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  1. This challenge has perfect timing for my situation. I am, since Friday, the proud owner of a termination letter, effective June 30th. While I am grateful to the Swiss unemployment system, which is very sturdy, I am prone to pursuing the wrong priorities. I am, for example, at risk of trying to get above and beyond in my current (destructive) job instead of focusing on searching for a new one that fits my expectations. This challenge will be my dashboard for the coming times. I'm not starting my quest as a naked lvl 1 commoner. I am TOUGH! Among the qualities that allowed me to last 5 years in that position are that you'd have to physically tackle me to take me down. I am celebrating 9 years of tanking through infinite waves of adversity under showers of "friendly" mortar fire, I know how to use my shield and I know better than to stay stuck in one place. I'll crawl if I have to, but I'll move toward the target inch by inch until I'm there, and then, I'll go for the next one. Getting back up one more time than I fall is a way of life for me and that makes me invincible. There are one off, monthly, weekly and daily tasks that I must perform in order to succeed. I'll complete the list as I think of more things. 3 main categories : finding new employment following a lifestyle/workout plan developping self employed activities Pursuing self employment is the perfect cover for any hole that may appear in my résumé, so I am not under heavy time pressure: quality trumps quickness, I want to find the first ever job I'll join because I am genuinely attracted by it and not because I am fleeing the destructive culture of my previous one. One off : Register to the unemployment office. Check back with reality : make a list of people to call and ask for feedback about the time they've had working with me. let them know I am available. if the feedback is positive, ask if I can use them as reference. Write a prototype of work certificate I would like to receive. Decide how I want to handle my time off during the last two months and get in touche with "HR" to discuss it. Go through my phone contact list and clean it from any junk. Check the requirements for the Mountain Leader certification and craft a plan to get there. Get in touch with the Social Security office, charged with registering self employment status, check if I have to register or can pursue some activity while being unemployed. Update my profile on our professional association's website. Craft a website for my activities. Get domain names for my website. Set the website up. Monthly : May-June : send 4 applications per month. If still unemployed after that : send 10 applications per month. Weekly : Check sites/newspaper for job offerings. Go groceries shopping. Batch cook 2*6 meals. Do my laundry. Go on the vineyard 1/week, do whatever needs to be done there or just enjoy the time if all is done. Daily : Workout or run (on alternate days). Eat two meals. Sleep 7h (go to bed by 10:30, no screens). Week 0 looks like that : Send application 1 Monday : Running Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Tuesday : Workout 1 Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Get proof of residency from the Municipality Call person 1 Call person 2 Check Newspaper 1 Wednesday : Running Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Call person 3 Call person 4 Register to the unemployment office Thursday : Workout 2 Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Call person 5 Check Newspaper 2 Friday : Running Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Saturday : Workout 3 Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Groceries Sunday : Running Eat meal 1 Eat meal 2 Go to bed by 10:30 Batch cooking Vineyard Let's do this and enjoy every part of it.
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