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  1. OKAY!!!! I HAVE AN INTERNET CONNECTION NOW!!!! This is my second challenge (after successfully completing the last 6WC) and as members of the RPG Fanatics Guild were made aware, I will be doing most of the upcoming challenges at my new duty station in Korea! Gods, this place has a lot of hills!!!! And where there aren't hills, there are stairs! So, in accordance with the Challenge rules, here are my goals: MAIN QUEST Score a 300 on the PT test. 1. Perform 50 consecutive push-ups in 2 min or less 2. Perform 82 sit-ups in 2 min or less 3. Run 2 miles in 15:48 or less SIDE QUEST Get back down to 155 Lbs again. This is mostly due to the military weight restrictions placed on my height and age group, so I see it as an added bonus rather than something I'm actively working toward. MINI-QUEST Climb at least one mountain a month! Seeing as I'm in one of the most mountainous countries on the planet, and seeing as most of those mountains are accessible by train and a quick cab ride, I'm ready to get out there and get a hawk's eye view of this place. The last time I was in Korea I didn't really see much of it outside of the inside of a bar. I want this time to be different. My point system will follow the same format as last challenge: +1 pt for completing the day's workout, but this time I will allow for "making up" points on the weekends. I will also allow for additional points, in the event that I find myself feeling especially fit and motivated. It looks like my job here will not allow for my participation in the usual mandatory PT (I'll be working shifts), so all my goals will sit squarely on my own shoulders. YAY!!! :D I haven't formulated my own workout for this go around just yet, but I will post it as soon as I do. Most likely I will continue to do a routine very similar to the one I had last challenge. That's it! Challenge accepted, and I am ready to ROCK it!
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