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Found 2 results

  1. Mike_d85

    Mike D... BZ

    Marathon, done. House, moved. Time to get back into weightlifting and saddle up. I have had a lot of things up in the air, but I need to get into a groove that works for me so I can get going forward on something other than “run a lot.” Goal #1: Get back into a weightlifting routine. 3 days a week minimum, I want a schedule that works for 5. That means I get my commute manageable and find a weight room that’s accessable. 3,000 points Goal #2: Track food and weight. I’m going to try to bulk up after losing so much upper body muscle mass to my marathon training. I want to have my weekday meals planned and calories estimated every week. 3,000 points. Goal #3: Learn horseback riding. I’ve started basic lessons and I want to get to the level where I can ride a trail on my own before my honeymoon in August. I have one lesson per week and I want to do 1 day of “homework” per week (educate myself on something related to horseback riding). 1,000 points *Fun fact* this seems to be the one picture of a DBZ character on a horse on all of the internet: Goal #4: Maintain running. 5k runs at least 3 times a week an long runs (15-20k) on the weekend. 2,000 points. Goal #5: Nesting. I have random projects from moving and I want to complete at least one per week. We scaled up from a tiny 1 bedroom apartment to a 2 bedroom townhouse with a basement. I need storage in the basement, the kitchen organized, DVD/Blu-ray storage, all living room furniture that isn’t a TV stand, a table and chairs for the dining room, a drink station (dry bar), a desk for the office, and a bicycle/storage for said bicycle. 1,000 points Why are the points in thousands?
  2. Hello.. um.. All? My very first post. Big Step for me. So.. First out the gate, I have lurked and received all the new emails etc from NF, attempted some of the beginner workouts and then I found my dragons. Coming in a stride behind, rounding the turn, and... smack right into the dragon, not even half way down the backstretch. In case you can't guess, yep I love horses, of which I have two (one being the rideable full sized version, the other the mini party fun sized). Now to describe my dragons.. they are the big intelligent fiery reds, or the more seductive and elusive blacks. I recently (and FINALLY!) was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. This process start to diagnosis took YEARS because I don't present typically for either condition and throw in some hypermobility of the joints, yep just a bundle of contradictions. Throw in a divorce in the middle, and fast foward to now (age 29). At first I thought I could just workout and maintain fitness or more precisely get back to a good level of fitness, now that is MUCH harder than I believed it would be (slaying the dragon?). All that being said, now for the wisdom requirement.. Does anyone have suggestions on workouts? I can't do high impact anymore, I do like yoga, but not into the whole technical side of it in other words, I understand child's pose not vinyasa something or other, and I did try the beginner's workouts/hotel workouts, but squats/lunges seem to put fire into my knees. I am limited on the arm/wrist/hand movements as my joints bending too far will not let the muscle take the brunt like it is supposed too. I am limited time wise to my lunch hour or whatever time I squeeze from not working with my horses (one I ride the other I taught to pull a cart) in the evening. Thanks all, and Happy Trails.
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