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Found 2 results

  1. Janus (Latin: Ianus. Pronounced: 'ja:.nus]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, doorways, passages, and endings. There are respawns, and there are respawns. I do a lot of the first one - every month, every week, sometimes even every day. Things like 'I'll stop this now' or 'This time I'll do it this way.' These are normal. These are for those times when you fall off the wagon, but you only need jog a bit to climb back on, or maybe you lay on the ground for a little while and then grab ahold again when the wagon laps you. Sometimes, however, a respawn is equatable with a personality transplant. I picked my username, my character name (and my RH agent/code name) to remind myself that it is now time to change. My goals, my methods, my approach - everything. Who and what I used to be is no longer functional or, more importantly, acceptable. I have named this 4 week challenge - my first one - as the First Gate because right now, there are no doors. There is an infinite list of choices and destinations, and all that I have to do is choose a path and walk it. Later on I'm sure there will be challenges that involve more obvious barriers to overcome, but right now there are no barred entries, no fixed map. So having said all that, thank you for taking the time to read along on my not-so-little journey. Please feel free to leave comments - kudos, critiques, suggestions, and opinions are equally welcome. I'm planning to operate on a slightly different schedule - rather than a planning week, I'm going to have a reflection/planning week at the end of the challenge. This is due to how my work/holiday/life schedule is currently set up, and the fact that I've been planning already for two weeks. Which means my four week challenge starts.... Now. Somewhere, there stands a person. This person is not special. Like the many hundreds and thousands (and millions and billions) that have come before them, they stand not at a crossroads, but at a point of origin. They inhale, and acknowledge those that came before; Exhale, and know that there are those that will come after. Inhale. Eyes open, acknowledging the myriad of paths that lay before them. Exhale. Step forward.
  2. Hey everyone Like most of you Nerd Fitness has inspired me to level up my life and create a bucket list and also a blog. Im in the process of figuring out my bucket list i guess like most people there are a few general things on there that i would like to do but after creating a dedicated site to it my goal is to come up with very specific things. This is what im at now the full list is on my newly created website Here CoolStoryCorey.com Oregon (The Training barracks) Carry a totem in your pocket for a year then give it awayMake a big donation to charitySell everything I don’t needWalk twenty miles ( Bring water)Go to the gym 3 times a week for 6 weeksBench 245pounds 4 timesGet my passportHelp someone complete one of their list items (email me ) North America (Safe Zone No PVP) Drink in CanadaDrive across countryParty at the playboy mansion (meet heff )**Attend a big award showBe a extra in a Hollywood movieStay in the Luxury Sky Villa At the palmsKiss Under the northern lightsGet in the Guinness Book of World RecordsDrink mescal in Mexico. Europe Drive on the German AutobahnsPut a hundred bucks on a long shotDrive a half million dollar car in a foreign countryEat chocolate gold cakeTravel Through the Channel TunnelLeave a letter in a library book, Look for it twenty years later Saudi Arabia Emirates Go to Ferrari WorldPlay Sky TennisFloat in the dead sea Australia Scuba divetouch the great barrier reefVisit the The Twelve ApostlesClimb the coat hanger at the Sydney harbor bridgeJump off a cliff
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