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  1. This challenge is modified from the very popular “Beer Yoga” PvP…that I think was originally developed by MaxCurtis and Apflestrudi. I think it was then carried on by Nymeria and perhaps others. Here are the rules this time around? Read the rules carefully! Please only do exercises that are at your level! How it works: Basically, it's a type of twister game, only instead of spinning the colour-wheel, you roll dice and instead of the twister mat, you do a yoga pose. - Use a dice generator/use a d100 die and roll once. (For example this one: http://www.rangen.co.uk/misc/dicegen.php ) - Go to the PvP Spreadsheet, look up the number you rolled. You might have one of a variety of reactions: · Oh I’m a pro at this: Good for you. Put a frown on your face and prove it! · I know that pose and kind of hate it: Even better! You won’t have to fake misery. · That’s ridiculous, I can’t do that!: Figure out an easier version or do your best. (That’s about 75% of the poses for me….scale it as much as you want, totally legit) · I can’t do that pose, I don’t know how to scale it, and I’m afraid I might get hurt: Roll again. Don't get hurt. To “reserve” the pose, write your name on the spreadsheet and color it in yellow. This means you haven’t done it yet, but you will in the next couple of days. You can only reserve one pose at a time. Figure out what you want to do to make the pose “miserable”. It’s 100% up to you. It could be something about your surroundings, the look on your face, your clothing, the pose itself. There are some suggestions and ideas in a few of the posts below...and I'm pretty sure more will be coming soon!!! Give evidence (picture or video, whatever you're comfortable with…even a drawing or detailed description if you really don’t want to post a picture) Obviously taking a picture while doing yoga is challenging. Last time I usually tried setting up my camera on a timer. Some people had a friend do it. Obviously, poorly executed yoga selfies could be miserable in their own right. After you complete the pose and post a picture, change the color on the spreadsheet to green The PvP is loosely turn-based. There will be no set order to allow people to come in whenever they want, but once you've had your turn, you have to wait for at least one person do strike a pose before you can turn again. (You can reserve another one but wait before posting). Each pose can only be done once. If you roll a number that's been rolled before, roll again! (unless we reach 100 super quick, then starts all over again in the next column!) I checked some but not all the links to pictures of the poses. If you find one that is broken, you can PM me to fix it and/or use your own google magic to figure out what the pose traditionally looks like. I know it says May 27, but you can start whenever you want! Who am I to stand in the way of misery??
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