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  1. I have lost all the spoons, metaphorically and literally. I am so tired. It has been a hard few weeks between work, dealing with my mother (who is trying to start stuff and wonders why I am not reacting) and my knee still not behaving ( I may need an ultra sound or another MRI) so I have no metaphorical spoons. Oh and this challenge, we will be tearing out the entire kitchen to put a new one in since the cabinets are falling off the wall. With this big a project coming up, we have been slowly emptying the kitchen for weeks. Which means certain things are getting packed up, and I can’t always find them. We have lost some spoons this way and I can’t find those either. So this challenge is going to be harder than usual since this is probably the biggest project we have ever undertaken and the longest since it was 3-5 weeks estimated since we ordered the cabinets for them to be delivered (this is week3). Then we will install cabinets and then have no countertops for another period of time (we have heard anything from 2-6 weeks). Oh and the cabinets are now being delivered in 3 days The seeds have started so the garden is getting big, but we had snow yesterday so it’s going to be a bit before we put anything outside. Our usual seed plan has things sitting in the soon to be empty kitchen. And then there is Easter to consider. I started the challenge last week, but I have lacked the spoons to post it. I ended up collapsing into a nap and then nothing yesterday. And the scale is at my new high again. Sigh. Anyone got any spoons?
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