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  1. Why hello, friends. I think I can do this again. I came to post a challenge and I guess this is a zero week too! awesome! I don't feel under any pressure at all! UM last challenge was a little meep. I got through the first two weeks really well! of course, I was pre-vacation, and then on vacation. and when I got back and my knees started hurting and I realized that I was suffering from an anxiety hangover from the last..... oh 4-6 months.... I shut down a little. week 3 was a bad week, and week 4 was a week of doing JUST ONE THING. I would go for a walk. or do a yoga thing. or just do one thing. And I had 3 weeks of serious acupuncture sessions to fix my knees and legs and they're doing GREAT, and I am getting new running shoes, and the older kid graduated from high school, and work is in a weird lull that is ok by me, and I finished my volunteer obligation as secretary/treasurer at my alumni association, and my dad is doing really great, and I feel like I can BREATHE again. so, I'm getting back on this horse! and this horse is an amazing SPARKLECORN! and this challenge is going to be SUPER AWESOME. Goals: Goal 1. Work the food thing. Stay on target with the calories. try to increase protein. eat your csa veggies. be cool. Goal 2. Do a thing every day. just a thing. a pokewalk, a stretching session, tkd, running, these are all things I like. Goal 3. Don't bag out on this challenge. This seems pretty simple, right? ok lets go.
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