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  1. Remember when I said I wanted to be a Wizard? Well, Wizards need high INT to perform well, so I better get cracking on that. First and foremost: GRADUATE! FINISH THESIS SHIT BEFORE THIS FRIDAY! Yes, the 27th. Now that that's out of the way, the daily goals will consist of: 1. Meditate for 5 minutes per day, EVERY FREAKING DAY. 2. Brush and floss EVERY FREAKING DAY. 3. Foam roll EVERY FREAKING DAY. I usually do this at the gym since it's a part of our warm-up routine, and there's more room at the gym than there is at home, so I'll leave this one out for this challenge. 3. Lumosity / brain games, or SOMETHING TO LEVEL UP MY INT. I'm thinking StarCraft also. I HAVE AN ARMY! I'll be focusing on the problem-solving category on Lumosity, and on games that will improve working memory. I also picked up a book called Smarter recently, and while I've only gotten through the first chapter so far, I'm totally looking forward to applying some of the concepts mentioned in the book. So far, it seems that working memory is a big thing. I've also finished 10% Happier a little while ago, which is what prompted me to do the 5 minutes of daily meditation. As for the life quests: Life quest 1: THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM! Ie, the quest where all the transition things happen. I am definitely keeping this life quest (probably under text cuts), although I don't want to let it consume my entire challenge this time around. The worst of it has passed, and things related to life quest 1 should be smooth(er) sailing from now on. Life quest 2: Declutter (cont'd). Especially clothes. I already started on this at the end of the last challenge. I still need money, but that will be included in the decluttering life quest when I start to sell shit for money. Oh, and I had a job interview today and I might have a chance and fdfhgdfgahdfgahfdgas WAAAAANT. I have a new job and I start on the 9th and I'm so freaking pumped it's not even funny. IT WILL HAVE SANE HOURS. I WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE A NORMAL SLEEPING SCHEDULE. VERY SLEEP! MUCH REJOICE! WOW!
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