have all been a walk in the park, RA, nerve damage and spinal stenosis as the result of a car accident, and not exactly taking the best care of myself for 44 of them didn't help. Wednesday will mark five (5! ) years since I found NF...yes I was one of those "New Year, New You" people but I stuck around, learned some things that worked, and a whole lot of things that DON'T! I've been rather lacking in my goals lately, it shows in my health and the way my clothes are fitting...so without further ado, I give you my first challenge of the new year For those that follow my battle log you know my big goal this year is to lose 50 lbs by the time I turn 50 in 10 months, which is 5 lbs a month (and Saturday the 12th is my first 5k of the year ) Steps to get to this goal are not changing much from prior challenges, I just need to make sure and improve consistency! 1. Get to the gym three times a week, with flexibility for work/extenuating circumstances. In those cases I will go as many times as possible. Either taking walking breaks or walking on the treadmill to get to at least 8,000 steps a day, every day, with running intervals every other day will be part of this and separate from gym time, that time will be used for weights and stuff I'm unable to do at home. 2. Continue to listen to my hunger, not my appetite! Eat real food, plan menus ahead of time to make life easier. Continue to prep breakfast/lunch/snacks for the week and during season 3. Live life, don't stress over it. Continue working towards the three year plan. 4. Drink water, get sleep, reduce cortisol production (I stress a LOT over bullshit I can't control) Just as important but not an actual 'goal' is making sure I check in here Hardcore? Maybe, but half ass-ing it is not working...time to full ass it!
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