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Found 2 results

  1. "People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day." It's been a gloomy, stressful week, and I've been a lazy, lazy butt... but I am ready to overcome the heffalump laziness and conquer some woozle stress over the next month. Beware, beware! Heffalumps and woozles! Tendinitis I stopped doing my physio routine after a while... and I can feel the difference. I need to get back into it, again. I'm also creating a very small routine for my left shoulder to get that improved a little too. I will post both routines here. Also adding in yoga/tai-chi/pilates class 1x/week. Dehydration Goal is to drink 1.5L of water daily. Weakness Lift 3x/week. Routine linked here. I've started replacing some lifts with bodyweight exercises... i.e. I've found push ups to be way more effective than benching 50lbs. They're also a lot more fun. Stress Read 30 minutes every night. Need to step away from the computer and focus on something, that I enjoy. Books! A heffalump or woozle is very confusel, The heffalump or woozle is very sly! They come in ones and twoosels, but if they so choosels, before your eyes, you'll see them multiply.
  2. So after a month and a half of nerd time (I know, I'm spoiled), I now have time to take all the inspirational sparks I get from you all and put it to work on improving my habits (again). Right now I'm living with my mom/back home because I've missed friends here and I wanted to be here for our Toronto Meet-Up. I can't afford to transfer to gym here though (18$-biweekly would go up to 25$-biweekly), there is still no way in hell I can afford to go back to muay thai again and I'm still unemployed. But we've still got things to work on that I can squeeze in within the last month of this challenge: 1. Mobilize once every day 2. Organize & Minimize Clean up my entire room, divided in parts: Bookshelves (already mostly done), dresser, side table, bed-headboard shelf thing, and posters. There are too many childhood things that need to either be put away or tossed.Get rid of my carpetDonate books, stuffed animals, etc. 3. Prioritize Less gaming and spending money, more doing homework and applying for jobs. So, each day I have to either (i) study 1/2 a unit or add a page to my paper that's due in September; or (ii) apply to at least 3 jobs.Start putting money away for visiting SirEarl this DecemberException: 2 games off Steam ... Summer sale. 2 games I want are on sale for $2.50 ea.
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