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  1. Heyo! Sammy Shark here. This is my first ever challenge and I'm really excited to get started. I'll just layout my main quest and goals and life quest today. Plans of (shark) attack to come. Main Quest: Be comfortable in my own skin. Goal 1: Run 4 times per week to train for 5K race (Jan 12) Goal 2: Complete the beginners body weight workout 3x per week Goal 3: Eat 80/20 paleo 6 days per week Life quest: Go to two OA meetings per week. A little about my motivation: In the last year, I've put on about 20lbs. Most of it (actually all of it) was during a two month period over the summer, right after my dad passed away, and while I was studying for and preparing to take the bar exam. I was already about 20lbs over weight before that, so I'm kind of super uncomfortable with my body these days. Not surprisingly, most of my clothes don't fit. My main goal is just to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin. Like, literally, while I'm sitting here typing this up, I am not comfortable in my clothes or my body. It prevents me from enjoying my life and getting out there and doing things. I don't want to have to go out and buy a new wardrobe because of all of this. I know I use food as a crutch, as a coping mechanism, and as an anesthetic. This is why I want to try out going to OA meetings during the challenge. I think I need to get a grip on some shit, and I recently saw some interesting articles about OA and I figure - why not? I can't lose anything by going. It's kind of big deal for me to publicly admit these things. I don't know anyone here, so hopefully no one will judge me based on how messed up I am... :-/ Cheers, Sammy [Edit]: How could I forget to tell you all my nerd pleasures?! I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, I love Stargate SG-1, and I also love Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and Futurama. I'm mainly a sci-fi/fantasy type of nerd. Oh, and I relgiously follow xkcd and questionable content. I think that's a good starting point. xo.
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