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Found 3 results

  1. Hi everyone! I've been gone for a while and haven't posted much, I'm shy lol. I was wondering if anyone here is near the Kirkwood, MO ice rink and would possibly like to get together and skate sometime. I haven't ice skated in about four and a half years but I want to get back into it thanks to a new anime I've watched. I took several lessons but still am not that great (especially after such a long time). My husband does not want to go with me since he's doing his own thing at the moment (boo him). I know with the new year a lot of people may want to get into healthier habits so I thought I'd ask. I'm pretty introverted but one of my goals for 2017 is to try and put myself out there more. For a little about me, I'm a manga/anime addict (I do read yaoi fyi), an internet nerd, I dabble in web design, I write fan fiction/short stories and I'm 32. Please let me know if there's already a group formed for ice skating, I'd love to join!
  2. Hey everyone! I can't wait to meet you all and show you a couple of my fave places in my beloved Des Moines Date: Saturday, March 1st (time TBD) We will start off at: Brenton Skating Plaza 520 Robert D Ray Dr Des Moines, IA 50309-1824 We're obviously going ice skating, and Brenton is an outdoor skating arena, so wear several layers and bring plenty of gloves, hats, scarves, etc. Also, it costs $6 for admission and $3.50 for ice skate rentals. However, if there are 10 or more people, it will only cost $7 per person. This is one reason that it would be fantastic for everyone to commit as soon as possible, so I know what kind of numbers we're looking at, but either way, no big deal. For more information about Brenton, check out: http://brentonplaza.com/ We will then be going to my favorite restaurant, Zombie Burger The food's delicious, it's a really fun atmosphere and it's undoubtedly one of a kind. The restaurant is literally two blocks away from the skating plaza and has been my hangout spot since it opened in August 2011. They also have really creative shakes, spiked shakes and a full bar. For more information, here's their website, along with the menu: http://www.zombieburgerdm.com/ If everyone would like and if we had time, we could go over to UpDown (which is also a couple blocks away; all of the places we're going are in the East Village). drink beer and play arcade games http://updowndsm.com/ Or, we could just stay at Zombie Burger and drink there Either way, it's going to be a blast! As far as accommodations, I would definitely let you guys stay with me if I had my own place, but I don't yet. I would suggest finding a hotel near the airport, which is about 10 minutes away from the East Village, where we'll be spending our time. There are some very nice hotels in downtown DM, but they will be pricier. Here's a link to some airport hotels: http://www.tripadvisor.com/HotelsNear-g37835-qDSM-Des_Moines_Iowa.html Confirmed nerds so far: SnowWhite FalseAesop Wufkar SammyShark mmitchell151 Bananandrea And lastly, please reply if you are still planning on attending, and let me know if you have any questions; I'd be more than happy to answer them! I'd recommend everyone post their challenge thread or battle blog so we can get to know each other a bit before the meet up. I can't wait! Battle on, Nerds. Cheers! -SnowWhite
  3. I had this moment last night where I was mowing down on rice krispie squares that "I" had made with a friend and realized that I needed some help to be held somewhat accountable for my actions. I hope I am not too late to join the challenge. I haven't had a chance to read everything on here but I figured I should jump in asap. Hi, my name is Emily! Background: I am 27 years old. I'm 5'4, 155lbs, and ~28% bf. I am a software engineer at a small company in Ottawa, ON so I sit on my butt most of the day. At the moment I am going to circuit training with my co-workers 3 days out of the week and really enjoying that, I've already noticed some great improvements (I can do full push-ups now!). I enjoy the social aspects of it also. I recently read the article on Staci's transformation (http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/) and became inspired by that. I've always wanted to focus on becoming stronger and more cut and not just on being skinny but I haven't really had any direction and lack people in my life with similar interests. I don't want to do this alone, and so I am here. My biggest problem with becoming more fit and healthy is the eating part because I absolutely love exercising. I've always been super active but I've also always loved to bake cookies, breads, and cheesecakes etc. I eat really well during the day at work, but when I get home I cannot resist eating terrible sugary food after 8 or 9pm. I live with my sister and her husband who eat exactly everything that I shouldn't and so I end up stealing their horribly-delicious-but-terrible-for-me snack foods that I would never buy for myself. Goal 1: Only eat one snack item (1 serving size) of food, not purchased and prepared by myself, at home each week. (Not sure of a better way to make this measurable, if you have any ideas please let me know) ( Since it's really really cold here at the moment and there's an outdoor skating rink around the block from my house. Goal 2: Go skating for 30 minutes, 3 times per week. Bonus: Get one person to go skating with me at least 1 time per week. In terms of moving forward with working out, I am going to look for a gym where I can get into powerlifting as the gym I am at currently does not support this type of activity (luckily my boss pays for most of that membership). Goal 3: Get a gym membership at a place that has free weights within this current week and then start attending said gym at least 2 times per week for the next 5 weeks. I take voice lessons once a week and attend choir but I rarely make time to practice. Goal 4: Practice singing for 30 minutes, 3 times per week I need to read more on the real life role playing stuff so I will update my goals with those later tonight.
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